Os functions

  1. 2.1: Function of the Operating System
  2. Python os Module
  3. Chapter 16
  4. Functions of Operating System
  5. Operating system
  6. OS
  7. Functions of Operating System
  8. 2.1: Function of the Operating System
  9. Operating system
  10. Python os Module

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2.1: Function of the Operating System

What is the Purpose of an OS? An operating systemacts as a communication bridge (interface) between the user and computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide a platform on which a user can execute programs in a convenient and efficient manner. An operating system is a piece of software that manages the allocation of computer hardware. The coordination of the hardware must be appropriate to ensure the correct working of the computer system and to prevent user programs from interfering with the proper working of the system. Example: Just like a boss gives order to his employee, in the similar way we request or pass our orders to the operating system. The main goal of the operating system is to thus make the computer environment more convenient to use and the secondary goal is to use the resources in the most efficient manner. What is operating system ? An operating system is a program on which application programs are executed and acts as an communication bridge (interface) between the user and the computer hardware. The main task an operating system carries out is the allocation of resources and services, such as allocation of: memory, devices, processors and information. The operating system also includes programs to manage these resources, such as a traffic controller, a scheduler, memory management module, I/O programs, and a file system. Important functions of an operating system: • Security The operating system uses password protection to protect...

Python os Module

Python - OS Module It is possible to automatically perform many operating system tasks. The OS module in Python provides functions for creating and removing a directory (folder), fetching its contents, changing and identifying the current directory, etc. You first need to import the os module to interact with the underlying operating system. So, import it using the import os statement before using its functions. Getting Current Working Directory The getcwd() function confirms returns the current working directory. import os os.mkdir("C:\MyPythonProject") A new directory corresponding to the path in the string argument of the function will be created. If you open the C:\ drive, then you will see the MyPythonProject folder has been created. By default, if you don't specify the whole path in the mkdir() function, it will create the specified directory in the current working directory or drive. The following will create MyPythonProject in the C:\Python37 directory. import os print(os.getcwd()) #output: 'C:\Python37' os.mkdir("MyPythonProject") Changing the Current Working Directory We must first change the current working directory to a newly created one before doing any operations in it. This is done using the chdir() function. The following change current working directory to C:\MyPythonProject. os.chdir("C:\\MyPythonProject") print(os.getcwd()) #output: 'C:\\MyPythonProject' os.chdir("..") print(os.getcwd()) #output: 'C:\\' Removing a Directory The rmdir() function in the O...

Chapter 16

• os.name • os.environ • os.chdir() • os.getcwd() • os.getenv() • os.putenv() • os.mkdir() • os.makedirs() • os.remove() • os.rename() • os.rmdir() • os.startfile() • os.walk() • os.path That looks like a lot to cover, but there is at least ten times as many other actions that the os module can do. This chapter is just going to give you a little taste of what’s available. To use any of the methods mentioned in this section, you will need to import the os module, like this: os.name The os module has both callable functions and normal values. In the case of os.name, it is just a value. When you access os.name, you will get information about what platform you are running on. You will receive one of the following values: ‘posix’, ‘nt’, ‘os2’, ‘ce’, ‘java’, ‘riscos’. Let’s see what we get when we run it on Windows 7: os.environ, os.getenv() and os.putenv() The os.environ value is known as a mapping object that returns a dictionary of the user’s environmental variables. You may not know this, but every time you use your computer, some environment variables are set. These can give you valuable information, such as number of processors, type of CPU, the computer name, etc. Let’s see what we can find out about our machine: >>> import os >>> os . environ Your output won’t be the same as mine as everyone’s PC configuration is a little different, but you’ll see something similar. As you may have noticed, this returned a dictionary. That means you can access the environmental variable...

Functions of Operating System

Introduction to Functions of Operating System The main function of an Operating System is to manage the computer resources well. This function is carried out with the help of the user and hence user interface should be proper and well maintained. Functions of OS help the user to do the tasks assigned to the system and it helps to do it in a proper manner. The services are provided to the user in the form of application software. Also controlling the device for several functions help the user to perform the tasks. Security and storage are the other areas where OS focus to do the system tasks and to help the user. What Is the Operating System? • The Operating System as a computing device that helps the user to do the tasks assigned to it. Hardware and software are managed by OS and it provides resources to the user. The OS acts as an intermediate between hardware and input, output and memory allocation functions. • OS manages the following resources – input devices, output devices, storage devices, and network devices. Input devices include keyboard and mouse, output devices are monitors, printers, and scanners, and network device is the modem and so on. Also, storage devices include internal and external storage drives. • The main components of OS are the kernel, user interface, and application programming interface. Basic control is provided by the kernel to the devices. The user interface helps in user interaction with the system. The code is written by application develo...

Operating system

Many people use electronic devices such as PCs, laptops, smartphones, or tablets on a daily basis. And all of these devices are usually running an operating system (OS). But only few users know what this software can do and why it comes pre-installed on most devices. While laptops and desktop devices usually run on Windows, macOS, or Linux, most mobile devices either run iOS or Android. And although most operating system differ widely; their core functions and structure are very similar in principle. Contents • What do you need an operating system for? • Operating system functions • Hardware administration • Software administration • Data management • Rights management • User guidance • Network settings • Security provisions • Structure of an operating system • Different operating systems • Windows • macOS • Linux • iOS • Android After you switch on your laptop, one of the first things to usually happen is that the system will boot up. Depending on the operating system installed, Windows, Linux, or macOS will launch. Only once the system used to run the device has been booted, users can launch their favorite programs, connect to the internet, or access their data. The operating system is not, however, responsible for the actual boot-up process. That’s what the But the BIOS only has basic functionalities relating to the boot-up process. One of its tasks is to load the operating system which then takes over the whole system administration. Much of this happens in the backgro...


• • os.EOL • os.availableParallelism() • os.arch() • os.constants • os.cpus() • os.devNull • os.endianness() • os.freemem() • os.getPriority([pid]) • os.homedir() • os.hostname() • os.loadavg() • os.machine() • os.networkInterfaces() • os.platform() • os.release() • os.setPriority([pid, ]priority) • os.tmpdir() • os.totalmem() • os.type() • os.uptime() • os.userInfo([options]) • os.version() • • • • • • • • • ► ▼ Index • • • Table of contents • • os.EOL • os.availableParallelism() • os.arch() • os.constants • os.cpus() • os.devNull • os.endianness() • os.freemem() • os.getPriority([pid]) • os.homedir() • os.hostname() • os.loadavg() • os.machine() • os.networkInterfaces() • os.platform() • os.release() • os.setPriority([pid, ]priority) • os.tmpdir() • os.totalmem() • os.type() • os.uptime() • os.userInfo([options]) • os.version() • • • • • • • • Added in: v0.3.3 • Returns: Returns an array of objects containing information about each logical CPU core. The array will be empty if no CPU information is available, such as if the /proc file system is unavailable. The properties included on each object include: • model • speed • times • user • nice • sys • idle • irq [ , ] copy nice values are POSIX-only. On Windows, the nice values of all processors are always 0. os.cpus().length should not be used to calculate the amount of parallelism available to an application. Use os.availableParallelism() for this purpose. os.devNull Added in: v2.3.0 • Returns: Returns the string path of ...

Functions of Operating System

Introduction to Functions of Operating System The main function of an Operating System is to manage the computer resources well. This function is carried out with the help of the user and hence user interface should be proper and well maintained. Functions of OS help the user to do the tasks assigned to the system and it helps to do it in a proper manner. The services are provided to the user in the form of application software. Also controlling the device for several functions help the user to perform the tasks. Security and storage are the other areas where OS focus to do the system tasks and to help the user. What Is the Operating System? • The Operating System as a computing device that helps the user to do the tasks assigned to it. Hardware and software are managed by OS and it provides resources to the user. The OS acts as an intermediate between hardware and input, output and memory allocation functions. • OS manages the following resources – input devices, output devices, storage devices, and network devices. Input devices include keyboard and mouse, output devices are monitors, printers, and scanners, and network device is the modem and so on. Also, storage devices include internal and external storage drives. • The main components of OS are the kernel, user interface, and application programming interface. Basic control is provided by the kernel to the devices. The user interface helps in user interaction with the system. The code is written by application develo...

2.1: Function of the Operating System

What is the Purpose of an OS? An operating systemacts as a communication bridge (interface) between the user and computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide a platform on which a user can execute programs in a convenient and efficient manner. An operating system is a piece of software that manages the allocation of computer hardware. The coordination of the hardware must be appropriate to ensure the correct working of the computer system and to prevent user programs from interfering with the proper working of the system. Example: Just like a boss gives order to his employee, in the similar way we request or pass our orders to the operating system. The main goal of the operating system is to thus make the computer environment more convenient to use and the secondary goal is to use the resources in the most efficient manner. What is operating system ? An operating system is a program on which application programs are executed and acts as an communication bridge (interface) between the user and the computer hardware. The main task an operating system carries out is the allocation of resources and services, such as allocation of: memory, devices, processors and information. The operating system also includes programs to manage these resources, such as a traffic controller, a scheduler, memory management module, I/O programs, and a file system. Important functions of an operating system: • Security The operating system uses password protection to protect...

Operating system

Many people use electronic devices such as PCs, laptops, smartphones, or tablets on a daily basis. And all of these devices are usually running an operating system (OS). But only few users know what this software can do and why it comes pre-installed on most devices. While laptops and desktop devices usually run on Windows, macOS, or Linux, most mobile devices either run iOS or Android. And although most operating system differ widely; their core functions and structure are very similar in principle. Contents • What do you need an operating system for? • Operating system functions • Hardware administration • Software administration • Data management • Rights management • User guidance • Network settings • Security provisions • Structure of an operating system • Different operating systems • Windows • macOS • Linux • iOS • Android After you switch on your laptop, one of the first things to usually happen is that the system will boot up. Depending on the operating system installed, Windows, Linux, or macOS will launch. Only once the system used to run the device has been booted, users can launch their favorite programs, connect to the internet, or access their data. The operating system is not, however, responsible for the actual boot-up process. That’s what the But the BIOS only has basic functionalities relating to the boot-up process. One of its tasks is to load the operating system which then takes over the whole system administration. Much of this happens in the backgro...

Python os Module

Python - OS Module It is possible to automatically perform many operating system tasks. The OS module in Python provides functions for creating and removing a directory (folder), fetching its contents, changing and identifying the current directory, etc. You first need to import the os module to interact with the underlying operating system. So, import it using the import os statement before using its functions. The getcwd() function confirms returns the current working directory. import os os.mkdir("C:\MyPythonProject") A new directory corresponding to the path in the string argument of the function will be created. If you open the C:\ drive, then you will see the MyPythonProject folder has been created. By default, if you don't specify the whole path in the mkdir() function, it will create the specified directory in the current working directory or drive. The following will create MyPythonProject in the C:\Python37 directory. os.chdir("C:\\MyPythonProject") print(os.getcwd()) #output: 'C:\\MyPythonProject' os.chdir("..") print(os.getcwd()) #output: 'C:\\' Removing a Directory The rmdir() function in the OS module removes the specified directory either with an absolute or relative path. Note that, for a directory to be removed, it should be empty. import os print(os.getcwd()) #output: 'C:\\MyPythonProject' os.rmdir("C:\\MyPythonProject") #PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process os.chdir("..") os.rmdir("...