Kahuta nuclear plant location

  1. How Morarji Desai helped Pakistan become a nuclear state
  2. Telugu News, Telugu Cinema News, Andhra News, Telangana News, Political News
  3. How We Killed The Kaoboys
  4. Pakistan’s Growing Uranium Enrichment Program
  5. Operation Kahuta: RAW most daring operation Story

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How Morarji Desai helped Pakistan become a nuclear state

The importance of intelligence network in inter-state relations, particularly between rival nations, is again being underlined with deadly revelations on the Kargil war by former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf on what his country actually did in that episode 15 years ago. Along with other things, it also underlines India’s intelligence failure. But there is one episode that happened 37 years ago between the two countries that will remain a dark spot on the nation’s national security as well as the history of world spy networks. Burning with hatred for the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), skilfully floated by his predecessor Indira Gandhi on the lines of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), to keep an eye on foreign countries, organise counter security operations and secure Indian interests, and under the mistaken notion that she had used the RAW along with Central Intelligence Bureau against the opposition during the Emergency, Desai brought down the RAW budget by 30 per cent and caused its chief, the great RN Kao, who helped to found the RAW and earned praise from even world leaders for his excellent investigative skills, to go on leave. Next, he virtually shunted out Kao’s successor K Sankaran Nair who was replaced by NF Suntook. But what Desai did after this was simply shocking. In a telephonic conversation, he revealed details of the RAW network in Pakistan to Zia-ul-Haq, the neighbouring country's then martial...

Telugu News, Telugu Cinema News, Andhra News, Telangana News, Political News

పాకిస్థాన్ లోని కహుతా అణు కేంద్రాన్ని ధ్వంసం చేయడానికి ఇజ్రాయెల్ తో కలిసి భారతదేశం ఓ ప్రణాళిక రచించిందనే వార్తలు ఇప్పటికే ప్రచారం అవుతున్నాయి. వీటిపై స్పష్టమైన సమాచారం లేదు. పాలస్తీనా ఇజ్రాయెల్ కాల్పుల అనంతరం పాక్ పట్ల భారత్ అలాగే వ్యవహించాలని నిపుణులు అభిప్రాయపడ్డారని తెలుస్తోంది. అందుకు గుజరాత్ ను కేంద్రంగా చేసుకోవాలని నిర్ణయించినట్లు పలువురు వెల్లడించారు. ఆ తర్వాత ఈ ప్రణాళిక ఎందుకు కార్యరూపం దాల్చలేదో? తెలుసుకుందామా? ప్రత్యేక మిషన్ భారత్ లో తొలిసారి కాంగ్రెసేతర ప్రభుత్వం ఏర్పడింది. కేంద్రంలో జనతా ప్రభుత్వం అధికారంలోకి వచ్చింది. ప్రధానిగా మొరార్జీ దేశాయ్ బాధ్యతలు స్వీకరించారు. 1977లో దేశంలో అత్యవసర పరిస్థితిని విధించారు. 1971 పాకిస్తాన్ యుద్ధం తర్వాత భారతీయ నాయకులపై రీసెర్చ్ అండ్ ఎనాలసిస్ వింగ్ నిఘా పెడుతోందని భావించారు. జనతా ప్రభుత్వం రా బడ్జెట్ లో 30 శాతం కోత విధించింది. పాకిస్థాన్ అణ్వాయుధ దేశంగా మారకుండా ఉండేందుకు ప్రత్యేక మిషన్ ను ఏర్పాటు చేసింది. బ్లాప్రింట్ కు అవకాశం కహుతా న్యూక్లియర్ పవర్ ప్లాంట్ బ్లూ ప్రింట్ ను భారతదేశానికి రూ.10000 డాలర్లకు ఇవ్వడానికి ఓ రా ఏజెంట్ ముందుకొచ్చారని పాక్ గ్రూప్ కెప్టెన్ ఓ వ్యాసంలో పేర్కొన్నారు. విషయం తెలిసిన ప్రధాని మొరార్జీ దేశాయ్... పాక్ మిలిటరీ పాలకుడు జనరల్ జియా హుల్ హక్ ను ఫోన్ ద్వారా సంప్రదించారని చెప్పారు. కహుతా అణుబాంబు కేంద్రం నిర్మాణం గురించి ప్రస్తావించినట్లు తెలిపారు. దీనిపై విచారణ జరిపారు. రా గూఢచారిని పట్టుకున్నారు. చివరకు భారత్ కు బ్లూప్రింట్ దక్కలేదని వెల్లడించారు. తలవెంట్రులతో నిర్ధారణ అణ్వాయుధాల ఉత్పత్తికి పాక్ కృషి చేస్తున్నట్లు రా అనుమానించింది. గూఢచర్యాన్ని అప్రమత్తం చేసింది. నెట్ వర్క్ ద్వారా చాలా సమాచారం సేకరి...

How We Killed The Kaoboys

is a professor-cum-author, about to complete her doctorate in marketing from IIT Kharagpur. She is the author of three management books which serve as prescribed textbooks in several universities across India. She has taught at premier institutes like IIT Kharagpur, and S. P. Jain Centre of Management, Dubai. Our late Prime Minister Morarji Desai blew India’s most critical covert operation, fully compromised our secret services, and helped Pakistan make the “Islamic bomb”. Kao is a name that’s known the world over—the secret world of espionage. R.N. Kao was the man anointed as independent India’s spymaster to bell the international cat. This shrewd, sharp and surprisingly shy Kashmiri Brahmin (Ramji to his friends; Kao to his foes; R.N stood for Rameshwar Nath) was handpicked by Nehru himself to deal with matters too sensitive and important to be entrusted to the regular police or defence machinery. There couldn’t have been a better choice. Read his obituary, celebrating the man and the spy, carried by the British newspaper The Independent in February 2002 (Do a Google search for “obituary independent kao”). Operation Kahuta was one of RAW’s most ambitious and daring covert operations overseas, inside Pakistan. Kahuta was the answer to India’s nuclear programme, the secret site for Pakistan’s nuclear programme. Kao, who had joined the Imperial Police Service in 1940, donned the proverbial cloak and dagger on the 21st day of September, 1968, and thus was born the (in)famous...

Pakistan’s Growing Uranium Enrichment Program

• • • • • Pakistan’s Growing Uranium Enrichment Program Reports Pakistan’s Growing Uranium Enrichment Program by David Albright, Sarah Burkhard, and Frank Pabian May 30, 2018 Download PDF Pakistan has invested heavily in recent years in renovating and expanding its nuclear infrastructure, including the parts related to making nuclear explosive materials. The Institute for Science and International Security monitors Pakistan’s nuclear activities and in this report examines Pakistan’s efforts to expand its capability to enrich uranium for nuclear power reactors and for use in nuclear weapons. The report outlines, using government budget documents, Pakistan’s progress in building a large-scale enrichment plant with the stated aim of making low enriched uranium for nuclear power reactors and, using commercial satellite imagery, surveys a construction site at the A.Q. Khan Research Laboratories near Kahuta (called the Kahuta site in the report) that is likely a relatively large gas centrifuge plant under construction and could produce enriched uranium for civil or military purposes. This report discusses the purpose and size of the likely enrichment plant at Kahuta and estimates the amount of enriched uranium it could produce. We could not determine if Pakistan is building one or two enrichment plants. We are certainly interested in learning more. While much of the world’s attention has been directed to the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea, Pakistan has greatly expanded...

Operation Kahuta: RAW most daring operation Story

What is RAW and when was it formed? After independence, India had a decent intelligence body the Intelligence Bureau (IB). But when Pakitan started playing dirty by supplying arms and ammunition to Sikh militants, Indira Gandhi thought it wise to have our own foreign intelligence agency. However, we did not get an agency. We have a research and analysis unit that is not classified as an agency and therefore does not have to divulge any secrets it has. Founded in 1968 by the legendary RN Kao, RAW focused first on Pakistan and second on China. After India conducted the first nuclear tests at Pokhran in 1974, the other major countries just couldn't digest it. After all, how can 'we' progress in life since all the development and destruction has been patented by the big countries? The most frustrated country was...no surprise, our dear neighbour...Pakistan. We all know that after India broke the war into Bangladesh in 1971, the USA supported Pakistan and pressured India. But this time surprisingly the US did not fully support Pakistan and instead put pressure on France for not helping Pakistan. After France withdrew its support, Pakistan was left with far fewer options. They started developing their KAHUTA plant, and that too in full secrecy. What was Operation Kahuta? Operation Kahuta was a program run by Pakistan's nuclear weapons development organization, known as the Khan Research Laboratories (KRL), to develop nuclear weapons. The program was led by Pakistani nuclear phys...