Intro. Poet Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 for his collection Gitanjali published in London in 1912. The prize gained even more significance by being given to an Indian for the first time. This honour established Tagore’s literary reputation worldwide.

Nobel medal—Rabindranath Tagore won his in Literature in 1913 on the basis, more or less, of a single collection of poems, Gitanjali: Song Offerings. Tagore was far from being a misled mystic but was rather an intellectual polymath whose artistic output covers the whole gamut of lyrics, poems, plays, novels, paintings and astute political and.

Prathmik upbhokta paudhe khate hain aur madhymik upbhokta paudhon ke sath vighatit padarth bhi khate hain. 12. Pratham carbon negative desh kaun sa hai? Bhutan. 13. Bhartiya Samvidhan ke anusar uchcha nyayalay ke nyaydhishon ka sthanataran karne ka adhikar kiske pas hai? Bharat ke mukhya nyayadhish ke pas . 14.

The Government of India Act, 1935. The Government of Burma Act,1935. The act gave new.