Ajwain benefits

  1. Ajwain Leaves Health Benefits, Culinary, Medicinal Uses You Must Know
  2. Ajwain: Ayurvedic Benefits & Uses
  3. Ajwain Oil
  4. Ajwain: Health Benefits, Nutrients per Serving, Preparation Information and More
  5. Ajwain Water

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Ajwain Leaves Health Benefits, Culinary, Medicinal Uses You Must Know

Ajwain Leaves Ajwain Leaves are very common in Indian households. The aromatic seeds are used in adding flavour to a number of desi drinks, curries and even breads like parathas. It is also revered in Ayurveda for its numerous health benefits. But not a lot of people know about ajwain leaves. Although these leaves come from different plant as the true ajwain plant, the succulent leaves are still known as ajwain leaves in the Indian subcontinent. The plant that the leaves are a part of is also known as the ‘Indian Borage,’ which is also called the ajwain plant sometimes. The leaves of this plant are the real stars. They are bright green in colour and are broad and pulpy. They have a layer of very fine and soft hair atop them, and you can access these leaves by buying a pot of the Indian Borage at any nursery or botanists. The reason these leaves are known as ajwain leaves, despite being a part of a completely different plant, is that they have a smell that is similar to that of carom seeds. In Kannada, the plant is known as ‘ saveer sambar soppu,’ which literally translates to ‘thousand utility leaf.’ The scientific name of the plant is ‘Plectranthus Amboinicus’ and can easily be grown at home or in your kitchen garden. The leaves have a number of uses and can be added to dishes of your choice to add a distinctive flavour and taste to them. Ajwain Leaves Uses And Benefits 1. To Cure Cold And Cough: Ajwain leaves can be boiled with water and made into a warm concoction to re...

Ajwain: Ayurvedic Benefits & Uses

Ajwain—sometimes called ajowan—is a commonly used Ayurvedic spice. It tastes like caraway or thyme, only stronger. The seeds are small, gray-green in color and quite peppery when raw, but milder when cooked. It’s often included in Indian spice mixtures, adding robust flavor, and powerful digestive and cleansing benefits. The Ayurvedic benefits of ajwain Many of Ajwain’s health benefits come from the presence of thymol—an essential oil also present in thyme, providing a similar aroma. Ajwain is helpful for pacifying Vata and Kapha , and increases Pitta . It contributes to the pungent taste, with a slight bitter undertone. According to Ayurveda, ajwain is a powerful cleanser. It is helpful for stimulating the appetite and enhancing digestion . It is recommended to help alleviate gas and discomfort in the stomach. It is also helpful for the functioning of the respiratory system and the kidneys. Ajwain supports digestion in a variety of foods Ajwain is commonly added to deep-fried foods, such as fritters, in Indian cooking, to help ease digestion. A pinch added to buttermilk or digestive lassi can promote digestion if taken after lunch. Add a pinch to rice as it is cooking, for aroma and flavor. Ajwain can be combined with other spices such as turmeric , paprika , cumin , black pepper , fennel and coriander for synergistic benefits. You may also try ajwain tea to support cleansing and detoxification. In the Ayurvedic view, spices are more than flavor enhancers; they provide a ...

Ajwain Oil

Shutterstock.com Essential oils are extracted from different parts of their plants. Slowly gaining in popularity due to their medicinal and culinary properties, oils such as Ajwain oil can be extremely beneficial as a natural remedy to heal many ailments including nasal and respiratory conditions. What is Ajwain Oil? Ajwain is a common kitchen ingredient and is used frequently in Indian cuisine. Popularly known by the name carom seeds, ajwain originates from the Middle East, Pakistan, and India. Ajwain oil is extracted from the fruits of the Ajwain plant. It is generally colorless in nature and has a characteristic odor of a sharp taste. This oil is extensively used for its beneficial properties. Shutterstock.com Uses of Ajwain Oil Ajwain essential oil is used to alleviate symptoms of many common health problems faced by individuals today and can be massaged on the body or even consumed orally in certain conditions. Some of the uses are listed below: • In aromatherapy during massages and spa treatments. • In skin care ingredients like perfumes, bath oils, lotions, and soaps. • To clear up the mucous membranes and relieve nasal congestion. • To stimulate the appetite, as ajwain essential oil Benefits of Ajwain Oil Known to possess carminative, stimulant and anti-spasmodic properties, ajwain is also a powerful anti-microbial agent that helps cure many infections. Listed below are some of the benefits of ajwain oil: 1. Aids digestion and cleanses the body Ajwain essential oil...

Ajwain: Health Benefits, Nutrients per Serving, Preparation Information and More

Ajwain ( Trachyspermum ammi) is a plant that produces small, seed-like fruits similar to caraway and cumin. It comes from the Apiaceae family, which is a group of plants that includes celery, caraway, coriander, fennel, parsley, and parsnips. It goes by many other names, including carom seed, bishop’s weed, and ajowan caraway. Ajwain is common in Indian food. It has a strong, bitter taste with an aroma similar to thyme. The “seeds,” which are actually fruits, are typically dry-roasted or ground and used in spice mixtures. They are also used in Health Benefits Ajwain seeds have a small amount of oil in them known as ajwain oil. The oil contains thymol, a phenol that gives the fruit its thyme-like smell. Thymol is commonly used to treat digestive problems. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Here are some of the health benefits that ajwain has to offer: Digestive Health Active enzymes in ajwain improve the flow of stomach acids, which can help to relieve Infection Prevention Many of the essential oils in ajwain, most notably thymol and carvacrol, can help to fight the growth of bacteria and fungi. They may also help to fight bacteria like Lower Blood Pressure Research in rats indicates that thymol in ajwain might act to keep calcium from entering the blood vessels in your heart, helping to lower blood pressure. Cough and Congestion Relief Ajwain can provide relief from coughing as well as clear mucus from your nose, both of which make breathing easier. It ma...

Ajwain Water

15 Health Benefits of Ajwain Water • • • Irregular menses:Ajwain water is an excellent remedy for getting regular periods. • Liver and kidney malfunction:Ajwain water treats intestinal pains caused due to • • Tooth • • • Trembles:Ajwain soaked in water in the night and consumed the next morning on a daily basis is useful in treating trembling and shaking of limbs. • Eye cleanser:Another health benefits of ajwain water is that cold ajwain water can be used to wash itchy eyes for cleaning them. • • Diarrhea:Benefits of ajwain seeds are many and one of that ajwain water taken twice daily is an excellent cure for diarrhea. • • Heart:If you feel chest pain, then you get relief using Ajwain water. To cure chest pain and ger relief instantly, you can add jaggery. • Lactation:Ajwain water is excellent for lactating women as it increases