Radha soami

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  6. Radhasoami, Soami Bagh

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Radha Soami

Radha Soami - Meaning What is the meaning of Radha Soami / Radha Swami Radhasoami Gurus and disciplessay that 'Radha'means Soul and 'Soami'means Lord. Therefore the meaning of the word Radhasoami is "Lord of the Soul". The above mentioned meaning of radhasoami is completely arbitrary, rather incorrect. • Wrong Meaning of Radhasoami -Lord of the Soul • Correct Meaning of Radhasoami - Shiv Dayal Ji True Meaning of Radhsoami in Book Sar bachan Radhasoami One needs to read the book "Saarbachan Radhasoami" to understand the actual meaning of the word Radhasoami. In thebook Saarbachan Radhasomai,Shiv Dayal ji's dying statements are recorded. The statements have been written by Seth Pratap Singh (younger brother of Shiv Dayal Ji) . At one place in Bachan number 5,Shiv Dayal jiaddresses Rai Saligram and asks him to respect hiswife Narayani Devi. In the footnote on the same page it has been made clear that Seth Pratap Singhused to address Narayani Devi (Shiv Dayal Ji's wife) as Radha Ji. It further clarifies that for this reason, the word Radha Ji has been recorded in this book rather than Narayani Devi. This therefore clarifies that Seth Pratap Singh used to call Narayani Devi (wife of Shiv Dayal Ji) as "Radha".This is how the word Radhasoami came into existence. See the image below. Meaning of RadhaSoami | Sar Bachan Chand Band Read Bachan 5 and footnote 1 Footnote 1reads • असलीनाम माता जी का माता नारायणी देवी जी था।लेकिन चूंकि सेठ प्रताप सिंह जी साहिब जिनहोने यह वचन लिखे हैं, इन...

About: Radha Soami

Radha Soami is a spiritual tradition founded by Shiv Dayal Singh in 1861 on Basant Panchami Day in Agra, India. His parents were followers of Guru Nanak of Sikhism and a spiritual guru Tulsi Sahib from Hathras. After completing his education, Shiv Dayal Singh gained employment as a Persian language translator, left that role and spent increasing amount of his time to religious pursuits. He was influenced by the teachings of Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, who taught Surat Shabd Yoga (which is defined by Radha Soami teachers as “union of the soul with the divine, inner sound”); guru bhakti (“devotion to the master”); and high moral living, including a strict lacto-vegetarian diet. He accompanied Tulsi Saheb a lot. He didn't take initiation from him, however. The movement does not promote celibacy, Property Value dbo:abstract • Radhasoami Satsang és un moviment espiritual iniciat a Índia al segle xix per Seth Shiv Dayal Singh Ji Maharaj i que actualment té diverses ramificacions i més de 3 milions d'adeptes, distribuïts a Índia, Europa i Amèrica, principalment. La fe de Radhasoami també és coneguda amb el nom genèric de Sant Mat o “camí dels sants”. Usualment es diu que Radhasoami és una secta d'origen sikh. La filosofia d'aquest moviment pren elements del sikhisme i de l'hinduisme, principalment de la secta vaisnava. Aquesta filosofia fa èmfasi en la meditació i la necessitat d'un Gurú o mestre vivent que iniciï al deixeble en el Shabd Ioga i així, ho porti a la realització de Déu....


Q & A with GSD with CC RSSB Spiritual Discourses These satsangs given by Hazur Maharaj Charan Singh in Punjabi language are approximately 60-90 minutes in length. Hazur covers all the important themes to inspire the sangat (congregation) to continue their efforts in meditation. He enjoins us to understand the purpose of life and the importance of seeing past this temporary, illusionary world and focus our attention on what is permanent. Complete Playlist Inspirational Thought These short video clips starting with Video 017 are quotations taken mostly from the RSSB books and are intended to give an “inspirational thought” that we can all reflect on. Each video appears in an English version and a Hindi version with both Hindi & Punjabi subtitles. Videos 001-016 are a mix of English-language videos taken from Hazur Maharaj Charan Singh’s Question & Answer sessions with English-speaking disciples, and the Punjabi-language videos are taken from Hazur Maharaj Ji’s Punjabi satsangs. Both language videos have English and Hindi subtitles. Complete Playlist Movie Clips Movie Clips are short excerpts taken from existing RSSB movies, such as: The Enigma of Love, Seva of Love, Hazur Maharaj Ji’s tour videos, etc. Each clip varies in duration. These short movie clips present a treasure of historical footage, dynamic scenes of the Dera, and inspiring messages from the Masters, reflecting their boundless love for their disciples. Complete Playlist Selected Shabads with Translation in E/H/...

Why Are Sikh People So Against Radha Soami Path

Why is it that sikhs are so against rs? First of all i wonder if we asked the great Guru nanak dev ji if he had a problem with this rs path would He to be as selfish as his follower never he would welcome everyone with open arms as all the rs baba ji is doing is spreading the message, just like the 10 gurus did, and to be honest this is where sikhs have got it all wrong when they think the sikh bible is only for sikh it was meant For all mankind not only sikhs and if we look deeper into the sikh bible it is clearly writen that you have to search for a living spiritual teacher And one who can give you the five holy names, im not here to upset anybody simply want some answers Mand5 I suggest you learn to be a bit more respectful before you think its right to question Sikhi in such an abrupt and negative manner. Just come out with it why pretend as you are a RS are you not comfortable with your "panth?" I think the newbie monitoring system is broke as it is letting in all kinds of weird stuff mand5 - im an ex radhasoami..... before i continue, well done for seeking answers from another source other then your radhasoami community. for this i must commend your efforts. I use to ask my family questions, they use to tell me not to ask others because others are "non believers... they think there way is right"... also my family use to say "maharaji (rs baba) is a walking granth... those who insult him are acting in ignorance"... my friend... you, and all other radhasoamis that beli...

Radhasoami, Soami Bagh

INTRODUCTIONFinding the Jivas in acute distress and delusion, and that they have deviated considerably from true Parmarth and are totally incapable of releasing themselves from the bondages of birth and death, the Supreme Being Radhasoami Dayal was moved with immense compassion. He incarnated Himself in this world in 1818 as Sant Sat Guru, in the form of Param Purush Puran Dhani Soamiji Maharaj and revealed an easy and simple path for the salvation of Jivas. RADHA is the name of the Dhun (reverberation) and SOAMI is the Shabd (sound). Know that Dhun and Shabd are one and the same, like water and its wave. Make no distinction between the two. RADHA is the lover and SOAMI, the beloved. RADHASOAMI sings of the union of Surat and Shabd. RADHA is the Name of the Adi (primal) Surat and SOAMI is the Adi Shabd. RADHA and SOAMI form an inseparable pair like Surat and Shabd. Know that both Radha and Soami are one word RADHASOAMI. As Surat dallies with Shabd, so does RADHA abide in close union with SOAMI. "Radhasoami" is the true and real name of the Supreme Creator. The goal of the Radhasoami Faith is the only true goal; of true and perfect salvation which can be attained only by practising Surat Shabd Yoga (union of spirit with sound current). As per Radhasoami Faith, the entire creation is divided into three divisions. • Spiritual: The First or the Highest Division is called Sat Desh or Dayal Desh (region) where pure spirit, uncontaminated by mind and matter, exists. It is compris...