Jaipur to kedarnath distance

  1. Jaipur to Kedarnath Outstation (Roundtrip) Cabs, Taxi Clear Car Rental
  2. Indore to Kedarnath Distance & Journey

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Jaipur to Kedarnath Outstation (Roundtrip) Cabs, Taxi Clear Car Rental

Fare Breakup : Approx. Roundtrip distance : 1410 Kms. Minimum charged distance : 250 Kms / Day Estimated Km charged 1410 Km X 12.50 Rs/Km = Rs. 17625 /- Driver Allowance Rs.250 X 1 Days = Rs. 250 /- GST 5 % GST On Rs.17875 = Rs. 893.75 /- - Total Cost = Rs. 18769/- Extra Charges : If you will use car/cab more than 1410 Kms , extra charges as follows: After 1410 Kms : + Rs12.50 per km charges CCR Transparency :1. One day means one calendar day (12 midnight to 12 midnight). 2. Kilometers and Hours will be calculated from garage to garage. 3. Toll, Parking, State Border Charges etc. not include in the above cost, you have to pay extra as applicable. 4.AC will be switched off in hilly areas. 5.Driver would take care of his food and stay. 6.Pay 20% for confirmation of your booking. Fare Breakup : Approx. Roundtrip distance : 1410 Kms. Minimum charged distance : 250 Kms / Day Estimated Km charged 1410 Km X 13.00 Rs/Km = Rs. 18330 /- Driver Allowance Rs.300 X 1 Days = Rs. 300 /- GST 5 % GST On Rs.18630 = Rs. 931.5 /- - Total Cost = Rs. 19562/- Extra Charges : If you will use car/cab more than 1410 Kms , extra charges as follows: After 1410 Kms : + Rs13.00 per km charges CCR Transparency :1. One day means one calendar day (12 midnight to 12 midnight). 2. Kilometers and Hours will be calculated from garage to garage. 3. Toll, Parking, State Border Charges etc. not include in the above cost, you have to pay extra as applicable. 4.AC will be switched off in hilly areas. 5.Driver woul...

Indore to Kedarnath Distance & Journey

Indore to Kedarnath Distance In this article, we are covering complete information about Indore to Kedarnath temple Uttarakhand Total distance is 1397 km About Indore Indore is a city in central western India. It is famous for the seven-story Rajwada Palace and Lal Bagh Palace, dating back to the Holkar dynasty of Indore in the 19th century. Holkar rulers are commemorated with Chhatri Baag’s tomb and a group of monuments. To the east are the Indo-Gothic Gandhi Hall and Clock Tower. The Jain temple Kanch Mandir has a mirror mosaic interior. The distance between Indore to Kedarnath by Road is 1397 km. Kedarnath is a more than 1200-year-old Hindu temple and it is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The name comes from two Sanskrit words “Kedara” meaning “field” and “Natha” meaning “lord”: the god of the field. There are 12 Jyotirlingas and Kedarnath is the highest among them and is one of the branches of Devdhamyatra (Chardham Yatra). The temple is located in the Himalayas in the Garwal region near the Mandakinikini River (a tributary of the Ganges) in Uttarakhand, India. The temple is 242 km (150 miles) from Haridwar and 1397 km from Indore. The temple is usually open to the public between April and November. Every year thousands of pilgrims visit Kedarnath to worship Lord Shiva of Indore. Distance from Indore to Kedarnath Temple • Distance from Indore to Kedarnath is set at 1397 km via Road. • Distance from Indore -> Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Airport -> Jolly Grant Airport -> via road to...