Parivahan challan check

  1. E Challan check and Pay Online

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E Challan check and Pay Online

Get Your e-ChallanUse of technology fortrafficenforcement and regulation is being done on a large scale. The department has implemented the integrated “ E-Challan” project to fully automate. Now not only traffic police will catch you for rash driving but also cameras on the streets are watching you if you break any traffic rule you have to pay challan. You will get the challan directly at your home if you caught for breaking any traffic rule whether is it signals jump, weaves through traffic, or over speed. Here in this article today we people are going to provide you all the information related to E Challan Status and pay your e challan. E Challan check and pay and Payment pending status Challan is a payment which citizens of the country have to pay if they break any traffic rule as per the guidelines issued by the traffic department. Till now this payment is to be made by the citizens in specific places but as the technology becomes advanced the government of India has launched an online challan payment portal known as “E-Challan – Digital Traffic/Transport Enforcement Solution”. What Is E-Challan? The E-challan was inaugurated a few days back to give challans to the people on the official app of the government. This will not only save paper cost but also give a wider scope to the process. How to pay your E- Challan online ? If you want to check your e challan online and want to pay then follow below process. • First go to the • From the home page of the website, you nee...