Armstrong number in python

  1. Mastering Armstrong Number in Python: Unleash Math Power!
  2. 4 Digit Armstrong Number in Python
  3. Armstrong Number in Python using While Loop
  4. Armstrong Number In Python
  5. Armstrong Number In Python (5 programs)
  6. 3 Digit Armstrong Number in Python
  7. performance
  8. Armstrong Number in Python using For Loop
  9. Armstrong Number in Python
  10. performance

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Mastering Armstrong Number in Python: Unleash Math Power!

Introduction An Armstrong number is a fascinating mathematical concept that can be easily implemented in Python. It is a number that is equal to the sum of its digits raised to the power of the number of digits. In this post, we will explore how to identify Armstrong number in Python, and the significance of this concept in programming. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, this post will introduce you to the power of mathematics in Python. Let’s get started! But why should we study and learn about these numbers? Well, these numbers have much more things to do in real life. These numbers are not simply found in mathematics for learning; they have a wide range of applications, like the Fibonacci numbers. The Armstrong numbers are widely used in cryptography and data security. Details of how do these numbers used and implemented in cryptography are beyond the scope of this present article. n = int(input("Enter a Number:")) size = len(str(n)) temp = n sum = 0 num = str(n) for i in num: digit = temp % 10 sum += digit ** size temp = temp//10 if (sum == n): print(f" is not an Armstrong number") Output 74 is not an Armstrong number Armstrong Number Using While Loop Just like we can use the for loop, we can also implement the previous logic in the while loop too. Example (2) num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) sum = 0 size = len(str(n)) temp = num while temp > 0: digit = temp % 10 sum += digit ** size temp //= 10 if (sum == num): print(f" is not an Armstrong nu...

4 Digit Armstrong Number in Python

4 Digit Armstrong Number in Python | In this post, we will discuss Example of Armstrong Number:- Let’s assume a number as 9, the number of digits is 1 so 9 to the power of 1 is 9 there 9 is an Armstrong number. Python Program to Check 4 Digit Armstrong Number Armstrong number program in python for 4 digits is the condition where we find only 4 digit Armstrong numbers. Now, let’s see the algorithm for the Armstrong number in python. An algorithm is a pseudo code to solve the problem, that is it is a step-by-step procedure. Step 1: Take a number. Step 2: Declare a variable to store the sum and initialize it to 0. Step 3: Find the count of digits in the given number. Step 4: For each digit in a number multiply it to the count of digits and add it to the sum variable. Step 5: Check whether the given number and sum are equal or not. Step 6: If both are equal then print “The number is an Armstrong number”, else print “The number is not an Armstrong number”. # Python program to check 4 digit armstrong number # take inputs number = 1634 # find armstrong number temp = number sum = 0 while temp != 0: digits = temp % 10 sum += digits * digits * digits * digits temp = temp // 10 # check armstrong number or not if sum == number: print(number, "is a four-digit Armstrong number.") else: print(number, "is not a four-digit Armstrong number.") Output:- 1634 is a four-digit Armstrong number. Any Armstrong number other than 4 digits Armstrong number will be printed as “not an Armstrong number...

Armstrong Number in Python using While Loop

Armstrong Number in Python using While Loop | In this post, we will discuss the For an example of Armstrong number:- (i) Let’s assume a number as 8, the number of digits is 1 so 8 to the power of 1 is 8 there 8 is an Armstrong number. (ii) 371 – there are 3 digits so, each digit will be raised to 3 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1 = 371. = 371. Therefore 371 is an Armstrong number. Algorithm for Armstrong Number in Python using While Loop Now, let’s see the algorithm for the Armstrong number in python using a while loop. An algorithm is a pseudo code to solve the problem, that is it is a step-by-step procedure. Step 1: Take a number. Step 2: declare a variable to store the sum and initialize it to 0. Step 3: find the count of digits in the given number. Step 4: for each digit in a number multiply it to the count of digits and add it to the sum variable. Step 5: Check whether the given number and sum is equal or not. Step 6: if both are equal then print “The number is an Armstrong number” Else print “The number is not an Armstrong number”. Python Program to Check Armstrong number using While Loop Let’s see a python program to check Armstrong number using a while loop, while loop is a loop that executes until the condition is false, once the condition becomes false flow comes out of the loop. To find the Armstrong number we need to repeat the same steps several times until the number becomes 0 so we use a while loop. # Python program to check armstrong number using while loop # take in...

Armstrong Number In Python

Write a Python Program to check if it is an Armstrong number or not and also we are going to cover the below topics. • What is Armstrong’s number in python • Armstrong number in Python using for loop • How to check whether it is an Armstrong number or not in Python using a while loop • Armstrong number in Python using recursion • Armstrong number in Python using if else • How we can display the Armstrong number in Python for a given range • Armstrong number in Python without using string function • Armstrong number in Python between 1 to 1000 • Armstrong number in Python using def function • Armstrong number in Python using list comprehension • 4-digit Armstrong number in Python • Armstrong number in Python using lambda Table of Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • Armstrong number in python • The sum of the cubes of an Armstrong number’s digits. The Armstrong numbers, for instance, are 0, 1, 153, 370, 371, and 407. • In Python, the Armstrong number is a number where the product of all the digits added together equals the given number. For example, 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 equals 153 for a given integer. • In order to find a 3-digit Armstrong number, we must first extract each digit from the number, multiply it three times to determine its cube, and then add all those cubes. • We’ll now compare the sum to the supplied number. We refer to a number as being an Armstrong number if the total of its cubes equals the actual number; otherwise, it is not. Example: Let’s try to understand it in...

Armstrong Number In Python (5 programs)

PYTHON TUTORIAL• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Armstrong Number In Python In this article, we are going to see Armstrong number in Python. We will learn about Armstrong numbers, then will write a code to find if a number is an Armstrong number or not, find the Nth Armstrong number, etc. Table of Contents• • • • • What Is Armstrong Number? An Armstrong number is a number that is equal to the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits in the number. For example, the number 371 is an Armstrong number since 3 3 + 7 3 + 1 3 = 371. Another example is the number 153, since 1 3 + 5 3 + 3 3 = 153. The first few Armstrong numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 153, 370, 371, 407, 1634, 8208, 9474, 54748, 92727, 93084, 548834, 1741725, 4210818, 9800817, 9926315, 24678050, 24678051, 88593477, 146511208, 472335975, 534494836, 912985153, 4679307774, … Python Program To Check Armstrong Number Let's create a Python program to check if a number is Armstrong number or not. The program should ask the user to enter a number and then check if the number is an Armstrong number or not. Here is the code for the Armstrong number in Python. def is_Armstrong(num): # find the number of digits in the number digits = len(str(num)) # convert num to integer num = int(num) # find sum of digits # execute while loop sum = 0 checkNum = num while (checkNum > 0): sum += (checkNum%10)**digits checkNum = int(checkNum/10) # print("sum=", sum) if(num==sum): print(f"") return startNum ...

3 Digit Armstrong Number in Python

3 Digit Armstrong Number in Python | In this post, we will discuss Example of Armstrong number:- (i) Let’s assume a number as 5, the number of digits is 1 so 5 to the power of 1 is 5 there 5 is an Armstrong number. (ii) 371 – there are 3 digits so, each digit will be raised to 3 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1 = 371. Therefore 371 is an Armstrong number. Python Program to Check 3 Digit Armstrong Number Armstrong number program in python for 3 digits is the condition where we find only 3 digit Armstrong numbers. Now, let’s see the algorithm for the Armstrong number in python. An algorithm is a pseudo code to solve the problem, that is it is a step-by-step procedure. Step 1: Take a number. Step 2: declare a variable to store the sum and initialize it to 0 Step 3: find the count of digits in the given number Step 4: for each digit in a number multiply it to the count of digits and add it to the sum variable. Step 5: Check whether the given number and sum is equal or not Step 6: if both are equal then print “The number is an Armstrong number” Else print “The number is not an Armstrong number”. # Python program to check 3 digit armstrong number # take inputs number = 370 # find armstrong number temp = number sum = 0 while temp != 0: digits = temp % 10 sum += digits * digits * digits temp = temp // 10 # check armstrong number or not if sum == number: print(number, "is a three-digit Armstrong number.") else: print(number, "is not a three-digit Armstrong number.") Output:- 370 is a three-di...


I have written a Python program to check for Armstrong numbers in a certain range. An Armstrong number of three digits is an integer such that the sum of the cubes of its digits is equal to the number itself. For example, 371 is an Armstrong number since 3**3 + 7**3 + 1**3 = 371. Here is my code: lower = int(input("Enter lower range: ")) upper = int(input("Enter upper range: ")) for num in range(lower, upper + 1): order = len(str(num)) sum = 0 temp = num while temp > 0: digit = temp % 10 sum += digit ** order temp //= 10 if num == sum: print(num) Here is an example output: Enter lower range: 200 Enter upper range: 5000 370 371 407 1634 So, I would like to know whether I could make this program shorter and more efficient. Any help would be highly appreciated. Names Using sum as a variable name is not adviced as it hides the sum builtin. I'd suggest sum_pow as an alternative. Also, temp does not convey much information. I'd use remaining even though I am not fully convinced. Extracting digits from a number You've used divisions and modulo to compute the different digits for a number. You can use divmod which is a pretty unknown builtin which returns the result for both operations in one go. That would give: remaining = num while remaining: remaining, digit = divmod(remaining, 10) sum_pow += digit ** order Also, a better alternative would be to avoid doing this ourselves: extracting the different digits is pretty much what str does for us. Also, we already call it anyway, we ...

Armstrong Number in Python using For Loop

Armstrong Number in Python using For Loop | In this post, we will discuss the For Example:- (i) Let’s assume a number as 3, the number of digits is 1 so 3 to the power of 1 is 3 there 3 is an Armstrong number. (ii) 371 – there are 3 digits so, each digit will be raised to 3 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1 = 371. Therefore 371 is an Armstrong number. Python Program to Find Armstrong Number using For Loop We can also set intervals to find the Armstrong number; this works as follows. Python code takes two intervals, upper limit and lower limit, and checks for the Armstrong number in between them. # Python program to find armstrong number using for loop # take range low = 1 up = 10 # find armstrong number in range for i in range(low, up +1): pow = len(str(i)) sum = 0 temp = i while temp > 0: digits = temp %10 sum += digits ** pow temp //= 10 if i == sum: print(i) Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In the code, we have taken an interval from 1 to 10 so the output will be the Armstrong number between 1 to 10, We use a for loop to iterate the number between the range and then find the Armstrong number between the specified range. Armstrong Number in Python using For Loop In the previous program, the range is hardcoded in the program but in this program, we will find the Armstrong number in an interval given by the user. # Python program to find armstrong number using for loop # take range low = int(input("Enter the lower limit: ")) up = int(input("Enter the upper limit: ")) # find armstrong number ...

Armstrong Number in Python

Introduction to Armstrong Number in Python A number is an Armstrong number if it is equal to the sum of its own digits raised to the number of digits’ power. Let us understand Armstrong’s number by taking an example of a number. Let the number be n. Find out the number of digits in the number. Each digit in the number is taken and raised to the power n. All those are added together, and if the sum of all these numbers is equal to the number itself, then the number n is an Armstrong number. If not, the number n is not an Armstrong number. How to Determine Armstrong Number in Python? Let us understand the logic on how to determine the Armstrong numbers in python. Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others • The input number is read using input(). • The entered value is checked to determine if it is an integer or not. • The entered value is checked to determine if it is greater than zero. • Declare a variable and assign it to zero. • The remainder of the input number is found out by using the modulus (%) operator, and this gives each digit in the number. • The cube of each digit is found and added to the initialized variable in step 4. • The resulting number is floor divided by 10. • Until the input number is not greater than zero, repeat steps 5,6 and 7. • If the input number is equal to the initialized variable, the statement that • If the input number is not equal to the initialized variable, the statement that the number is not an Armstrong number i...


I have written a Python program to check for Armstrong numbers in a certain range. An Armstrong number of three digits is an integer such that the sum of the cubes of its digits is equal to the number itself. For example, 371 is an Armstrong number since 3**3 + 7**3 + 1**3 = 371. Here is my code: lower = int(input("Enter lower range: ")) upper = int(input("Enter upper range: ")) for num in range(lower, upper + 1): order = len(str(num)) sum = 0 temp = num while temp > 0: digit = temp % 10 sum += digit ** order temp //= 10 if num == sum: print(num) Here is an example output: Enter lower range: 200 Enter upper range: 5000 370 371 407 1634 So, I would like to know whether I could make this program shorter and more efficient. Any help would be highly appreciated. Names Using sum as a variable name is not adviced as it hides the sum builtin. I'd suggest sum_pow as an alternative. Also, temp does not convey much information. I'd use remaining even though I am not fully convinced. Extracting digits from a number You've used divisions and modulo to compute the different digits for a number. You can use divmod which is a pretty unknown builtin which returns the result for both operations in one go. That would give: remaining = num while remaining: remaining, digit = divmod(remaining, 10) sum_pow += digit ** order Also, a better alternative would be to avoid doing this ourselves: extracting the different digits is pretty much what str does for us. Also, we already call it anyway, we ...