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Computer science is the fastest-growing subject in the US, yet English learners are dramatically underrepresented in these courses. CSforEL is a new 4-year research project funded by the U.S. Department of Education, to attract, retain and engage English learners (EL) in AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) in Arizona, New Mexico and San Diego. Have you considered adding computer science into your elementary classroom? This webinar will showcase how three teachers incorporate CS from different teaching roles in a school and district. CS for All Teachers Community Ambassador and elementary school teacher, Lisa Rode, will facilitate a discussion with fellow teachers Pete Cookson, Michelle Crabill, and Janice Years looking at the variety of ways and perspectives CS can be incorporated into the elementary curriculum. The webinar will not only include lesson ideas and strategies, but a look at the physical setup of rooms, and consider how to organize materials, and what types of materials are needed to teach CS in the elementary grades. Join us at 7:30pm ET/ 4:30pm PT to learn more, ask questions and share your experiences. Access the meeting room here: com/lisa/Audio information will appear once you've entered the meeting room. Choose dial-out for the best audio experience, or you may listen via computer speaker. Hour of Code is an opportunity for each and every student to try computer science for one hour, yet did you know you can also teach computer science activities all ye...

AI search engines can now chat with us, but glitches abound

Nearly a quarter-century after Google’s search engine began to reshape how we use the internet, big tech companies are racing to revamp a familiar web tool into a gateway to a new form of artificial intelligence. If it seems like this week’s newly announced AI search chatbots — Google’s Bard, Baidu’s Ernie Bot and Microsoft’s Bing chatbot — are coming out of nowhere, well, even some of their makers seem to think so. The spark rushing them to market was the popularity of ChatGPT, launched late last year by Microsoft’s partner OpenAI and now helping to power a new version of the Bing search engine. First out of the gate among big tech companies with a publicly accessible search chatbot, Microsoft executives said this week they had been hard at work on the project since last summer. But the excitement around ChatGPT brought new urgency. “The reception to ChatGPT and how that took off, that was certainly a surprise,” said Yusuf Medhi, the executive leading Microsoft’s consumer division, in an interview. “How rapidly it went mainstream, where everybody’s talking about it, like, in every meeting. That did surprise me.” HOW’S THIS DIFFERENT FROM CHATGPT? Millions of people have now tried ChatGPT, using it to write silly poems and songs, compose letters, recipes and marketing campaigns or help write schoolwork. Trained on a huge trove of online writings, from instruction manuals to digitized books, it has a strong command of human language and grammar. But what the newest crop of ...

Codeslide at StatsCrop:

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Below is the pen where i test this code.But i dont know where is the issues in the code. Here is the pen link where i put this code. Is anyone help with this issue i am new in this but keep try to do better. The strip is not close when i click the dismiss button. Thanks for your Suggesstion. Built in html and css. CSS code .headerstrip-wrapper Html code Codeslide! From $0.00/mCodeslide! Unlimited plugin, WordPress & web template downloads! From $0.00/m I understand why you need it to close. I'm trying to help you learn how to do that. When the button is drawn on the screen, it doesn't know what to do when you click it until you tell it what to do. You'll need to tell it using javascript and the onclick handler. Here's a short tutorial (easy for beginners): .headerstrip-wrapper );