Can jesus defeat shiva

  1. "Lord Shiva", and His relationship to Jesus Christ in Kashmir in the first century AD.
  2. “‘Jesus is the Christ.’ (Acts 9.22) Can Jesus be called Shiva?”

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"Lord Shiva", and His relationship to Jesus Christ in Kashmir in the first century AD.

"Lord Shiva", and His relationship to Jesus Christ in Kashmir in the first century AD. REVIEWING NOW, LORD SHIVA in Hindu Theology is One of the Three Major Gods. The tower on the left is part of a Madras temple to Shiva, and on the right, Shiva is doing His cosmic dance. BRAHMA the Creator created everything that is (but is no longer available on a day to day basis to deal with human beings in a meaningful way) VISHNU the Preserver is a very important God, and millions invoke His protection, but He also lacks in availability. SHIVA the Destroyer although possibly equivalent to the "Devil" or "Satan" in Christian Theology, is the powerful "God of Earth", to whom the other Gods have relinquished control of human affairs. In the Gospel stories in the New Testament Bible, Jesus is offered all t he kingdoms of the world if he will worship "Satan" and accept Satan's authority over the world's affairs. In the Gospels, Jesus refuses, and is later crucified. In the Kings of Kasmira version of the "Temptation of Christ", Jesus Christ, on his return to Kashmir after being crucified (now in another lifetime according to Indian Reincarnation Theory) accepts the help of Lord Shiva ("Satan?") to become King of Kashmir under the name Pravarasena I. He reigns as king for 30 years (59 AD to 89 AD) and on his retire- ment is seen by all his subjects ascending into heaven (like another sun) or perhaps descending into hell (another element of the same story). "Kings of Kashmira" Appendix E: p...

“‘Jesus is the Christ.’ (Acts 9.22) Can Jesus be called Shiva?”

The following article by John R. Dupuche was published in Theology@ McAuley, E-Journal, Australian Catholic University, 2003. “‘Jesus is the Christ.’ (Acts 9.22) Can Jesus be called Shiva?” in Theology@ McAuley, E-Journal, Australian Catholic University, 2003. Rev. Dr. John Dupuche is Pastor of Nazareth Parish, Ricketts Point, Melbourne. He is senior lecturer at the University of Divinity, Honorary Fellow at the Australian Catholic University, and chair of the Catholic Interfaith Committee of the Archdiocese. He has a doctorate in Sanskrit, specialising in Kashmir Shaivism and is particularly interested in its interface with Christianity. His book Abhinavagupta: the Kula Ritual as Elaborated in Chapter 29 of the Tantraloka was published in 2003; Jesus, the Mantra of God in 2005, Towards a Christian Tantra in 2009. He has written many articles in these fields. Email: [email protected] Introduction We welcome strangers to our land. Shall we exclude their gods? Is the Christian essentially dismissive, even in a kindly fashion? Does belief in Jesus involve a rejection of ‘strange gods’ or can Jesus who is called Christ also be called Shiva and be so worshipped? This is not a new question. Some see the depiction of Prajapati in the Purusha Hymn of the Rig Veda Part I: Asking the question: • The Christ: In his great act of faith Peter declares Jesus to be the Christ (Mk 8.29). His statement is both true and false for Jesus is not the glorious saviour of Peter’s expectation w...