
The first 13 or 15 digits of an IMEI number are the identification portion, while the last digit is a check that’s calculated using the Luhn algorithm. IMEI numbers were developed to be a permanent identifier of a device, as SIM cards are generally associated with the user.

IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. As the name indicates, it’s a unique 15 or 16-digit number that is used to identify individual mobile devices. The first 13 or 15 digits of an IMEI number are the identification portion, while the last digit is a check that’s calculated using the Luhn algorithm.

This 15 digit (14 digits plus a check digit in the last) number is a prominent measure to trim down the instances of using a stolen/lost mobile phone. You can locate the IMEI number of your cell phone either on the box, or printed inside the battery compartment. The IMEI number can be used by the owner of the mobile device to blacklist the phone.

Simply go to Settings > General > About. Scroll down a little way and you can view your IMEI and hold your finger to it to copy it to the clipboard. If your iPhone isn't by your side, you can also.

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