
Cherrapunjee Weather Forecast. Providing a local hourly Cherrapunjee weather forecast of rain, sun, wind, humidity and temperature. The Long-range 12 day forecast also includes detail for Cherrapunjee weather today. Live weather reports from Cherrapunjee weather stations and weather warnings that include risk of thunder, high UV index and.

The town of Cherrapunji is nestled in the East Khasi Hills about 50 km southwest of the state’s capital, Shillong. Cherrapunji, also known as Sohra or Churra, means ‘the land of oranges’. The.

Rainfall Chart a comparative study of Rainfall in Cherrrapunji The 48 year average rainfall is 11621.0 mm Almost 50% of the annual rainfall is received in June & July. 48 yr Average Annual rainfall: 11612.0 mm Annual rainfall for 2021 (upto June): 3878.5 mm 48 yr Average Annual rainfall: 11612.0 mm Annual rainfall for 2020: 13994.3 mm