Insane meaning in urdu

  1. Insane Meaning In Urdu
  2. Insaned Meaning in Urdu Pagal پاگل
  3. Insane Translation in Urdu » Insane Meaning in Urdu
  4. Insan Meaning in Urdu Pagal پاگل
  5. Insaned Meaning in Urdu Pagal پاگل
  6. Insane Meaning In Urdu
  7. Insan Meaning in Urdu Pagal پاگل
  8. Insane Translation in Urdu » Insane Meaning in Urdu

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Insane Meaning In Urdu

Insane Meaning In Urdu Insane Meaning In Urdu is باولا. It is written as Bawla in Roman Urdu. Other Insane Urdu Meanings are Paagal, Deewana and Khabti. You can click on any Urdu Meaning to further explore its explanation. Insane is an adjective according to parts of speech. According to our definition, an Insane person is the one who is exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind and deranged in mind. We have stated 4-5 definitions to increase your vocabulary. Insane is spelled as [in-seyn]. The word Insane finds its origins in Mid-16th century. It is from the Latin word ‘insanus’, and from in- ‘not’ + sanus ‘healthy’. You can also check similar words Other Insane English Meanings include Batty, Bizarre, Cracked, Crazy, Cuckoo, Daft, Demented, Derailed, Deranged, Fatuous, Frenzied, Idiotic, Impractical, Irrational, Irresponsible, Loony, Lunatic, Mad, Maniacal, Mental, Moonstruck, Nuts, Nutty, Paranoid, Rabid, Raging, Raving, Schizophrenic, Screwy, Senseless, Touched, Unsettled, Wild, Preposterous, Psychotic and Psychopathic. The antonyms of Insane are Balanced, Calm, Healthy, Intelligent, Ok, Rational, Reasonable, Responsible, Sane, Sensible, Smart, Sound and Well. If you are satisfied with Insane Meaning In Urdu, you can find similar meanings on Urdupoint’s English to Urdu Online Dictionary.

Insaned Meaning in Urdu Pagal پاگل

InsanedUrdu Meaning with Definition Insane meaning in Urdu - Insane meaning in Urdu is Pagal. In English, it is a mind’s state that prevents normal behavior, perception, and the social interaction. It also represents a person who has a serious mental illness. When talk about informal meanings, it means outrageous, shocking, amazing, impressive, etc. Use of Insane in a Sentence 1. Are you insane or out of your senses? 2. His desire to be wealthy was an insane. 3. He tried to kill his rival due to insane jealousy. 4. Prisoners are gradually becoming insane. 5. It is an insane risk. Q1) What does it mean Insaned in Urdu? "Insaned" meaning in Urdu is پاگل Pagal. Q2) Can Insaned be used formal? Yes, Insaned can be used in formal Urdu. It is a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal contexts. Q3) Are there any other translations of Insaned in Urdu? Yes, other translations of Insaned in Urdu include پاگل Pagal, دیوانہ Dewana, and خبطی Khubti. Q4) What are Insaned synonyms? Some synonyms for Insaned include: .

Insane Translation in Urdu » Insane Meaning in Urdu

Insane Translation in Urdu باؤلا، سڑی، پاگل، بوراہا، سودائی، مجنوں، دیوانہ، خفقانی، خبطی، مخبوط Urdu Translation, Definition and Meaning of English Word Insane. You are seeing Insane translation in Urdu. You can find other words matching your search Insane also. "Insane" Meaning in Urdu is "باؤلا، سڑی، پاگل، بوراہا، سودائی، مجنوں، دیوانہ، خفقانی، خبطی، مخبوط" We are showing all the meanings of word " Insane" even if it is noun, verb or adjective. If you want sentence or paragraph translation online then please visit If word you searched is not found in our dictionary, please check your spellings, search again, you can also find it in the given belwo matching words. Words matching your search are: Urdu to English Dictionary | English to Urdu Translation | English to Urdu Dictionary Sponsored Links

Insan Meaning in Urdu Pagal پاگل

InsanUrdu Meaning with Definition Insane meaning in Urdu - Insane meaning in Urdu is Pagal. In English, it is a mind’s state that prevents normal behavior, perception, and the social interaction. It also represents a person who has a serious mental illness. When talk about informal meanings, it means outrageous, shocking, amazing, impressive, etc. Use of Insane in a Sentence 1. Are you insane or out of your senses? 2. His desire to be wealthy was an insane. 3. He tried to kill his rival due to insane jealousy. 4. Prisoners are gradually becoming insane. 5. It is an insane risk. Q1) What does it mean Insan in Urdu? "Insan" meaning in Urdu is پاگل Pagal. Q2) Can Insan be used formal? Yes, Insan can be used in formal Urdu. It is a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal contexts. Q3) Are there any other translations of Insan in Urdu? Yes, other translations of Insan in Urdu include پاگل Pagal, دیوانہ Dewana, and خبطی Khubti. Q4) What are Insan synonyms? Some synonyms for Insan include: .

Insaned Meaning in Urdu Pagal پاگل

InsanedUrdu Meaning with Definition Insane meaning in Urdu - Insane meaning in Urdu is Pagal. In English, it is a mind’s state that prevents normal behavior, perception, and the social interaction. It also represents a person who has a serious mental illness. When talk about informal meanings, it means outrageous, shocking, amazing, impressive, etc. Use of Insane in a Sentence 1. Are you insane or out of your senses? 2. His desire to be wealthy was an insane. 3. He tried to kill his rival due to insane jealousy. 4. Prisoners are gradually becoming insane. 5. It is an insane risk. Q1) What does it mean Insaned in Urdu? "Insaned" meaning in Urdu is پاگل Pagal. Q2) Can Insaned be used formal? Yes, Insaned can be used in formal Urdu. It is a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal contexts. Q3) Are there any other translations of Insaned in Urdu? Yes, other translations of Insaned in Urdu include پاگل Pagal, دیوانہ Dewana, and خبطی Khubti. Q4) What are Insaned synonyms? Some synonyms for Insaned include: .

Insane Meaning In Urdu

Insane Meaning In Urdu Insane Meaning In Urdu is باولا. It is written as Bawla in Roman Urdu. Other Insane Urdu Meanings are Paagal, Deewana and Khabti. You can click on any Urdu Meaning to further explore its explanation. Insane is an adjective according to parts of speech. According to our definition, an Insane person is the one who is exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind and deranged in mind. We have stated 4-5 definitions to increase your vocabulary. Insane is spelled as [in-seyn]. The word Insane finds its origins in Mid-16th century. It is from the Latin word ‘insanus’, and from in- ‘not’ + sanus ‘healthy’. You can also check similar words Other Insane English Meanings include Batty, Bizarre, Cracked, Crazy, Cuckoo, Daft, Demented, Derailed, Deranged, Fatuous, Frenzied, Idiotic, Impractical, Irrational, Irresponsible, Loony, Lunatic, Mad, Maniacal, Mental, Moonstruck, Nuts, Nutty, Paranoid, Rabid, Raging, Raving, Schizophrenic, Screwy, Senseless, Touched, Unsettled, Wild, Preposterous, Psychotic and Psychopathic. The antonyms of Insane are Balanced, Calm, Healthy, Intelligent, Ok, Rational, Reasonable, Responsible, Sane, Sensible, Smart, Sound and Well. If you are satisfied with Insane Meaning In Urdu, you can find similar meanings on Urdupoint’s English to Urdu Online Dictionary.

Insan Meaning in Urdu Pagal پاگل

InsanUrdu Meaning with Definition Insane meaning in Urdu - Insane meaning in Urdu is Pagal. In English, it is a mind’s state that prevents normal behavior, perception, and the social interaction. It also represents a person who has a serious mental illness. When talk about informal meanings, it means outrageous, shocking, amazing, impressive, etc. Use of Insane in a Sentence 1. Are you insane or out of your senses? 2. His desire to be wealthy was an insane. 3. He tried to kill his rival due to insane jealousy. 4. Prisoners are gradually becoming insane. 5. It is an insane risk. Q1) What does it mean Insan in Urdu? "Insan" meaning in Urdu is پاگل Pagal. Q2) Can Insan be used formal? Yes, Insan can be used in formal Urdu. It is a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal contexts. Q3) Are there any other translations of Insan in Urdu? Yes, other translations of Insan in Urdu include پاگل Pagal, دیوانہ Dewana, and خبطی Khubti. Q4) What are Insan synonyms? Some synonyms for Insan include: .

Insane Translation in Urdu » Insane Meaning in Urdu

Insane Translation in Urdu باؤلا، سڑی، پاگل، بوراہا، سودائی، مجنوں، دیوانہ، خفقانی، خبطی، مخبوط Urdu Translation, Definition and Meaning of English Word Insane. You are seeing Insane translation in Urdu. You can find other words matching your search Insane also. "Insane" Meaning in Urdu is "باؤلا، سڑی، پاگل، بوراہا، سودائی، مجنوں، دیوانہ، خفقانی، خبطی، مخبوط" We are showing all the meanings of word " Insane" even if it is noun, verb or adjective. If you want sentence or paragraph translation online then please visit If word you searched is not found in our dictionary, please check your spellings, search again, you can also find it in the given belwo matching words. Words matching your search are: Urdu to English Dictionary | English to Urdu Translation | English to Urdu Dictionary Sponsored Links