Root element of html document

  1. How To Traverse the DOM
  2. What is the css / html `root` element?
  3. What Is HTML? the Anatomy of an HTML5 Document

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How To Traverse the DOM

The previous tutorial in this series, document object to access HTML elements by ID, class, tag name, and query selectors. We know that the DOM is structured as a document node at the root and every other node (including elements, comments, and text nodes) as the various branches. Often, you will want to move through the DOM without specifying each and every element beforehand. Learning how to navigate up and down the DOM tree and move from branch to branch is essential to understanding how to work with JavaScript and HTML. In this tutorial, we will go over how to traverse the DOM (also known as walking or navigating the DOM) with parent, child, and sibling properties. To begin, we will create a new file called nodes.html comprised of the following code. nodes.html Learning About Nodes * Shark World The world's leading source on shark related information. Types of Sharks Hammerhead Tiger Great White const h1 = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'h1' ) [ 0 ] ; const p = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'p' ) [ 0 ] ; const ul = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'ul' ) [ 0 ] ; When we load the file in a web browser, we’ll see rendering that looks like the following screenshot. In this example website, we have an HTML document with a few elements. Some basic CSS has been added in a style tag to make each element obviously visible, and a few variables have been created in the script for ease of access of a few elements. Since there is only one of each h1, ...

What is the css / html `root` element?

I have just recently started using NetBeans IDE (6.9.1) and have used it to add a stylesheet to my site-in-progress. To my surprise, one element was automatically added: root Looking around, I could find some information about the :root pseudo-class but nothing about the root element itself. What is the root element and does it have any use? From here: The :root pseudo-element selects the root of all blocks in the page, ie. the Initial Containing Block. In HTML this is obviously the element Test stylesheet: :root If the :root selector works the left and right column of the page are blue, and the white middle column is offset by 50 pixels. Since there is no such html tag, and it does not appear to be documented anywhere that I can find it, I'm going to guess that it's meant as sample code to show you how css is supposed to look for newbies. All I can tell you is that it'sdefinitely in the template, and you can edit the template yourself if you don't like it under "tools - templates" and then go to the "Web" folder. I wouldn't consider it a "bug" since it's obviously intentional. More like an "undocumented useless feature". root is a placeholder for any element in the stylesheet template of NetBeans IDE. It is like a dummy variable in calculus. Please put the cursor on y: in the root Additionally, root is the point where you begin, the deepest ancestor of the html tree with branches and leaves. So at the beginning you have a box by default and all branches and leaves fol...

What Is HTML? the Anatomy of an HTML5 Document

What Is HTML? the Anatomy of an HTML5 Document On: 10 Oct 2011 By: Category: Length: 7 min read This is the second article in our series on the absolute fundamentals of web development. Our Join us today as we move on and take a look at each basic piece of an HTML document. I’ll explain all that stuff at the top of an HTML file that confuses you and outline the basic structure that you’ll follow for creating your own HTML files. Presentation Templates PowerPoint & Keynote Graphics Icons, Vectors & More Web Templates Landing Pages & Email Graphic Templates Logos, Print & Mockups Fonts Sans Serif, Script & More CMS Templates Shopify, Tumblr & More DOCTYPE The very first thing that you typically see in an HTML file is the DOCTYPE declaration. Before HTML5, this could be a very confusing bit of code that looked something like this: There’s a lot going on here and every bit of it speaks to either the web browser, the reader or both. The “PUBLIC” part just speaks to the availability, the DTD stands for Document Type Definition, which declares the version of HTML being used and the final section is a URL pointing to where the DTD can be found. The words “loose,” (or transitional) “strict” and “frameset” refer to different versions of HTML 4, which allowed for slightly different markup. These were essentially just to help transition developers from older versions of HTML. The HTML5 DOCTYPE There are several DOCTYPEs to choose from, which can be monumentally confusing for new deve...