Circle drawings

  1. 21 Easy Circle Drawing Ideas
  2. 18 Circle Drawing Ideas For Beginners
  3. 30 Easy Circle Drawing Ideas

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21 Easy Circle Drawing Ideas

I’ve always loved the Dreamworks logo–someone fishing from the moon, so this is my embellished version. Place whoever you’d like as the person fishing, and add any array of planetary cosmos down below! Before we head further, I hope it goes without saying–feel free to color your drawings in if you, please! Most mediums should do fine in the space unless you’re starting small. I wouldn’t use anything that bleeds too much. Store your drawing tools in the best way with this Watch: 21 Easy Circle Drawing Ideas As we continue on from the first drawing amongst the stars, a scene of a net catching stars was surprisingly very nice to draw. Draw as much or little as you want in this window. I added a planet, as you can see, so feel free to add an astronaut, alien, or any other fun cosmic character. 3. Mountains These mountains are some of the most fun and easy to make and are a fun thing to gift someone. Throw it into a fun frame, and there you go–perfect art for someone’s walls. Anyways, try to fill up the bottom half with mountain bases and fill each one in with a specific pattern. This idea of the pattern will fill the space better and create more dimension, then fill in the sky as day or night! 4. Waves This drawing is for the ocean lovers! To compose this idea well, start with the ocean and any wave anywhere in the foreground. For the background, draw the sun around the silhouette of the wave, and fill in any of the textural elements and minor details. I love the dotting surro...

18 Circle Drawing Ideas For Beginners

Here we came with easy circle drawing ideas that are a great way to get started with your next art project, whether you're making drawings on paper. You can go with simple shapes, especially if you're a beginner, and this list will greatly help you in this regard. Circle drawing is a draw circles, the key is maintaining your steadiness and accuracy because once you master the circle, your confidence will grow exponentially. This guide will show you how to create circle drawings, from basic shapes to complex geometry--perhaps surprising yourself with what you can accomplish. Plus, learning about the uses for circle drawings and how the math behind them can be applied to other areas of life. Easy Circle Drawing Ideas Drawing is a great way to get creative, boost your mood, and destress. The simple, repetitive nature of circle drawing makes it a great way to practice improving your drawing skills for artists of all skill levels. You can use circle drawing ideas at home or in the classroom. These simple steps will teach you creative drawing skills. Perfect Circle Drawing Circle Drawing Ideas aims to break down the process of drawing a circle into simple steps while encouraging users to share their circle drawings with others. Numerous techniques for drawing circles exist, but a few methods are more effective in the long run. Whether you are an experienced artist or new to the craft, using the right tools and techniques can assist you in drawing smooth, even circles easily. Mor...

30 Easy Circle Drawing Ideas

I’ve been on a circle drawing craze, so here is a collection of 30 circle drawings I created. For drawing circles, I personally use a roll of washi tape and trace around it with a pencil first. Afterwards, I use a pen and go over that line. You can use any household object you have to draw your circles, like the base of a cup, plate, vase, candle, etc. You can also use a compass to draw your circles. If you have one, this would be the best way because it creates the cleanest circle shape. You can also adjust the size of your circle as you please. Materials Used: Sakura Pigma Micron Pens ( 1 mm graphic pen all the way down to a 0.20 mm (005 size) pen. A small portion of these drawings were also creating using a pen from Aliexpress. For this drawing, as well as any of the following drawings, I recommend first creating a pencil sketch of what you are drawing. Afterwards, go over your pencil lines with pen. I filled in the mountain with black using my pen as well. To create the stars, I first drew little circles with a pencil. I then outlined those circles with a pen. When I filled in the background with pen, I made sure not to go into the outlined circles. Here is a circle drawing of a moon and whale. I at first wanted to draw a moon rising over the horizon, but the drawing needed something more, so I added a little whale beneath the moon. I hope you enjoy! Don’t be afraid to add little details of your own and explore your imagination whenever you can! Here is a circle drawin...