Programiz javascript

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In this guide, we will show you how you can learn to code with JavaScript. The JavaScript As the language of the web, it’s also extremely popular and there’s high demand for web developers with this proficiency. This makes it a great language for learning how to code — it’s a skill that’s guaranteed to hold its value for a long time. You’ll be amazed at what you can create! Let’s get started. Learn What JavaScript Is (and Why It’s So Popular) JavaScript was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while working for Netscape. It has since become the most popular programming language on Earth, with millions of developers using it to create everything from web apps to serverless applications. JavaScript is a versatile scripting language that runs on both the client-side and server-side of web development. This means that you can use JavaScript to create interactive web pages, games, and more. JavaScript is also the language of the popular Node.js runtime environment, which lets you run JavaScript code on your computer outside of a web browser. This makes it possible to use JavaScript for building desktop apps, mobile apps, and even IoT devices! As you can see, JavaScript is a powerful and popular language that you can use to create just about anything. Why Is JavaScript a Great Language for Beginners? JavaScript is a great first language for several reasons. As we mentioned before, it’s the most popular language in the world. This means that millions of resources are available to help...