
183. In Excel to activate the previous cell in a pre- selected range, press A. The Alt key B. The Tab key C. The Enter key D. None of above D.None of above

Answer: Assume that the contents of cells A1 to A5 of a Microsoft Excel worksheet are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively and the rest of the cells are empty. Selecting A1 to A5 and clicking on the 'AutoSum' button will display 15 (1+2+3+4+5) in the A6 cell. Hence the correct answer is A6 Advertisement Still have questions? Find more answers

With a file request: Anyone with the file request link can send you a file; they don't need to have OneDrive. All the files sent to you are saved in a single folder that you choose. Every file will have a prefix to help you identify who uploaded it.

To upload folders: Uploading individual files can be time consuming. Fortunately, you can move entire folders to OneDrive. Whenever you upload a folder, the folder and every file stored within it will be uploaded to your OneDrive. Locate the folder you want to upload to your OneDrive. Click and drag the folder to the OneDrive folder.

Please check them to see if there is any improvement: 1. Open the OneDrive sync folder, input the problematic file name .lock or lock in the search box in the upper right corner to get all the results. 2. Press Ctrl + A to select all > right click > click on Copy to paste them to a new location (Ctrl + V). 3.