Apollo extension

  1. Apollo GraphQL
  2. GitHub
  3. Apollo.io: Find B2B Contact Info for Free
  4. Understanding Client
  5. Apollo
  6. Apollo (app)

Download: Apollo extension
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Apollo GraphQL

Apollo GraphQL for VS Code GraphQL has the potential to create incredible developer experiences, thanks to its strongly typed schema and query language. The Apollo platform brings these possibilities to life by enhancing your editor with rich metadata from your graph API. The Apollo GraphQL extension for VS Code brings an all-in-one tooling experience for developing apps with Apollo. • Add • Get instant feedback and • Seamlessly manage your client-side schema alongside your remote one • • Validate field and argument usage in operations • • Manage • Getting started Some features of this extension (like syntax highlighting) will work without any configuration, but to get all of the benefits of the VS Code experience, it's best to link the schema that is being developed against before installing the extension. The best way to do that is by • Create an apollo.config.js at the root of the project • Copy an API key from the Apollo Studio dashboard of the published graph Setting up an Apollo config In order for the VS Code plugin to know how to find the schema, it needs to be linked to either a published schema or a local one. To link a project to a published schema, edit the apollo.config.js file to look like this: module.exports = Get the extension Once you have a config set up and a schema published, install the Apollo GraphQL extension by using this Apollo in the VS Code extension marketplace. After installation, try opening a file containing a GraphQL operation. When a file...


app-extension-apollo Statements Branches Functions Lines This is the official Quasar App-Extension for adding GraphQL to your Quasar project. NOTE: If you are looking for the Quasar v2 (Vue3) compatible version, Introductions This app extension adds GraphQL support to your Quasar projects. It uses Server side rendering (SSR) mode is also supported by this extension. Installation quasar ext add @quasar/apollo Quasar CLI will retrieve the extension from NPM ( Note: Some code will be added to the html template file of your app ( src/index.template.html) Configure quasar.conf.js so .Vue files work Apollo client's "Tagged Template Strings" In order for the build property in your quasar.conf.js file. chainWebpack ( chain , Prompts You will be prompted to enter the URI of your GraphQL endpoint. You can skip this and instead provide the URI using an environment variable when running Quasar: quasar ext remove @quasar/apollo And remove the chainWebpack code from quasar.conf.js Note: The added code to the html template file ( src/index.template.html) will be removed. Warning Added directory src/apollo will be removed, if you need, make a backup before uninstalling the extension. Configuration Apollo client can be configured through src/apollo/apollo-client-config.js. Advanced configuration Apollo client The extension provides two hooks, one gets called before the apollo client instantiation and the other afterwards. The hooks are apolloClientBeforeCreate and apolloClientAfterCreate,...

Apollo.io: Find B2B Contact Info for Free

Apollo enables users to find contact info, connect with buyers, track emails, and more for free. 📣 Find buyers, connect faster, and grow your business. Use Apollo’s Chrome Extension to access verified contact data, engage instantly, and uncover deeper insights into the tools you use every day, including LinkedIn, Gmail, Google Calendar, Salesforce, and any company website. 🔥 HOW DOES IT WORK? 🔎 LinkedIn Prospector and Automation - Prospect faster with Apollo’s verified contact data, insights, and automation directly on LinkedIn. Use the extension to automatically send LinkedIn connection requests and messages in bulk, add people to lists and sequences, click to call, and view contact and account insights without leaving LinkedIn. 🕵 Apollo Everywhere - Apollo’s extension layers over your prospect’s webpage to help you search for contacts, access contact data, and uncover key information without switching websites. 📅 Google Calendar Integration - Access Apollo data in your Google Calendar for your daily meetings and log meeting notes without having to jump from site to site before your calls. 📩 Gmail Integration - Utilize Apollo’s extension in Gmail to place contacts in automated follow-up sequences, add commonly used text, links, or paragraphs instantly, apply templates to emails, configure open and click tracking on your emails, and get reminders to follow up with recipients that haven’t responded. 💸 Salesforce Integration - View any contact or account in Salesforce and us...

Understanding Client

Ever tried interacting with a GraphQL server in a client-side application and felt like giving up even before getting anywhere? Ever declined an invitation to join a code base that requires working with GraphQL API because you had no idea? Ever felt like the only front-end engineer who hasn’t learned how to consume GraphQL APIs? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this tutorial is for you. We’ll be taking a closer look at a few basics of GraphQL and Apollo Client, as well as how to work with both of them. By the end, we’ll have built a pet shop app that uses Apollo Client. Then, you can go on to build your next project. According to Being a query language, GraphQL simplifies the workflow of building a client application. It removes the complexity of managing API endpoints in client-side apps because it exposes a single HTTP endpoint to fetch the required data. Hence, it But GraphQL is just a query language. In order to use it easily, we need a platform that does the heavy lifting for us. One such platform is Apollo. The Apollo platform is an implementation of GraphQL that transfers data between the cloud (the server) to the UI of your app. When you use Apollo Client, all of the logic for retrieving data, tracking, loading, and updating the UI is encapsulated by the useQuery hook (as in the case of React). Hence, data fetching is declarative. It also has zero-configuration caching. Just by setting up Apollo Client in your app, you get an intelligent cache ou...


Engage students with fun interactive lessons. Teach your old content new tricks. Just drag and drop your files into Apollo to create a fun interactive lesson. Students connect to your Apollo lesson on their devices during class so they can participate like never before. Hand off teaching control to students or test their knowledge in real-time. Best of all, students can access lessons from home and even replay them with audio.

Apollo (app)

Third-party Reddit client Apollo for Reddit Christian Selig Initial release 23October 2017 ;5 years ago ( 2017-10-23) Website .io Apollo for Reddit is a third-party Usage and design [ ] Apollo was created with consideration for Apple's official iOS guidelines for apps, and features a gesture-based design. In comparison to Reddit's official app, Apollo does not feature advertisements for non-paying users. However, customizable gesture controls, multiple accounts, and creating posts is locked behind a US$5 minimum known as "Apollo Pro". For US$1 per month, users can pay for "Apollo Ultra", which features push notifications and custom themes. History [ ] I really think an iOS app should look and feel like an iOS app, and an Android app should respect Material Design. I think designing for the middle results in a clunky experience where the potential of both platforms is never realized to the fullest. Apollo is an iOS app period, built to take advantage of iOS features and feel like a beautiful, familiar iOS app. Christian Selig,in a Reddit post announcing Apollo. Launch [ ] In October 2014, Reddit acquired CA$27,335 for the Reddit API changes [ ] Main article: On 18 April 2023, Reddit announced it would charge companies for access to its US$12,000 for 50 million requests; in April, Apollo made 7 billion requests, coming out to US$1.7 million per month or US$20 million a year. The decision threatens the longevity of Selig, who doesn't have "that kind of money" nor knows how to...