1. How to Access, Export & Delete Your Google Activity

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How to Access, Export & Delete Your Google Activity

Don’t you want anyone to have access to your search history? In case you have missed the point, Google is actually storing all your search results, your local favorite restaurants, all your apps connected to Google. And everything in between. The positive thing you can download all this from Google Takeout. This new service allows you to download all your history with Google’s services. In this tutorial you will learn how to download, access, and delete all your Google Activity. As I have shown you earlier, you can also Let’s go! 1. How to Access & Delete Your Google Activity You can access everything related to your activity with Google Services using MyActivity: You can delete all your activity whenever you want by clicking on “ Delete activity by” in the left menu. Click on “ All time” or choose the Last hour or Last day. Select the products related to your delete and click “ Next” and follow-through, I don’t want to delete my activity. 2. How to Export and Download Your Data in Google Takeout If you want to download your Google Account’s history and all your data go to Google Takeout: Select the products that you want to export in your Google Takeout and click on “ Next“. Choose the Delivery method, you can either receive your data in the Cloud or receive a download link in your Here I have chosen Add to Drive. Here is an example of the message you are going to receive in case you have chosen Google Drive as delivery method, each file has 2GB of data.