Aos animation

  1. How to create scroll animations using the AOS library
  2. CSS Animation Without CSS
  3. The Best Scroll Animation Library
  4. Create the Ultimate User Experience with AOS (Animate on Scroll)
  5. Animate on Scroll Library for Shiny • aos
  6. How to Implement Animate on Scroll in Angular Web Apps
  7. GitHub

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How to create scroll animations using the AOS library

AOS (Animate On Scroll) is a library that allows you to apply different types of on scroll animations to elements (blocks, images, …) that make up your website. You can use AOS with different frameworks or JavaScript libraries like Angular, React, VueJs simply by using CDNs or via the package managers npm, yarn, or bower. A mathematical function that describes how the animation will evolve.Its possible values are : • linear • ease • ease-in • ease-out • ease-in-out • ease-in-back • ease-out-back • ease-in-out-back • ease-in-sine • ease-out-sine • ease-in-out-sine • ease-in-quad • ease-out-quad • ease-in-out-quad • ease-in-cubic • ease-out-cubic • ease-in-out-cubic • ease-in-quart • ease-out-quart • ease-in-out-quart This parameter is used to define from which position the animation is launched. By default, it starts from the moment when the top part of the element is displayed on the screen. It accepts other values that form a combination of top, bottom, center separated by “-“. Exemple : top-top , top-center , top-bottom , center-center , … This change in parameter is compensated to trigger animations sooner or later. For example, if you set the offset to 0, it means that the animation will be triggered when the top of the element reaches the bottom of the screen. On the other hand, if you set it to 300, it means that you will have to scroll the screen another 300px to see the animation. The default value of the data-aos-offset property is 120 (px).

CSS Animation Without CSS

"CSS is beautiful but hard". Most developers can agree on that statement. In fact many backend developers left the frontend because of the difficulty it posed. CSS Animation is one of the most difficult part of CSS. Well, there is good news. Developers have been developing libraries to help us boycott writing too many CSS than is necessary. That is Awesome!!! In this article, I will be introducing you to one of those libraries. It is called AOS is a free library on Without further talks, let's get practical. I will be demonstrating how to use it on React and plain JavaScript projects. Get the React starter Project • Add the following CSS link to the head tag in the index.html Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode You See that the nav animation is smoother? That's the beauty! Now you get the point. Animate the other part of the web page as you desire • All codes are There are a whole lot you can do with AOS. I encourage you to play around with it and see what result you get. If you have questions or comments, please drop them in the comment section. See you soon. Nice, declarative animation framework can speed things up tremendously. Of course, one should understand the fundamentals to be able to build their own custom stuff, but for the average user who just wants to spice up their websites/profiles with a little extra on top without spending hours or days practicing CSS, letting someone else handle it makes things a lot easier. Like comment: Like comment: 6 likes Lik...

The Best Scroll Animation Library

Share In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to easily create an animation on any HTML element that will trigger on scroll in just a few minutes using What is AOS AOS is a library design especially for detecting and adding animation when scrolling. This is not to be confused with the lazy load because all the images will still be loaded at the same time and not the scroll. The AOS is working on the animation only. You’ll need to handle the asynchronous load by yourself. The usage is very simple. Once install the library, you’ll only need to add data-aos attribute to the element you want to add the animation. Below code will make the div fade in upward direction when user scroll to it. AOS have lots of built-in animation preset but you can also make a custom one if need. How to Install Let’s install the library using ... And that’s it! Customization Now let’s talk about the setting options. AOS allows you to customize the animation properties such as delay, offset or speed. There are two ways to change them. First is global option. When you initialize the library, you can add the setting object. This setting will be applied to all animation in that page. AOS.init(); Or if I want to add a delay the animation of a specific image by 2 seconds, I’m going to add data-aos-delay attribute for 2000 milliseconds. Use other Element to Trigger the Animation The cool feature that I think it’s very useful is using other element as an animation trigger. You can make one elemen...


As front-end developer, a popular request you might get from your clients is to implement stunning animation effects on page scroll. There are many libraries to make this task easier for us. Animate on Scroll, is one such library and it does exactly what its name suggests: it lets you apply different kinds of animations to elements as they scroll into view. Here, you will learn about the inner workings of AOS, how to install the library and get it to work. By the end of this tutorial, building animations on scroll for your clients will be a breeze. How to Install the AOS Library You can install AOS using Bower: bower install aos --save npm: npm install aos --save Next, link AOS styles and scripts: If you prefer, you can download the AOS stylesheet and JavaScript files using a CDN as follows: The CSS: The JavaScript: That’s it, there are no other dependencies, which helps to keep your website’s performance under control. To initialize AOS, just write the line below in your JavaScript file. AOS . init ( ) ; Getting Started With AOS After initializing the library all you have to do is add some specific attributes. To use basic animations you just need to add data-aos="animation_name" to your HTML elements. There are several types of animation you can choose from. For example, you can add fade animations like “fade”, “fade-up” and “fade-down-left”. Similarly, you can also add flip and slide animations like “flip-up”, “flip-left”, “slide-down”, and “slide-right”. Here’s t...

Create the Ultimate User Experience with AOS (Animate on Scroll)

AOS? As front-end developer, a popular request you might get from your clients is to implement stunning animation effects on page scroll. AOS (Animate on Scroll) is the most popular library for the purpose of making this task easier for us. AOS is a library developed by To see an example of a project using AOS, click The animation effects available by default are shown below. NOTE: The animations can be further customized using the various properties like data-aos-duration. AOS AOS can be installed using Bower or npm. Bower: Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Additional properties can be used to configure the animations: • data-aos-delay: You can use this attribute to specify the delay of the animation play time. The duration value can be anywhere between 0 and 3000 with steps of 50ms. Since the duration is handled in CSS, using smaller steps or a wider range would have unnecessarily increased the size of the CSS code. The default value for this attribute is 0. • data-aos-offset: You can use this attribute to trigger the animation sooner or later than the designated time. Its default value is 120px. • data-aos-duration: You can use this attribute to specify the duration of the animation. The duration value can be anywhere between 50 and 3000 with steps of 50ms. Since the duration is handled in CSS, using smaller steps or a wider range would have unnecessarily increased the size of the CSS code. This range should be sufficient for almost all animations. The default ...

Animate on Scroll Library for Shiny • aos

ui = align = "center", disable = "mobile"), # add use_aos() in the UI element = "Shiny with AOS - Animation On Scroll"), animation = "fade-up", duration = "3000"), element = "plot"), animation = "flip-left", delay = "200", duration = "2000", easing = "ease-out-cubic") function(input, output, session) { $plot <- colour = class)) + The function The For example, you can change the offset to trigger animations later (200px instead of the default 120px), the duration of the animations (600ms instead of 400ms), the easing (“ease-in-sine” instead of “ease”), the delay (300ms instead of 0ms) or disable the animation for mobile phones (global setting). :: offset = "200", duration = "600", easing = "ease-in-sine", delay = "300", disable = "mobile" Check out the The arguments duration and delay accept only values from “50” to “3000”, with step 50ms. The attribute anchor_placement allows to set different placement option, for example top-center, i.e. the animation will be triggered when top of element will reach center of the window. ` `` . The animation effects are listed in the documentation Below an example with the “fade-up” animation with other arguments.

How to Implement Animate on Scroll in Angular Web Apps

Introduction Animations pique a user's interest in applications. Not only that, animations can also be used to improve UX(user experience) considering the fact that making dramatic transitions and movements on the screen can be a way to retain a user’s attention while the content of a page loads . In this article, we’ll go over how to use the Learning Objectives At the end of this article, you would have learned how to: • Install and configure the Animate On Scroll Library • Initialize and animate web pages in Angular applications. Prerequisites To get the most out of this tutorial, a basic understanding of the following is required; • HTML • CSS • Angular • Typescript Let's get started by going over the step-by-step process to achieve the learning objectives of this tutorial. An angular app must be running before we begin at all. This can be accomplished by executing the following sequence of commands: Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode All of our routing configuration would need to be defined in our angular project's app-routing.module.ts file. Angular CLI will add the app-routing.module.ts file to our Angular project if we answer "YES" to the question "Would you like to add Angular routing?". Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode The above command will install the animation library, and once it has been successfully installed, it is important to update the styles array in the angular.json file to include the animation library. To do this, open the angular.j...


Now part of Blazorise Starting from the 2020/12/1, Blazor.Animate is now proud to be part of the Blazorise: Blazor.Animate Easily add fade, slide and zoom-effects into your Blazor applications. Blazor.Animate is powered by the excellent Blazor.Animate is an animation component for Blazor. With Blazor.Animate you can animate how other components are brought to the view. You can easily add fade, slide and zoom-effects and even add easing to the animations. Quick Start To animate a component, wrap it inside Animate-component and use the Animation-parameter to define the animation: Sample For a sample, please view The sample's source code is available from GitHub: Running animation manually It's possible to run the animation manually. Please note that the animated component will be hidden until the animation is manually executed. To animate component manually, first set the IsManual to true and also capture the reference to the component: @code The Manual.razor page in the sample illustrates this functionality. Animations To define an animation, use the Animation-property of the Animate-component. The built-in animations are available from BlazorAnimate.Animations: • Fade • FadeIn • FadeUp • FadeDown • FadeLeft • FadeRight • FadeUpRight • FadeUpLeft • FadeDownRight • FadeDownLeft • FlipUp • FlipDown • FlipLeft • FlipRight • SlideUp • SlideDown • SlideLeft • SlideRight • ZoomIn • ZoomInUp • ZoomInDown • ZoomInLeft • ZoomInRight • ZoomOut • ZoomOutUp • ZoomOutDown • ZoomOutLef...