
Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught that even those who still believe in God yet disagree with any of the principles taught or any of the rules imposed on them by the organization must be considered an apostate. 2 In other words, any person who remains a Christian, but rejects the teachings of the Watchtower Society, is guilty of apostasy.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses have a strong presence in the United States, and it is in the US that many ex-NBA players have become members of this faith. Some of these players have spoken publicly about their faith and how it has impacted their lives. Ex-Basketball Players Who are Jehovah’s Witnesses. Here are some of the Ex-Basketball Players.

Jehovah's Witnesses are a people of faith that many of us likely don't know that much about. Below are 10 facts about this group which branched off from orthodox Christianity in the late 1800's. We answer the questions of how they got their start, what their core beliefs are, and how many people ascribe to this faith in the world today below.