Dummy api for testing

  1. Create dummy APIs for faster prototyping 👨‍💻⚡
  2. Free API
  3. Mock API
  4. HTTP test server accepting GET/POST requests

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Create dummy APIs for faster prototyping 👨‍💻⚡

🖼️ Image by It's quite common to need a dummy API (mocks, stubs) while building a prototype, testing a hypothesis or simply creating the front end of an application in which the API isn't done yet. The ideal is spending as little time as possible in the mocks so you can test hypothesis quickly, prototype without worrying about the back end and deliver the application with confidence that it'll work with the real API. By the end of this article, you'll have created a mocked API accessible from anywhere without writing a single line of code. We'll use Go to Now you'll choose a good name and URL for our mocked API, I'll go with Insane Goat: Now that you have a dummy API created, it's time to create your first mock like so: Choose a name for your mock and fill the request and response information. To begin, mock a 200 response with Hello from Mocko! on GET /hello: Now that you created you first mock, you can try it by clicking the "open" icon in the list or using the URL in the top bar: In my case, I can see mine in the URL: You can use like so: Now, any parameter you pass in the URL gets used by the template: To zhuzh it up even more, you can use Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Here's the result: If you already have an API to use and you wish to mock only some endpoints, you can use the proxy feature to proxy your API and mock only specific endpoints: Mocks don't have to be limited and must be easy to create, after all, that's the point of using mocks: Quickly dev...

Free API

• • • • • • • • Free APIs You Can Use for Testing At But we find that a lot of APIs are locked behind a paywall, which can make API testing a bit difficult to do — luckily, free APIs do exist. With the help of a free API, you can do testing and create flexible, powerful apps in record time. With a quick Google search, you’ll discover tens of thousands of free and open APIs — all well-made and easily accessible to developers all over the world. But with so many APIs to choose from, looking for one that fits your needs can be incredibly time-consuming. So we combed the web with a simple goal in mind — to make a comprehensive list of the best free APIs. Check them out below. Top 15 Free APIs Without Key or Authentication Most APIs require access via API keys (similar to passwords) or other methods of But for beginners still exploring APIs, keys tend to complicate things. Luckily, there’s APIs with zero authentication requirements. An API without a key is perfect for beginners and web developers looking to access sample data sets for their apps without restrictions. Here are a few of the best, unrestricted, free APIs with no key that you can use for testing. Because they don’t require any keys, you can test the sample URLs out on the address bar of your browser. 👉 If you want to try an easy-to-use API tool to test these APIs, check out 1. Get a list of any or all public APIs currently cataloged in the project. Sample API URL: 2. Get random cat facts via text message every day....

Mock API

Mock API for backend development A mock API can also be useful when testing backend apps. A common case is that your API or service needs to call external services over HTTP that it integrates to. If you want to get rid of these dependencies when developing you can use mock APIs to your advantage. By mocking the external dependencies you do not need to put unnecessary load on the external systems and can be free of having to make sure they are constantly up and running. You can also simulate errors and delays to make sure your backend application handles them gracefully. For frontend development Sometimes you might want to start working on a frontend feature before there is a backend service available to support it. Using a mock API you can start developing towards the API during the time that the real service is not available. This enables you to work quicker and also help you give feedback to the backend developers on the data that you need in the frontend. Once the real backend is finished you can switch over to that and your frontend should work just as before. Another use case for mock APIs for frontend development is when you want specific data to be able to work on different scenarios in your app. This data can be complicated and time consuming to get right using a real backend service. If you use a mock instead, you can simply update the configuration to make the API reply with the data you need. For more complicated use cases, you can set up dynamic responses in M...

HTTP test server accepting GET/POST requests

nc one-liner local test server Setup a local test server in one line under Linux: nc -kdl 8000 Alternatively, to actually send a minimal empty HTTP reply back in order to unblock HTTP clients such as wget that wait for a reply, so you can do more tests afterwards on the other shell without manually interrupting the client (thanks to while true; do printf 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n' | nc -Nl 8000; done Sample request maker on another shell: wget http://localhost:8000 then on the first shell you see the request showed up: GET / HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Wget/1.19.4 (linux-gnu) Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: identity Host: localhost:8000 Connection: Keep-Alive nc from the netcat-openbsd package is widely available and pre-installed on Ubuntu. Related questions about the minimal value HTTP reply: • • Tested on Ubuntu 22.10, nc from netcat-openbsd 1.218. RequestBin gives you a URL that will collect requests made to it and let you inspect them in a human-friendly way. Use RequestBin to see what your HTTP client is sending or to inspect and debug webhook requests. Though it has been discontinued as of Mar 21, 2018. We have discontinued the publicly hosted version of RequestBin due to ongoing abuse that made it very difficult to keep the site up reliably. Please see If you want a local test server that accepts any URL and just dumps the request to the console, you can use node: const http = require("http"); const hostname = ""; const port = 3000; const server = http.createServer((re...