Peroxisome function

  1. 3.8: Lysosomes and Peroxisomes
  2. Peroxisomes take shape
  3. Peroxisomes
  4. 9.2: Plant Cell Structure
  5. Peroxisome biogenesis initiated by protein phase separation
  6. 4.15: The Endomembrane System and Proteins
  7. The MFN1 and MFN2 mitofusins promote clustering between mitochondria and peroxisomes

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3.8: Lysosomes and Peroxisomes

\( \newcommand\) • • • • A cell is composed of many different organelles and microbodies (or cytosomes) is a type of organelle that is found in the cells of plants, protozoa, and animals. Organelles in the microbody family include peroxisomes, glyoxysomes, glycosomes and hydrogenosomes. Lysosomes Lysosomes are roughly spherical bodies enclosed by a single membrane. They are manufactured by the Golgi apparatus (Figure \(\PageIndex\) : Lysosome manufacturing process The lysosome is shown in purple, as an endpoint in Endocytotic sorting. AP2 is necessary for vesicle formation, whereas the Mannose-6-receptor is necessary for sorting Hydrolase into the Lysosome's lumen. Image used wtih permission (CC BY-SA; Matthew R G Russell). Materials within the cell scheduled for digestion are first deposited within lysosomes. These may be: • other organelles, such as mitochondria, that have ceased functioning properly and have been engulfed in autophagosomes • food molecules or, in some cases, food particles taken into the cell by endocytosis • foreign particles like bacteria that are engulfed by neutrophils • antigens that are taken up by • "professional" antigen-presenting cells like dendritic cells (by phagocytosis) and • B cells (by binding to their antigen receptors (BCRs) followed by receptor-mediated endocytosis. At one time, it was thought that lysosomes were responsible for killing cells scheduled to be removed from a tissue; for example, the resorption of its tail as the tadpole...

Peroxisomes take shape

• Peroxisomes are dynamic and diverse organelles that are found in nearly all eukaryotic cells, and the disruption of their function is linked to peroxisome-related diseases. During biogenesis, peroxisomal membrane and matrix proteins are imported into peroxisomes, and this is mediated by the capacity of peroxisomes to import protein complexes. • Two mechanisms of peroxisome biogenesis, de novo generation and fission from pre-existing peroxisomes, have been characterized, and one possibility is that they are conditionally and coordinately regulated. • The regulation of peroxisome dynamics is mediated by multifunctional peroxins, which have potential roles in coordinating peroxisome proliferation (by de novo generation and fission) with inheritance and degradation to control peroxisome size and abundance. Exciting roles of peroxins in peroxisome differentiation, motility and inheritance are also emerging. • An important outstanding challenge is to elucidate how the processes that contribute to peroxisome dynamics are regulated and coordinated, and systems approaches such as mathematical modelling will be essential for tackling this. Peroxisomes carry out various oxidative reactions that are tightly regulated to adapt to the changing needs of the cell and varying external environments. Accordingly, they are remarkably fluid and can change dramatically in abundance, size, shape and content in response to numerous cues. These dynamics are controlled by multiple aspects of pero...


Peroxisomes What are Peroxisomes? Peroxisomes are small vesicles, single membrane-bound organelles found in the eukaryotic cells. They contain digestive enzymes for breaking down toxic materials in the cell and oxidative enzymes for metabolic activity. They are a heterogeneous group of organelles and the presence of the marker enzymes distinguished them from other Peroxisomes play an important role in lipid production and are also involved in the conversion of reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide into safer molecules like water and oxygen by the enzyme catalase. Mostly peroxisomes occur as an individual organelle, e.g. in fibroblasts. They also exist in the form of interconnected tubules in liver cells known as peroxisome reticulum. Also read: Peroxisome Structure Peroxisomes vary in shape, size and number depending upon the energy requirements of the cell. These are made of a phospholipid bilayer with many membrane-bound proteins. The enzymes involved in lipid metabolism are synthesised on free ribosomes and selectively imported to peroxisomes. These enzymes include one of the two signalling sequences- Peroxisome Target Sequence 1 being the most common one. The phospholipids of peroxisomes are usually synthesised in smooth Endoplasmic reticulum. Due to the ingress of proteins and lipids, the peroxisome grows in size and divides into two organelles. Peroxisomes do not have their own DNA. Proteins are transported from the cytosol after translation. Peroxisome...

9.2: Plant Cell Structure

\( \newcommand\) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Components of All Cells All cells contain these same four components: 1. plasma ( cell) membrane, a phospholipid bilayer with a mosaic of proteins, which functions as a barrier between the cell and its environment. 2. cytoplasm, the region between the region of DNA and plasma membrane, and the cytosol, a fluid, jelly-like region inside the cell where chemical reactions take place. 3. DNA, the heredity information of cells, which can be found in a nucleus of eukaryotic cells and the a nucleoid region of prokaryotic cell. 4. ribosomes, or protein-synthesizing structures composed of ribosomes and proteins. These structures can be found on the image of the plant cell (Figure \(\PageIndex\)): This figure show the major organelles and other cell components of a typical eukaryotic plant cell. The plant cell has a cell wall, chloroplasts, plastids, and a central vacuole—structures not in animal cells. Most cells do not have lysosomes or centrosomes. The Plasma Membrane Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have a plasma membrane (Figure \(\PageIndex\)): The eukaryotic plasma membrane is a phospholipid bilayer with proteins and cholesterol embedded in it. The Cytoplasm The cytoplasm is the cell's entire region between the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope (a structure we will discuss shortly). It is comprised of organelles suspended in the gel-like cytosol, the cytoskeleton, and various chemicals (Figure \(\PageI...

Peroxisome biogenesis initiated by protein phase separation

Peroxisomes are organelles that carry out β-oxidation of fatty acids and amino acids. Both rare and prevalent diseases are caused by their dysfunction Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the minimum transport machinery includes the membrane proteins Pex13 and Pex14 and the cargo-protein-binding transport receptor, Pex5. Here we show that Pex13 undergoes liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) with Pex5–cargo. Intrinsically disordered regions in Pex13 and Pex5 resemble those found in nuclear pore complex proteins. Peroxisomal protein import depends on both the number and pattern of aromatic residues in these intrinsically disordered regions, consistent with their roles as ‘stickers’ in associative polymer models of LLPS • Zalckvar, E. & Schuldiner, M. Beyond rare disorders: a new era for peroxisomal pathophysiology. Mol. Cell 82, 2228–2235 (2022). • Ganesan, I., Shi, L. X., Labs, M. & Theg, S. M. Evaluating the functional pore size of chloroplast TOC and TIC protein translocons: import of folded proteins. Plant Cell 30, 2161–2173 (2018). • Walton, P. A., Hill, P. E. & Subramani, S. Import of stably folded proteins into peroxisomes. Mol. Biol. Cell 6, 675–683 (1995). • Meinecke, M. et al. The peroxisomal importomer constitutes a large and highly dynamic pore. Nat. Cell Biol. 12, 273–277 (2010). • Martin, E. W. et al. Valence and patterning of aromatic residues determine the phase behavior of prion-like domains. Science 367, 694–699 (2020). • Wang, J. et al. A molecular grammar governing...

4.15: The Endomembrane System and Proteins

Peroxisomes A type of organelle found in both animal cells and plant cells, a peroxisome is a membrane-bound cellular organelle that contains mostly enzymes. Peroxisomes perform important functions, including lipid metabolism and chemical detoxification. They also carry out oxidation reactions that break down fatty acids and amino acids. Figure \(\PageIndex\): Peroxisomes: Peroxisomes are membrane-bound organelles that contain an abundance of enzymes for detoxifying harmful substances and lipid metabolism. In contrast to the digestive enzymes found in lysosomes, the enzymes within peroxisomes serve to transfer hydrogen atoms from various molecules to oxygen, producing hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2). In this way, peroxisomes neutralize poisons, such as alcohol, that enter the body. In order to appreciate the importance of peroxisomes, it is necessary to understand the concept of reactive oxygen species. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as peroxides and free radicals, are the highly-reactive products of many normal cellular processes, including the mitochondrial reactions that produce ATP and oxygen metabolism. Examples of ROS include the hydroxyl radical OH, H 2O 2, and superoxide (O −2). Some ROS are important for certain cellular functions, such as cell signaling processes and immune responses against foreign substances. Many ROS, however, are harmful to the body. Free radicals are reactive because they contain free unpaired electrons; they can easily oxidize other molecul...

The MFN1 and MFN2 mitofusins promote clustering between mitochondria and peroxisomes

Mitochondria and peroxisomes are two types of functionally close-related organelles, and both play essential roles in lipid and ROS metabolism. However, how they physically interact with each other is not well understood. In this study, we apply the proximity labeling method with peroxisomal proteins and report that mitochondrial protein mitofusins (MFNs) are in proximity to peroxisomes. Overexpression of MFNs induces not only the mitochondria clustering but also the co-clustering of peroxisomes. We also report the enrichment of MFNs at the mitochondria-peroxisome interface. Induced mitofusin expression gives rise to more mitochondria-peroxisome contacting sites. Furthermore, the tethering of peroxisomes to mitochondria can be inhibited by the expression of a truncated MFN2, which lacks the transmembrane region. Collectively, our study suggests MFNs as regulators for mitochondria-peroxisome contacts. Our findings are essential for future studies of inter-organelle metabolism regulation and signaling, and may help understand the pathogenesis of mitofusin dysfunction-related disease. Peroxisomes are single-membrane organelles that function as a compartment for lipid oxidation and synthesis. It also plays a role in ROS (reactive oxygen species) metabolism by generating and removing ROS. Peroxisomes are structurally and functionally related to mitochondria in lipid and ROS metabolism and share similar fission machinery Peroxisomes and mitochondria form organelle contacts in di...