How to take screenshot of particular area in laptop

  1. How to Take Partial Screenshots on Windows
  2. How to capture the screenshot of a specific element rather than entire page using Selenium Webdriver?
  3. 6 Ways On How You Can Screenshot On Dell Laptop

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How to Take Partial Screenshots on Windows

Launch the Snipping Tool by searching for it by name in the search field on the Windows taskbar or look for it in Start Menu > Programs> Windows Accessories. If you only want to capture part of the screen, use the rectangular snip or the free-form snip, which you can find in the Mode menu. The Snipping Tool also offers a delay if you need a few seconds to set up the right conditions for your screenshot. Once you’ve captured the screenshot, you’ll have access to various tools. Select the Save icon to save the image as a PNG file. Select the Copy to place the image on the clipboard. The Send icon contains options to insert the screencap in the body of a new email or as an attachment. Use the Pen, Highlighter, and Eraser tools to the Paint 3D app on your computer for editing. Launching the Snip & Sketch app will give you access to the delayed snip feature, which you can find in the New button’s dropdown menu. Once you select New, your screen will look grayed out, and you’ll see a small Snip & Sketch toolbar at the top of the screen. Select rectangular snip, free-form snip, window snip, or full-screen snip. Once you use Snip & Sketch’s convenient keyboard shortcut, you might never use another method again. Simply press Windows + Shift + S. The Windows key is the one with the Windows logo on it. Select which kind of snip you want to take. If you select the rectangular snip tool, your cursor will change to a crosshair, so your selection can be ultra-precise. No matter which type...

How to capture the screenshot of a specific element rather than entire page using Selenium Webdriver?

Currently I'm trying to capture a screenshot using the Selenium WebDriver. But I can only obtain the whole page screen shot. However, what I wanted is just to capture a part of the page or perhaps just on specific element based on ID or any specific element locator. (For example, I wish to capture the picture with image id = "Butterfly") Is there any way to capture a screenshot by selected item or element? We can get the element screenshot by cropping entire page screenshot as below: driver.get(""); WebElement ele = driver.findElement("hplogo")); // Get entire page screenshot File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); BufferedImage fullImg =; // Get the location of element on the page Point point = ele.getLocation(); // Get width and height of the element int eleWidth = ele.getSize().getWidth(); int eleHeight = ele.getSize().getHeight(); // Crop the entire page screenshot to get only element screenshot BufferedImage eleScreenshot= fullImg.getSubimage(point.getX(), point.getY(), eleWidth, eleHeight); ImageIO.write(eleScreenshot, "png", screenshot); // Copy the element screenshot to disk File screenshotLocation = new File("C:\\images\\GoogleLogo_screenshot.png"); FileUtils.copyFile(screenshot, screenshotLocation); Here is a Python 3 version using Selenium webdriver and Pillow. This program captures the screenshot of the whole page and crop the element based on its location. The element ima...

6 Ways On How You Can Screenshot On Dell Laptop

Taking screenshots is an essential skill that every computer user should possess. If you recently switched to a Dell PC or laptop, you do not need to worry, as capturing a screen is not at all different from any other manufacturer. Well, screenshots can help you save any relevant content for future reference and also when the Table of Contents • • • • • • • • Before You Begin In this article, we will mainly cover the shortcut keys for taking screenshots using various methods. So, before moving ahead, it’s important to know about the following key combinations and their functions: Hotkey Function PrtSc Copies fullscreen to clipboard Fn + End/F10 Copies fullscreen to clipboard [for keyboards with no PrintScreen key] Alt + PrtSc Copies the snap of your active window to clipboard Windows + PrtSc Takes a screenshot and saves it in the dedicated folder Windows + Shift + 3 Fullscreen snap on macOS Windows + Shift + 4 Captures parts of the screen on macOS Windows + Shift + 4 Captures a specific window on macOS Windows + Shift + S Provokes Snipping Tool window Windows + G Opens Xbox Game Bar Windows + Alt + PrtSc Provokes Xbox Game Bar to take a full screen snap Table: Different hotkeys for taking screenshot on Dell How Do You Screenshot on Dell? Taking a screenshot on Acer, Dell, or any other manufacturer is incredibly simple. You can do it using dedicated keys, built-in Windows tools, or third-party applications. Regarding the same, you can follow this section to learn the detail...