Flipkart.com online shopping app

  1. Flipkart APK for Android
  2. Flipkart
  3. Made For India
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Download: Flipkart.com online shopping app
Size: 68.8 MB

Flipkart APK for Android

Designed for shopping in the Indian market, Flipkart is a nice looking app that allows you to share and discuss possible purchases with friends. Bar a few little interface niggles it is seems really good, however that is about all I can say because - not being in India – it’s about as useful to me as a sale in a tobacconists. And, in case you were wondering, I don’t smoke. Clean look, nice touch interface Flipkart functions like any other mobile market place app. You can easily scroll up and down its pages with swipe, and it moves smoothly. Products are listed by category and can be easily searched with either a few taps or by filling out the search field. Listings are clearly laid out, with images and prices shown. Tapping on any of these takes you to the product’s page, where further information can be discovered. This includes the sellers location, postage options, and the ability to check if they deliver to your area. Hint: they defiantly don’t if are outside India. Also be warned, if you leave something in your cart and have push notifications turned on, expect regular alerts. Not all smooth sailing Perhaps the most interesting thing about Flipkart are its social hooks. Any items you are thinking of purchasing can be shared with your friends to get their opinion. Obviously they must be on the service to use this properly, although I am not convinced that it won’t SMS your contacts to build its audience. Again, as I am not in India this was tough to check, but it looks...


This page shows statistics about Flipkart. We have gathered all apps together and in the information boxes to the right you can find the total number of apps, downloads, ratings of Flipkart. These statistics are very useful for you to answer questions about how many users Flipkart has, what their revenue and income might be, and in general, how successful an Android developer they are. If you have suggestions what kind of statistics you'd like to see or how we can improve, please AppBrain collects information about all apps on Google Play. Using the table below, you can analyze Flipkart's Android apps and games. Click the column headers to re-sort the apps according to that column. We provide the following columns: • App: Name of the Android app • Category: Name of the category of the app on Google Play • Installs: Number of installs according to Google Play • Recent Installs: An estimate of a fine-grained number of installs for this app (premium users only) • Average Rating: The average rating that users gave this Android app • Rating Count: The total number of ratings that this app has collected over its lifetime • Launch date: When we this app was first launched on Google Play • Last updated: When we've last seen an update to this app • Price: The most recent price of this app on Google Play Because AppBrain tracks all apps on Google Play in regular intervals, we're able to provide you with a detailed timeline of what actions Flipkart took on Google Play. The timeline b...

Made For India

What does it take to make a top-rated Android app? The Flipkart online shopping app, rated 4.5 on the Google Play Store, is one of a handful of apps tailored for the Indian Android user that has earned accolades from Google for exceptional performance on a number of criteria. It wasn't always a smooth ride, though. Flipkart's product development team had to surmount several challenges to build an app that delivered on multiple parameters. Hear the story straight from the Flipkart team behind India's leading online shopping app In 2013, Flipkart launched its Android app on the The Android platform, which was introduced in 2007 by the India had the third-largest number of smartphone users in 2013 with 117 million users, growing annually at a rate of over 45%. While Apple offered customers a premium experience in the iPhone, it was surpassed in accessibility by Android, which brought smartphones to the masses at affordable prices. By 2016, over 100 million users were on the Flipkart Android app, with numbers growing steadily. Today, where apps compete for your interest, time, and in some cases, storage space, Android users are spoiled for choice, and it’s not easy to stand out among the plethora of offerings on the Google Play Store. Today, the Flipkart app is one among a handful that has a coveted rating of 4.5, making it the top-rated e-commerce app on the Play Store, with over 7 million ratings and over 100 million downloads. The Flipkart Android app development team at ...


Flipkart - The one-stop destination for all your shopping needs. Flipkart brings you the joys of shopping online in your own language, with discounts on quality assured products, rewards on playing games, and extra SuperCoins with every purchase. With a huge selection of original products from mobiles, fashion, electronics, home appliances, grocery, and more - you get timely alerts on great deals and updates on everything you need. Top reasons to download the app: - Easy on the eye colours, and easy-to-find features - the new design avatar brings everything closer to where you want it to be. - Skip the queue, save on fuel, and get groceries delivered to your doorstep. But, order a day in advance not when you’re making chutney and wondering if you have chilli! Living life by the minute isn’t scalable. - With our LiveShop+, your online shopping will feel like you’re doing it in person from the comfort of your couch. - Get your friends to shop and save together with GroupBuy deals. Remember, a group that shares always sticks together. - Switch on to see our Brand Mall feature - a place to see our premium collection. If you love going to the mall but want to do it when you’re in your living room, then this one’s for you. - Tailor-made recommendations that actually work better if you are logged in. Try them and let us know how we did. - A much-better regional language experience which is a by-product of a week-long in-house bug bash. Our writers haven’t slept in a week. - Also,...