Bajrang baan read

  1. Bajrang Baan Lyrics In English and Hindi
  2. Bajrang Baan – Importance and Power of Bajrang Baan – How to Chant?
  3. Bajrang baan
  4. Hanuman Chalisa and Bajrang Baan Anushthaan
  5. Best Mantras To Chant Daily For Good Life
  6. GuruKripa

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Bajrang Baan Lyrics In English and Hindi

Lord Hanuman, the monkey God is said to be the prime disciple and devotee of Lord Rama. He is the one who led the monkey army to help Lord Rama fight against Ravana, the demon king. He is said to be the God of courage, bravery, wisdom, devotion and self-discipline. People often worship Him for seeking His blessings while doing any tough job. People are often seen worshipping Him by reciting mantras and singing hymns. At times, people also observe fast to please Lord Hanuman. But if you are someone who doesn't want to observe a fast or feel difficulty in doing so, then you can recite Bajrang Baan which is another hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Today we have brought the lyrics of the same. To know more, scroll down the article and read. Chaupai Jay Hanumant Sant Hitkaari, Sun Lije Prabhu Araj Hamari. Jan Ke Kaaj Vilamb Na Kije, Aatur Dauri Maha Sukh Dije. Jaise Kudi Sindhu Mahipaara, Surasa Badan Paithi Vistaara. Aage Jaay Lankini Roka, Maarehu Laat Gai Suraloka. Jaay Vibhishan Ko Sukh Dinha, Sita Nirakhi Parampad Linha. Baag Ujaari Sindhu Mah Bora, Ati Aatur Jamkaatar Tora. Akshay Kumaar Ko Maari Sanhaara, Loom Lapet Lank Ko Jaara. Laah Samaan Lank Jari Gai, Jay Jay Dhuni Surpur Me Bhai. Ab Vilamb Kehi Kaaran Svami, Kripa Karahu Ur Antaryaami. Jay Jay Lakhan Pran Ke Data, Aatur Hoy Dukh Karahu Nipaata. Jai Giridhar Jai Jai Sukh Saagar, Sur Samuh Samarath Bhatnaagar. Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumant Hathile, Bairihi Maaru Bajra Ki Kile. Gada Bajra Lai Bairihi Maaro, Maharaj Prabh...

Bajrang Baan – Importance and Power of Bajrang Baan – How to Chant?

• It can help in overcoming various diseases affecting the human body. • It is also ideal for people who are suffering due to the fear of ghosts in homes. • It helps in curing various mental problems. • It is also good solution against evil eye. • Helpful for those suffering from sleep disorders. • Chant it while traveling alone during night. • Those suffering from Mangala and Shani Dosh will find relief. • The mantra can be chanted by both men, women and children. • On Tuesday, wake up early in the morning. • Clean the house and then take bath. • Wear red color cloth. • Find a silent spot to meditate. • Install murti of Hanuman – painting, photo, sculpture or idol. • Hanuman yantra is another very good option. • The murti should be kept on a red cloth. • Light a lamp using ghee. Only a single wick should be used. • Then the devotee should meditate on Hanuman. The mind should be filled with Hanuman murti. There should be no other thought. • Then he should chant the Bajrang Baan. • Offer a banana to Hanuman on completing the chanting. • Flowers, dhoop, itar etc should not be offered while chanting Bajrang Baan. Importance should be given to meditation not to puja and rituals.

Bajrang baan

बजरंग बाण का पाठ हिंदी में। 2022 में सभी हनुमान भक्तों से निवेदन हैं, कृपया अपने सब्जी परिजनों के साथ हनुमान जी का बजरंग बाण ज़रूर शेयर करें। बजरंग बाण का पाठ रोज़ अथवा मंगलवार और शनिवार को करना चाहिए। Bajrang Baan– Read बजरंग बाण – BajrangBali’s (Lord Hanuman) “ Bajrang Baan“. Bajrang Baan in Hindi included with Hanuman chalisa – a miraculous paath of Lord Hanuman to cure all diseases, pains and tensions of your life. Jai Hanuman, Jai BajrangBali दोहा : Bajrang baan निश्चय प्रेम प्रतीति ते, बिनय करैं सनमान। तेहि के कारज सकल शुभ, सिद्ध करैं हनुमान॥ चौपाई : Bajrang baan जय हनुमंत संत हितकारी। सुन लीजै प्रभु अरज हमारी॥ Bajrang baan जन के काज बिलंब न कीजै। आतुर दौरि महा सुख दीजै॥ Bajrang baan जैसे कूदि सिंधु महिपारा। सुरसा बदन पैठि बिस्तारा॥ Bajrang baan आगे जाय लंकिनी रोका। मारेहु लात गई सुरलोका॥ Bajrang baan जाय बिभीषन को सुख दीन्हा। सीता निरखि परमपद लीन्हा॥ Bajrang baan बाग उजारि सिंधु महँ बोरा। अति आतुर जमकातर तोरा॥ Bajrang baan अक्षय कुमार मारि संहारा। लूम लपेटि लंक को जारा॥ Bajrang baan लाह समान लंक जरि गई। जय जय धुनि सुरपुर नभ भई॥ Bajrang baan अब बिलंब केहि कारन स्वामी। कृपा करहु उर अंतरयामी॥ Bajrang baan जय जय लखन प्रान के दाता। आतुर ह्वै दुख करहु निपाता॥ Bajrang baan जै हनुमान जयति बल-सागर। सुर-समूह-समरथ भट-नागर॥ Bajrang baan ॐ हनु हनु हनु हनुमंत हठीले। बैरिहि मारु बज्र की कीले॥ Bajrang baan ॐ ह्नीं ह्नीं ह्नीं हनुमंत कपीसा। ॐ हुं हुं हुं हनु अरि उर सीसा॥ Bajrang baan जय अंजनि कुमार बलवंता। शंकरसुवन बीर हनुमंता॥ Bajrang baan बदन कराल काल-कुल-घालक। राम सहाय सदा प्रतिपाल...

Hanuman Chalisa and Bajrang Baan Anushthaan

Ashok Mehta has written this post on the Hanuman Chalisa and Bajrang Baan Anushthaan to readers of this site. This Anushthaan is done for getting rid of enemies, Sade Sati, Grah Dosh, many other pressing, difficult problems, and difficulties. Many a times it may happen that due to bad planetary influences a person may only be facing failures in life. During such times, Bajrang Baan and Hanuman Chalisa should be recited. Everyone is well versed with Hanuman Chalisa but not many know about Bajrang Baan. Bajrang means It is said that if Bajrang Baan is recited even for one time, lord Hanuman himself comes there. I am giving a Prayog of Hanuman ji. In this Prayog, the procedure is the same for Bajrang Baan and Hanuman Chalisa. The Sadhak can decide whether he wants to Following is the Hanuman Chalisa and There are two variations of this Prayog: 1] The first one is just a onetime prayog: The devotee has to do the Anushthaan on the first Tuesday of Shukla Paksha or Hanuman Jayanti or Ram Navami in the morning. He has to sit on a Kush Aasan, wear red clothes, and keep a photo of Ram Darbar in front of him. An Akhand Diya has to be made. The Sadhak has to take 1-1 fistful of flours- wheat, rice, Green Gram, Lentil (Udad Dal) and Black Sesame and make a dough using Gangajal and then the Diya. If using 5 grains is not possible then, he should make a Diya of wheat flour using Gangajal. After this, He should then use a white, raw cotton thread [kaccha sut ka dhaaga] and measure the th...

Best Mantras To Chant Daily For Good Life

Reciting mantras help you release stress and emotions, stimulate your endocrine system, brings peace to your mind, helps you focus your attention, builds inner strength and strong will power, creates awareness and generate positive vibrations around you. We bring you some of the best powerful mantras you can recite daily for a positive, peaceful and successful life.


Bajrang Baan is one of the most efficient and influential instruments in getting the grace of Lord Hanuman. Regular reciting of this Baan strengthens the courage and positive energy of the sadhak. This Baan is a panacea for many problems in today’s world. It is a tested and effective prayog. 7 Best Uses of the Bajrang Baan Here are the seven best ways in which "this Baan" can be used to attract the wishes in life. • Getting The Desired Job One of the best applications of this Baan is getting the desired job in a shorter period. I have seen the results as it is experienced by many of my disciples. The procedure for this sadhana is very simple. Start from any Tuesday. Visit a Hanuman temple nearby and get the ” Sindoor” from the temple. Recite this Baan 11 times daily for 21 days. Apply the Sindoor on your body daily. You will soon find the desired job. • To Destroy Enemies Sometimes the enemy is strong and circumstances are out of control. In such a case this Baan will help you to get rid of the opponent. Start from any Saturday. Purchase some “Coal” from the market. Visit a Hanuman temple nearby and take ‘ Sankalp’ to remove the problems of the rivals. Recite this Baan at midnight 14 times per day. Do this sadhana for 7 days and burn the coals in the cremation ground. • Karya Siddhi Recite this Baan 5 times a day starting from any Wednesday. Do it for 11 days and offer some red clothes and sweets to the pujari of the temple. It is also recommended to recite this Baan once ...