Safety rules at home

  1. Child safety at home indoors: in pictures
  2. How to protect your kids against accidents or injuries
  3. 20 internet safety tips and checklist to help families stay safer online
  4. Safety Rules at Home
  5. How to Prevent Home Accidents (with Pictures)
  6. 9 Home Safety Rules That Will Protect Your Children from Danger
  7. Top 10 Kitchen Safety Rules to Follow

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Child safety at home indoors: in pictures

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How to protect your kids against accidents or injuries

A home is a place of relaxation- an area that we consider the safest of all. But sometimes accidents do occur, even when we are in our homes, and in most cases, those accidents are preventable. When you have kids in your home, it gets difficult to look after them all the time. Accidents do not ring a bell before coming into our lives, so safety measures at home must be put into place to keep them protected. Taking some simple cautionary steps within the walls of our house can prevent a lot of unfortunate incidents, helping you and your family live safe and healthy lives. Table of Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • Why Do You Need To Place Safety Measures At Home? Our homes can be a comparatively safe space, but even then, accidents occur. Especially when you have kids, it can get quite hard to control their movements and actions all the time. This constant pressure to monitor them throughout the day can also take a toll on your mental peace and disrupt your everyday life. So, to provide maximum safety at home for kids, you could add some safety measures at home. What are 10 safety rules at home for kids? Keep an eye on kids when they are in the bathroom. It is imperative to include this in the safety measures at home for kids, especially in the bathroom, as it can be one of the most dangerous places in your home. Most kids love shower or bath time, but if they are not kept under constant surveillance in the bathroom, it can result in accidents. There are certain safety mea...

20 internet safety tips and checklist to help families stay safer online

Tablets, laptops, and smart devices are common at school and at home. The internet brings a wealth of information that can enrich our lives. But it also can harm us and the people we love. You want your children to have access to information, but you also want them to be safe. These internet safety tips can help. Playing it safe online can help prevent you — and your kids — from being exposed to unwanted information, materials, or risks on the internet that might harm your devices, personal information, or your family. It's smart to teach children computer safety so that they don't fall victim to some common dangers of the internet. It’s worth noting there are federal laws in place, like the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, that have been enacted to protect kids when online. COPPA applies to children younger than 13 and it requires websites to explain their privacy policies and get parental consent before collecting or using a child's personal information. Importantly, it prohibits sites from requiring children to provide excess personal information to play a game. Still, laws are sometimes broken online, which is why the best defense is practicing computer safety and internet safety. Educating the whole family on how to identify and avoid each cyberthreat is an important part of internet safety. Here are at least 10 risks or dangers of the internet to know, but be aware that new cyberthreats are constantly evolving. • Identity theft • Cyberbullying • Online preda...

Safety Rules at Home

Creating a safe environment where your family can grow and thrive is a top priority. Most of us feel safe in our home, but you don’t know those dangers may lurk in every corner. Thankfully, though a number of serious safety hazards lurk around the average home, most of these concerns can be addressed pretty easily. These home safety tips will help you access and analyze the hidden dangers that may be lurking in your home, so you can take corrective action and live in complete comfort. GENERAL SAFETY RULES SAFETY IN KITCHEN SAFETY IN BATHROOM STRANGER DANGER FOR CHILDREN Make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your family safe. Download the Leelou app Consult this guide of safety hazards in the home for quick, simple solutions to keep you and your loved ones out of harm’s way. By being aware of household hazards and taking the precautions outlined in this article, you can guarantee that your "home, sweet home" is a "home, safe home." Jerry Farsoun, a social entrepreneur who for more than a decade has been championing the personal safety space using technology. In 2008 he set the world aviation record for the longest solo and unassisted ultralight flight in a powerchute around mainland Australia. This was to help reduce the stigma and raise awareness of depression with an emphasis on suicide prevention. He spent the near decade researching technology to help people who felt vulnerable and in 2015, began developing a platform that helped anyone who was in need and m...

How to Prevent Home Accidents (with Pictures)

More than 11,000 people die at home each year as a result of preventable injuries such as falls, fires, drownings, and poisonings, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). By addressing a few, key issues around your home and taking the proper, precautionary measures, you can prevent yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to household injuries. Don’t overload sockets. Many older homes contain electrical systems, which aren't properly equipped to handle modern power demands. X Research source • Never plug more than two appliances into an outlet at once. Using extension cords to plug multiple appliances into one outlet, is also strongly discouraged. X Research source • Large appliances such as your refrigerator should have an outlet to themselves. • Contact a professional if you hear a sound coming from the outlet or smell something burning. • Cover unused sockets with a socket plug. This is particularly important if there are small children in the home. Have your electrical wiring checked. Dangers from electrical shock and fire are so concerning that when it comes to the construction industry, electrical wiring is very closely monitored. X Research source • It may be a good idea to have a licensed electrician inspect your home if you've never had your wiring inspected. X Research source • If the lights are flickering or some of the outlets don’t function properly, this could be a sign of an electrical issue. Contact a professional to c...

9 Home Safety Rules That Will Protect Your Children from Danger

Our home ought to be the safest place for our kids, but negligence can turn it into a danger zone. To ensure children aren’t exposed to home hazards, parents must put in place some measures and follow some safety rules. As a child-centred school , we have compiled a list of home safety rules that parents should follow. Go through this list, follow the instructions, and let’s protect our leaders of tomorrow from danger. Home Safety Rules You Need to Protect Your Child #1. Keep chemicals away from children Pesticides, body creams, perfumes, shampoos, soaps, and many other household products are made from chemicals. By requirement, the manufacturing companies usually advise that these products should be kept away from the reach of children, and this is an important home safety rule you should take seriously. The reason is that some of these products, especially body creams and perfumes, smell nice, and children are attracted to them. In the course of playing with their packaging materials, children may mistakenly inhale or swallow the content, and this can be very harmful to their fragile digestive system. To ensure your children are safe from household chemicals, these products must be locked away in a cabinet or put on a high shelf that’s out of the reach of your children. #2. Electrical materials should be childproofed Nobody knows the reason, but children are somehow attracted to electrical plugs, sockets, and cables; they see them as toys. If you allow them to play aroun...

Top 10 Kitchen Safety Rules to Follow

Practice these kitchen safety rules to help you and your family avoid cuts, burns and a bout of food poisoning. 1. Do learn how to use knives. A dull knife is more likely to slip and cut you than a sharp one. Keeping your knives sharpened is one of the easiest ways to keep them safe. A simple fix is to use a 2. Don’t use the same cutting board for raw meat, fruits and vegetables. We all want to avoid washing extra dishes, but this is one area in which you shouldn’t take shortcuts. Using the same cutting board for meats, fruits and vegetables is a surefire way to risk getting 3. Do wash your hands. You would think this is a given, but people forget. Don’t forget. It’s important to 4. Don’t go barefoot. Always wear closed-toe footwear while you cook. Not only will shoes protect you from a fallen sharp object, they’ll also keep your feet safe from other kitchen mishaps such as broken glass and hot water or oil spills. 5. Do know how to put out a fire. According to the Learn how to deal with different types of fires such as grease and electric fires. Never put them out with water. Instead, extinguish them using 6. Don’t wear floppy sleeves. Long, baggy sleeves can get in the way—not a good thing when you’re dealing with an open flame or hot liquid. In general, tops with fitted sleeves or no sleeves work best. 7. Do mind your pans. When cooking, make sure that pot and pan handles are turned toward the center of the stovetop. That way, it’s hard to bump them and send hot liqui...