Remedies for dandruff and hairfall

  1. 10 Tips to Help Your Regrow Hair Naturally

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10 Tips to Help Your Regrow Hair Naturally

Some practices, such as massage, and topical products, including rosemary oil, may benefit hair health and growth. The cause of hair loss may affect its ability to regrow. There are different reasons for hair loss — genetics, hormone imbalances, fungal conditions of the scalp, stress, autoimmune diseases, and nutritional deficiencies — but there are some things you can do to naturally regrow your hair. Hair loss can be categorized by several symptoms. Male or female pattern baldness, also called androgenic alopecia, is most common among Male pattern baldness For male pattern baldness, causes include: • genetics • cancers • thyroid conditions • medications • nutritional disorders • high levels of sex hormones called androgens Female pattern baldness It’s less likely for women to go completely bald, but it’s common for thinning to occur. Doctors divide female pattern baldness into 3 types: • Type I: This is when a small amount of thinning starts around the hair part. • Type II: This involves widening of the part and increased thinning around it. • Type III: This is thinning throughout, with a see-through at the top of the scalp. Female pattern baldness can be naturally occurring, related to genetics, a side effect of medication or treatments, or hormone changes caused by pregnancy or menopause. Women are less likely to experience hair thinning in their 20s and instead may start to see symptoms in their 40s, 50s, and beyond. Treating hair loss or hair thinning can be a challe...