Amanda summary

  1. Amanda!: CBSE Class 10 English First Flight Amanda Poem By Robin Klein Summary & Notes
  2. Amanda Summary
  3. Amanda Class 10 Summary, Explanation, Question Answers
  4. Amanda Summary Class 10 English
  5. A Summary and Analysis of Amanda Gorman’s ‘The Hill We Climb’ – Interesting Literature
  6. My Amanda review
  7. The Amanda Gorman Banned Book Controversy, Explained

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Amanda!: CBSE Class 10 English First Flight Amanda Poem By Robin Klein Summary & Notes

Chapter 4 of the CBSE Class 10 English First Flight book consists of a poem titled Amanda!. It is written by Robin Klein. We have provided the summary along with a detailed explanation of the poem for students who find it difficult to comprehend its meaning. By going through it, students can easily understand the poem, Amanda!These Students can also go through CBSE Class 10 English First Flight Amanda! Poem Summary The poem is about a little girl, Amanda, who is constantly pointed out by her mother for making mistakes. Robin Klein has beautifully expressed the girl’s feelings in the poem about how she is controlled and instructed by her mother for small things. The poem conveys an important message that children should never be deprived of their freedom. They should not feel that their parents constantly nag them for every single thing they do. It’s the responsibility of the parents to bring up their children in such a way that they understand their viewpoint instead of getting frustrated. Children should not feel that an orphan has more freedom than them. CBSE Class 10 English First Flight Amanda! Summary and Explanation Notes Here, we have provided the poem, followed by a detailed explanation. Go through it to understand the meaning of the poem in depth. Amanda! Poem Explanation Notes Don’t bite your nails, Amanda! Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda! Stop that slouching and sit up straight, Amanda! (There is a languid, emerald sea, where the sole inhabitant is me— a merm...


Amanda By – Robin Klein Plot/ Theme / Central Idea of the Lesson/ Literary Analysis of Amanda/ Main Idea The greatest wealth that a child wants to possess is his/her freedom. And the thing that he or she never likes is the constant nagging, unwanted instructions and even overprotection of the parents. `Amanda’ is the story of a young girl who is constantly controlled and instructed to do one thing or the other by her parents. Every child wants to enjoy the dreamy and romantic world of his/her childhood. She doesn’t want to cut this romantic and fascinating world of hers short. Any kind of instruction or interference curtails her freedom. She doesn’t want to be denied chocolate and wants to sit and behave exactly as she wants. She would rather indulge in fantasies than clean her room or her shoes. She wants to postpone growing up. She wants to remain a child for just a little bit longer. Style In ‘Amanda’, each of the stanza spoken by her mother follows the rhyme scheme: as ba. The last word of the first, second and fourth lines are the same. On the other hand, the stanzas spoken by Amanda consists of the three rhyming lines each. The use of metaphor is used effectively as a poetic device in 2nd, 4th and 6th stanzas. Amanda imagines herself as first as a mermaid, then as an orphan and finally becomes Rapunzel.

Amanda Summary

Amanda Summary f The poem Amanda is by the poet Robin Klein. Here, we have provided you with the summary of Amanda along with a detailed explanation of the verse for the students, who find it challenging to comprehend the meaning and literary aspects of the poem. The poem Amanda primarily emphasizes the upkeep of a small child, whose name is Amanda. The poem illustrates the struggles of that young child. Through the poem Amanda, poet Robin Klein furnishes the critical point that children should never be deprived of their freedom. However, parents become responsible for the proper upbringing of a child but should ensure not to make them feel imprisoned or incarcerated. (Image will be Uploaded Soon) In this poem, the little Amanda is ready to be accepted by society, and this training wants to cut short her freedom. Her imagination is crumpled with insufficient space, and this situation makes her annoyed, which usurps her desire to be an orphan. This continuous annoyance can be felt throughout the poem and turns little Amanda into a moody nuisance. Hence, the whole trajectory of the poem, Amanda is a familiar environment with which we can either understand or relate. About the Poet Robin Klein is one of Australia’s most beloved and prolific Young Adult authors. Klein worked several jobs at the age of fifteen before becoming an established writer and published her first story at the age of sixteen. Robin Klein has written over 40 books that are hugely celebrated for winning th...

Amanda Class 10 Summary, Explanation, Question Answers

Amanda Class 10 English Poem 6 Summary, Explanation with Video, Question Answers from First Flight Book Amanda - Here is Class 10 English First Flight Poem 6 Amanda Summary and Detailed explanation of the poem along with meanings of difficult words. Also, the explanation is followed by the literary devices used and a Summary of the Poem. All the exercises and Question Answers are given at the back of the lesson have been covered. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • By Ruchika Gupta Class 10 English Poem 6 Amanda By Robin Klein Theme of the Poem The theme of Robin Klein's poem "Amanda" is childhood innocence and the challenges of maturing. The poem tells the story of a little girl named Amanda as she faces the difficulties of growing up, when her mother expects her to behave responsibly and she desires to escape from the duties of growing up. The poem emphasises the battle to maintain the freedom and joy of childhood when adult duties start to take control. Top Top Amanda Summary Summary of the Poem Amanda - The poem describes a girl named Amanda and her mother who is nagging her for her mistakes. She is first pointed out most probably by her mother for biting her nails and for not sitting in the right posture. The mother also feels that Amanda sits in a very lazy manner. To this, Amanda imagines herself as a mermaid who lives a calm and relaxing life in the beautiful green sea. Further, she is nagged for not cleaning her room and shoes and also for not doing her homework. She ...

Amanda Summary Class 10 English

Amanda Summary: The “First Flight” book for English class 10 which is used in CBSE schools has a poem named ‘Amanda’—written by “Robin Klein”. Children who find it difficult to understand the Summary of the poem Amanda of class 10 because of its difficult words and framing of sentences can leave their worries as we are here helping you to understand the verse in detail by providing you with an explanation of the poem Amanda. Here we have given the para-wise Amanda Summary explanation. Table of Contents • • • • • • • • • Amanda Summary The poet “Robin Klein” is trying to highlight the problems that occur in the upbringing of a small child. Amanda is a kid somewhere around 12-13 years old, who goes to school. She is fed up with her mom, as she always tries to control her. This frequent interference with her mother, makes her feel unhappy and irritated. Poet is trying to tell every parent, that child’s freedom and space are very important. She is trying to conclude with the poem that every child needs some space to grow and create her own thoughts. Check Now >>> If parents intervene with their thoughts and try to point them out at every step, even where it is not necessary, it makes a child irritated and furious. Our goal is to provide a summary of the poem Amanda paragraph-wise so that it becomes easy for everyone to understand the true meaning of the poem. About the Poet Robin McMaugh Klein is an Australian poet. She was born on 28 February 1936. Robin Klein was born and br...

A Summary and Analysis of Amanda Gorman’s ‘The Hill We Climb’ – Interesting Literature

But this shade may only seem never-ending. Even when day comes, it seems to be dark; and life seems like a sea stretching out before us, which we must wade through. To be proverbially ‘in the belly of the beast’ means to be at the heart of a dangerous situation, the epicentre of danger. The image may have been suggested by the sea in the previous line, summoning the biblical story of In this opening stanza, Gorman draws on the idea of the ‘day’ and ‘dawn’, suggesting a new start: a fitting motif for the inauguration of a new President. Gorman is hopeful: she states that the United States is not broken, but merely ‘unfinished’: it’s a work in progress, which can be improved. As an example, Gorman references her own success: she, an African-American woman who was raised by a single mother and who is descended from black slaves, can (thanks to the first black President, Barack Obama, under whom Biden, incidentally, served as Vice-President) dream of growing up to be President. And in the meantime, here she is, Amanda Gorman, reciting for a President. In the second stanza of ‘The Hill We Climb’, Gorman acknowledges that, yes, America is a country is not perfect. She differentiates between unrealistic aspiration (forming a country that is ‘perfect’: an unattainable goal) and purposeful improvement (playing nicely upon the similar sounds, and the alliteration, of ‘perfect’ and ‘purpose’: a purposeful swerving away from perfection, we might say). Talking of alliteration, we get a...

My Amanda review

• Streaming Service • Netflix • Amazon Prime • HBO Max • Apple TV+ • Disney+ • Hulu • Movies • Action Movies • Animated Movies • Anime Movies • Christmas Movies • Comedy Movies • Drama Movies • Fantasy Movies • Horror Movies • K-Drama Movies • Romance Movies • Sci-Fi Movies • Shows • Action Shows • Animated Shows • Anime Shows • Comedy Shows • Drama Shows • Fantasy Shows • Horror Shows • K-Drama Shows • Romance Shows • Sci-Fi Shows • Where to Watch Discovery Tool One of the striking messages that shines through My Amanda is this idea that being in love does not mean having those feelings leads to physical attachments. Love can be complicated, existing over years of friendship, but somehow remaining platonic. This romance film presents two best friends (Amanda and TJ) who are flagrantly made for each other, yet for whatever reason, it’s never led to the path of a relationship. The Netflix film follows their friendship as they bond with each other at different stages of their adult lives. They chill with ease, they flirt, and continuously find time for each other. My Amanda cleverly has both characters acting differently; Amanda shows love for her best friend using actions and words, while TJ shows fewer signs, and uses humor to get through moments of “what if?” However, TJ narrates the film, and he describes his love for Amanda throughout. The performances from both lead actors ( But despite the performances, it is a middling story. There’s nothing entirely groundbreaking i...

The Amanda Gorman Banned Book Controversy, Explained

Reporting Advertisements The Hill We Climb at a Florida elementary school. Her book was part of a longrunning controversy about which Gorman — Amanda Gorman (@TheAmandaGorman) Amanda Gorman’s The Hill We Climb: Social Media Discourse Alongside Gorman’s tweet, a photograph of her typed statement read: I’m gutted. Because of one parent’s complaint, my inaugural poem, The Hill We Climb, has been banned from an elementary school in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Book bans aren’t new. But they have been on the rise — according to the ALA, 40% more books were challenged in 2022 compared to 2021. What’s more, often all it takes to remove these works from our libraries and schools is a single objection. And let’s be clear: most of the forbidden works are by authors who have struggled for generations to get on bookshelves. The majority of these censored works are by queer and non-white voices. I wrote The Hill We Climb so that all young people could see themselves in a historical moment. Ever since, I’ve received countless letters and videos from children inspired by The Hill We Climb to write their own poems. Robbing children of the chance to find their voices in literature is a violation of their right to free thought and free speech. What can we do? We must speak out and have our voices heard. That’s why my publisher, Penguin Random House, joined PEN America, authors, and community members in a lawsuit in Florida’s Escambia County to challenge book restrictions like these. To help,...