Chlorosis meaning

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  2. 5 Reasons For Your Cucumber Leaves Turning Yellow And How To Fix It
  3. Chlorosis (plant disorder)
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Many landscape trees planted in Utah are highly susceptible to iron chlorosis, which is caused by a lack of available iron in the soil and results in the yellowing of plant leaves. The most common symptom of iron chlorosis is interveinal chlorosis. This is the yellowing of leaves with a network of dark green veins. In more severe cases, the entire leaf turns yellow or white, and the outer edges may scorch or turn brown. Symptoms can occur on a few leaves, an individual branch, half of the tree or the entire plant. Iron chlorosis that persists year after year may lead to the death of individual branches or the entire tree. Iron chlorosis often occurs in alkaline soils (pH greater than 7.0), which are common in Utah. While there is an abundance of iron found in these soils, chemical reactions caused by the high soil pH make the iron solid and unavailable to plant roots. Although iron is a macronutrient (required in small amounts), it is essential for plant health. It contributes to nitrogen fixing, plant development and chlorophyll production. Yellow leaves indicate a lack of chlorophyll, which is the green pigment found in plant leaves. Without it, plants struggle to properly photosynthesize. If plants are unable to properly photosynthesize during the growing season, plant growth and vigor will suffer. The best way to avoid iron chlorosis is to plant species that are tolerant of alkaline soils and less susceptible to the lack of available iron. Avoid planting species that a...

5 Reasons For Your Cucumber Leaves Turning Yellow And How To Fix It

We’re here to help! Wild Yards is a completely free website that is 100% dedicated to helping you create a wildlife-friendly, sustainable yard. WildYards is reader-supported. When you buy a product through a link on our site, we may earn a comission. Every product is independently selected by our (obsessive) editors and our reviews are unbiased and objective. Read more about Cucumber plants are super-easy to grow and offer you a delicious crop of juicy vegetables – providing you look after them properly! Sadly, these crops are at risk of stress and disease – but why are your cucumber leaves turning yellow? Yellowing cucumber leaves are typically signs that your plants are suffering from invasive pests, that they’ve contracted a disease, or that the soil isn’t nutritious enough. Thankfully, there are ways to bring your cucumbers back to full health. Do I need to worry about cucumber leaves turning yellow? Generally, yellowing leaves aren’t anything to worry about – but they are indicators that your cucumber plant needs a little extra help. This process is known as ‘ If your cucumber’s leaves are yellowing, it means it’s not able to photosynthesize properly. If you spot yellow leaves on your plants, it’s good to take action as quickly as possible – and most of the time, it’ll be a case of changing up your care routine. Starting your cucumber plants off in a may give them the best start in life – as a ‘garden lasagna’ is typically built to provide nutrition from many differen...

Chlorosis (plant disorder)

Rarely used term for a form of chronic hypochromic microcytic (iron deficiency) anemia, characterized by a great reduction in hemoglobin out of proportion to the decreased number of red blood cells; observed chiefly in females from puberty to the third decade and usually associated with diets deficient in iron and protein.


Chlorosis In botany, chlorosis is a condition in which leaves produce insufficient chlorophyll. As chlorophyll is responsible for the green color of leaves, chlorotic leaves are pale, yellow, or yellow-white. The affected plant has little or no ability to manufacture carbohydrates through photosynthesis and may die unless the cause of its chlorophyll insufficiency is treated, although some chlorotic plants, such as the albino Arabidopsis thaliana mutant ppi2, are viable if supplied with exogenous sucrose. Chlorosis is derived from the word Chloris or from the Greek khloros meaning 'greenish-yellow', 'pale green', 'pale', 'pallid', or 'fresh'. In viticulture, the most common symptom of poor nutrition in grapevines is the yellowing of grape leaves caused by chlorosis and the subsequent loss of chlorophyll. This is often seen in vineyard soils that are high in limestone such as the Italian wine region of Barolo in the Piedmont, the Spanish wine region of Rioja and the French wine regions of Champagne and Burgundy. In these soils the grapevine often struggles to pull sufficient levels of iron which is a needed component in the production of chlorophyll. The definition of chlorosis in the dictionary is Also called: greensickness a disorder, formerly common in adolescent girls, characterized by pale greenish-yellow skin, weakness, and palpitation and caused by insufficient iron in the body. Other definition of chlorosis is a deficiency of chlorophyll in green plants caused by mi...


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. • noun The yellowing or whitening of normally green plant tissue because of a decreased amount of chlorophyll, often as a result of disease or nutrient deficiency. • noun An iron-deficiency anemia, primarily of young women, characterized by a greenish-yellow discoloration of the skin. from The Century Dictionary. • noun The greensickness, a peculiar form of anemia or bloodlessness which affects young women at or near the period of puberty. • noun In botany: Etiolation. • noun A transformation of the ordinarily colored parts of a flower into green leaf-like or sepal-like organs, as in what are known as “green roses.” Also called chloranthy. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. • noun (Med.) The green sickness; an anæmic disease of young women, characterized by a greenish or grayish yellow hue of the skin, weakness, palpitation, etc. • noun (Bot.) A disease in plants, causing the flowers to turn green or the leaves to lose their normal green color. from • noun medicine ( countable) An anaemia, due to deficiency of iron, characterized by a yellow-green colouration of the skin; greensickness (Wikipedia). • noun botany ( uncountable) A yellowing of plant tissue due to loss or absence of chlorophyll (Wikipedia). from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. • noun iron deficiency anemia in young women; characterized by weakness an...