Purnia to nepal distance

  1. Directions from Purnia to Biratnagar Nepal
  2. Distance between Purnia and Nepal
  3. Distance from Kathmandu to Purnia
  4. Distance between Kathmandu and Purnia
  5. Distance Everest → Purnia
  6. Fly or Drive from Purnia to Ilam, Nepal
  7. General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR

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Directions from Purnia to Biratnagar Nepal

To find the driving direction from Purnia to Biratnagar Nepal which is 94 by road, click on Show Directions after entering start and end locations in the calculator control. It takes around 92 to reach Purnia to Biratnagar Nepal. Tired of travelling by road? You can just fly from Purnia to Biratnagar Nepal. Check the

Distance between Purnia and Nepal

Distance between Purnia and Nepal is 318 KM The straight line distance between Purnia and Nepal is 318 KM or the mile base distance is 197.6 Miles. The travel route based distance from Purnia to Nepal is more than the crow fly distance. Purnia and Nepal LocationThe source travel point Purnia is located at the latitue of 25.5 and the longitude of 87.3. The destination travel point is located at the lattitue of 25.5 and the longitude of 87.3. Sun rise time difference between Purnia and NepalThe time difference between Purnia and Nepal is 7 hours and 56 minutes. The actual time difference between two places Purnia and Nepal may be same or vary based on the country or states standard time. Purnia and Nepal travel timeThe travel time to reach Nepal from Purnia is 5 hours and 18 minutes. We assumed your traveling speed is 60 kilometer per hour. If you take rest during travel that duration should be added with the given travel time. The given travel time between Purnia and Nepal may differ due to the speed and waiting time of the vehicle. You can also calculate the tavel time by bus, train, flight , bycycle an walk. Distance from PurniaYou can get the answer for the following queries. What is the distance between Purnia and Nepal ?. what is the travel time between b Purnia and Nepal ?. You are welcome to use the following links to get more travel distance from Purnia • • • • • • • • • • •

Distance from Kathmandu to Purnia

How far is it between Kathmandu and Purnia Kathmandu is located in Nepal with (27.7017,85.3206) coordinates and Purnia is located in India with (25.779,87.4742) coordinates. The calculated flying distance from Kathmandu to Purnia is equal to 188 miles which is equal to 302 km. If you want to go by car, the driving distance between Kathmandu and Purnia is 448.59 km. If you ride your car with an average speed of 112 kilometers/hour (70 miles/h), travel time will be 04 hours 00 minutes. Please check the avg. speed travel time table on the right for various options. Difference between fly and go by a car is 147 km. City/Place Latitude and Longitude GPS Coordinates Kathmandu 27.7017, 85.3206 27° 42´ 6.0840'' N 85° 19´ 14.1600'' E Purnia 25.779, 87.4742 25° 46´ 44.2200'' N 87° 28´ 27.1920'' E Estimated Travel Time Between Kathmandu and Purnia Average Speed Travel Time 30 mph (48 km/h) 09 hours 20 minutes 40 mph (64 km/h) 07 hours 00 minutes 50 mph (80 km/h) 05 hours 36 minutes 60 mph (97 km/h) 04 hours 37 minutes 70 mph (112 km/h) 04 hours 00 minutes 75 mph (120 km/h) 03 hours 44 minutes

Distance between Kathmandu and Purnia

Distance from Kathmandu to Purnia Distance is 303 kilometers or 188 miles or 164 nautical miles The distance is the theoretical air distance (great circle distance). Flying between the two locations' airports can be a different distance, depending on airport location and actual route chosen. Map – Shortest path between Kathmandu and Purnia • Location for Kathmandu • Location for Purnia The map is using a projection that makes land and oceans much wider near the south and north poles. The heading/course/bearing during a flight varies in most cases. Map based on image from Heading from Kathmandu Latitude: 27°43' North Longitude: 85°19' East Initial heading: 134.6° Southeast Final heading: 135.5° Southeast Heading from Purnia Latitude: 25°47' North Longitude: 87°29' East Initial heading: 315.5° Northwest Final heading: 314.6° Northwest Find distance between other locations • • Local time comparison Location Local Time (Nepal) Friday, 16 June 2023, 22:48:34 (India – Bihar) Friday, 16 June 2023, 22:33:34 Other time conversions • • Advertising

Distance Everest → Purnia

Distance: 155.72 mi ( 250.61 km) The shortest distance (air line) between Everest and Purnia is 155.72 mi ( 250.61 km). Driving route: -- ( - ) The shortest route between Everest and Purnia is according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. . Half of the trip is reached in . Flight route: 97.61 mi ( 157.08 km) (0h 41min) The flight distance between the nearest airports Everest ( 97.61 mi ( 157.08 km). This corresponds to an approximate flight time of 0h 41min. Similar flight routes: Bearing: 167.46° (SSE) The initial bearing on the course from Everest to Purnia is 167.46° and the compass direction is SSE. Midpoint: The 77.86 mi ( 125.30 km) distance between both points in a bearing of 167.46°. It is located in Nepal, Eastern Development Region, Dhankuta, Ahale (नेपाल, पुर्वाञ्चल विकास क्षेत्र, धनकुटा, Ahale). Time difference: -0.5h The time difference between Everest (Asia/Urumqi) and Purnia (Asia/Kolkata) is -0.5 hours. This means that it is now 23:03 (16.06.2023) in Everest and 22:33 (16.06.2023) in Purnia.

Fly or Drive from Purnia to Ilam, Nepal

What is the fly or drive score? The fly or drive score is an estimate of the true cost of travel. A lower score is better. Our score includes factors like airline prices and fuel costs, but it also takes into account the value of your time spent traveling. If you're taking time off work because you have to drive an extra day, it might be better to fly even if driving is technically cheaper. Tap on a blue or green value to customize it. Enter the total number of travelers. This will be used to calculate the sum of plane tickets for everyone, as well as the number of cars you need if you're planning a road trip. We assume a max of 4 passengers per car, but you can change the number of cars if your situation is different. Number of travelers: Cheapest airfare = $200.00 round trip Enter the total amount you're planning to spend on extra costs for local transportation at your destination. This might include a rental car to drive around the area, or the cost of a cab or airport shuttle to get to your hotel. You could also include an extra cost for food at the airport, and any other miscellaneous spending along the way. Enter your total estimate below. Total extra costs: $ Enter the total number of cars you'll be taking on the road trip. This will be used to calculate the total cost of driving for everyone. The default is a max of 4 passengers per car, but you can adjust the number of cars to fit your situation. Number of cars: Gas for each car = $65.02 round trip Fuel efficiency...

General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR

Temporarily unavailable for users in Europe Users in Europe would not have access to Yatra's services temporarily. We are working through changes given the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR that came into effect on 25 May 2018. Though we intend to resume our services in Europe at the earliest, we regret the inconvenience caused to you, and indeed, thank you for your patience. Incase you have any queries about your existing booking made on Yatra, Kindly reach out to us here Yatra.com is a leading online travel services provider in India, US and UK. We offer best deals on flight bookings, hotel bookings, bus tickets, irctc train tickets, fly and stay and holiday packages. Find cheap domestic flights to destinations in India or book cheap international flights within minutes. You can also easily book/cancel IRCTC train tickets on Yatra. With over 103,000 hotels in India and more than 430,000 hotels associated with us worldwide, rest assured, we'll get you an appropriate hotel no matter the budget. Creating happy and satisfied travellers is our motto! • Company Information • Investor Relations • Partner With Yatra • Yatra for Business • Yatra Online, Inc is the parent company of Yatra Online Limited. which is based in Gurugram, India, and is India's leading Corporate Travel services provider with over 700+ Corporate customers, and one of India's leading online travel companies and operates the website Yatra.com. The company provides information, pricing, availability,...