Hoshiarpur weather rain today

  1. Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India Lawn Mowing Outlook

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Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India Lawn Mowing Outlook

The best rule of thumb is never to cut your lawn when it is wet. You may get an uneven cut and leave clumps of cut wet grass on your lawn. Mow your grass when it is about two inches high. Never cut more than a third of its total height. Also, ensure your lawn is getting a least one inch of water a week to keep it healthy. • Mow grass when it is about two inches tall. • Never cut more than a third of the total grass height at a time. • Alternate mowing patterns each time you cut to optimize growth. • Stop mowing for the season when you first notice frost on the ground. • Never mow your grass when it is wet. It can lead to an uneven cut, and clumps of wet grass can stick together and block sunlight.