React bootstrap icons

  1. Icons · Bootstrap v5.0
  2. Icons from Font Awesome, Bootstrap and Google
  3. Trying out the new Bootstrap 5 with React
  4. React Bootstrap Social Media icons & buttons
  5. React Bootstrap Hamburger
  6. Cómo usar react
  7. How to Use Bootstrap 5 and Bootstrap Icons in React

Download: React bootstrap icons
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Icons · Bootstrap v5.0

While Bootstrap doesn’t include an icon set by default, we do have our own comprehensive icon library called Bootstrap Icons. Feel free to use them or any other icon set in your project. We’ve included details for Bootstrap Icons and other preferred icon sets below. While most icon sets include multiple file formats, we prefer SVG implementations for their improved accessibility and vector support. Bootstrap Icons Bootstrap Icons is a growing library of SVG icons that are designed by Oh, and did we mention they’re completely open source? Licensed under MIT, just like Bootstrap, our icon set is available to everyone. Alternatives We’ve tested and used these icon sets ourselves as preferred alternatives to Bootstrap Icons. • • • More options While we haven’t tried these out ourselves, they do look promising and provide multiple formats, including SVG. • • • • • • • •

Icons from Font Awesome, Bootstrap and Google

Your search did not match any icons. fa fa-500px  fa fa-address-book  fa fa-address-book-o  fa fa-address-card  fa fa-address-card-o  fa fa-adjust  fa fa-adn  fa fa-align-center  fa fa-align-justify  fa fa-align-left  fa fa-align-right  fa fa-amazon  fa fa-ambulance  fa fa-american-sign-language-interpreting  fa fa-anchor  fa fa-android  fa fa-angellist  fa fa-angle-double-down  fa fa-angle-double-left  fa fa-angle-double-right  fa fa-angle-double-up  fa fa-angle-down  fa fa-angle-left  fa fa-angle-right  fa fa-angle-up  fa fa-apple  fa fa-archive  fa fa-area-chart  fa fa-arrow-circle-down  fa fa-arrow-circle-left  fa fa-arrow-circle-o-down  fa fa-arrow-circle-o-left  fa fa-arrow-circle-o-right  fa fa-arrow-circle-o-up  fa fa-arrow-circle-right  fa fa-arrow-circle-up  fa fa-arrow-down  fa fa-arrow-left  fa fa-arrow-right  fa fa-arrow-up  fa fa-arrows  fa fa-arrows-alt  fa fa-arrows-h  fa fa-arrows-v  fa fa-asl-interpreting  fa fa-assistive-listening-systems  fa fa-asterisk  fa fa-at  fa fa-audio-description  fa fa-automobile  fa fa-backward  fa fa-balance-scale  fa...

Trying out the new Bootstrap 5 with React

Follow Learn, Apply, Share Trying out the new Bootstrap 5 with React August 21, 2020 6 min read 1945 A few weeks ago the Bootstrap team • Dropped support for jQuery • Dropped support for internet explorer • Improved documentation • Support for custom CSS properties • Expanded color palette • Custom icons • Customizable utilities API • and more … While you might be excited to jump on it, it is worth noting that this release is not stable yet and as such is not recommended to use in production. In this post, I intend to share my understanding of what is new, and how to quickly get started with it. We’ll take things a step further and look at how we can use the new version in a React project. Getting started with Bootstrap 5 To get started, first install Bootstrap into your React project. At this point, you should have set up a React project to work with. If you need instructions on how to do that, check out Installing Bootstrap Here are a few ways to do this, you can: • • • • Use package managers (it is published as a pre-release to npm, yarn, RubyGems, etc.) If you use a package manager, you will be required to set up a workflow to compile Sass. In this tutorial, we’ll use Yarn. In your React project’s root directory, run the following command: yarn add install This will install Bootstrap 5 and the icons package in your React project. If you check your project’s package.json file, you should have this new package added in the dependencies object: "dependencies": And then a...

React Bootstrap Social Media icons & buttons

Social Media icons & buttons React Bootstrap Social Media icons & buttons - examples & tutorial React Social Media icons & Social Buttons with Bootstrap 5. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, GitHub, WhatsApp, Slack, Reddit & more To learn more read Icons Docs & Buttons Docs. Social buttons Combining our icons and custom colors you can create social buttons. Combining our icons and custom colors you can create social buttons. See all available icons in our Sample brands A few the most popular brands in form of social buttons. import React from 'react'; import Floating social By adding .btn-floating class you can create a nice, floating social button. import React from 'react'; import Text You don't need to use only an icon. You can add text to the button. Remember to add some spacing classes (for example .me-2) to provide a proper space between icon and text. import React from 'react'; import Notifications By using a badge you can create a button with a notification to provide a counter.

React Bootstrap Hamburger

Hamburger Menu React Bootstrap 5 Hamburger Menu Responsive React Hamburger button menu with Bootstrap 5. Hamburger toggle menu for mobile navigation, icon animations, sidenav, navbar templates & more. Hamburger menu is a navigation type that serves the purpose of hiding some menu items & showing them on click. It stacks the items on top of each other in a "hamburger" fashion. Basic example Simple example of a hamburger menu in a import React, Hamburger in Navbar Explore advanced navbar options & customization in the Start By default this hamburger menu will be displayed on the left side of a navbar. MDB supports So this elemnt will have the hamburger menu at the start of a navbar - on left or right side depending on the text direction. import React, End By default this hamburger menu will be displayed on the right side of a navbar. You can easily push an element to the end of its parent by using the .ms-auto> class which stands for margin start: auto. Thanks to this approach this example also supports RTL text direction (so with RTL enabled it will display on the left side). import React, Hamburger in Sidenav Hamburger Button is a common way to toggle sidenav on mobile devices. You can learn more about the sidebar component in the Start Simple example of a sidebar hamburger menu with the side navigation element at the start of the viewport (on the left side by default). import React, End Simple example of a sidebar hamburger menu with the side navigation element at the...

Cómo usar react

Artículo original escrito por Artículo original Traducido y adaptado por Cuando estés construyendo una aplicación web con React, es muy probable que requieras utilizar íconos. Los íconos son representaciones gráficas de un concepto, una idea, un archivo, un programa, una aplicación, un negocio, entre otros. También puedes usar íconos para representar la identidad de una funcionalidad. En aquellos lugares donde no quieras escribir el nombre de un programa, un ícono adecuado puede aparecer en lugar del nombre o aplicación para una fácil identificación. Existen muchas y diferentes librerías de íconos allí afuera, así que, ¿cómo puedes agregarlas a tu aplicación en React? Aprenderemos esto y mucho más en este artículo. En este artículo aprenderás: • ¿Qué es la librería 'react-icons'? • ¿Qué son los íconos de Font Awesome? • Cómo configurar tu entorno de desarrollo. • Cómo instalar 'react-icons'. • Cómo importar 'react-icons'. • Cómo usar 'react-icons' en tus aplicaciones. • Cómo usar más de un ícono. • Cómo hacer render de múltiples íconos de diferentes librerías. • Cómo ubicar íconos con estilo en línea (inline). • Cómo modificar los estilos de íconos de Font Awesome en una aplicación de React. • Bono: código para importar todas la librerías de íconos de 'react-icons' • Conclusión ¿Qué es 'react-icons'? 'React-icons' es una pequeña librería que te permite añadir íconos (desde distintas librerías de íconos) a tus aplicaciones hechas con React. Te entrega los íconos en tu aplic...

How to Use Bootstrap 5 and Bootstrap Icons in React

3 Conclusion Using Bootstrap Official Packages 1. To use Bootstrap 5, you can install the Advertisements npm i bootstrap bootstrap-icons Then import the required CSS file at the top of your src/index.js file: Advertisements import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; With this setup, you are ready to use Bootstrap CSS classes. If you want to use its Javascript functionality, you have to install npm install @popperjs/core Now you need to add extra dependencies in your src/index.js: import Popper from '@popperjs/core'; import 'bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min'; To reduce the size of your app, you can import only components you want from Bootstrap instead of the whole JS file as shown above. Example: import from 'bootstrap'; 2. In order to use Bootstrap icons, you need to install the npm i bootstrap-icons After that, you need to include the bootstrap-icons.css file in your src/index.js file: Advertisements import 'bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons.css'; You can see the full list of Bootstrap icons Example The Code 1. src/index.js: import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; import 'bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons.css'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import './index.css'; import App from './App'; ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('root') ); 2. src/App.js: // App.js // const App = () => ; export default App; Using If you don’t like to use Bootstrap CSS classes as the example above, you can use React Boots...