
Unit Testing is a type of software testing where individual units or components of a software are tested. The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software code performs as expected. Unit Testing is done during the development (coding phase) of an application by the developers.

The continuous delivery pipeline can help development teams: Automate builds, unit tests, and deployment Edit and push code by using Git repositories, issue tracking, and your web-based IDE (integrated development environment)

number, date, aim, formula, least count calculation, ray diagram or circuit diagram, tabular column neatly in the record note book. The record note book will be checked in the beginning of the lab class. RECORD NOTE LAYOUT 1. Title of the Experiment : (Right hand side) 2. Date of Commencement : (Right hand side) 3.

The least count of a common scale is 0.1 cm or 1 mm. It is difficult to further subdivide it to improve the least count of the scale. A Vernier scale enables this to be achieved. Fig. 1.1. Principle: Determination of Least Count or Vernier Constant:

Least Count of Vernier Caliper: The least count was calculated as follows. Least Count (L.C)= 1 MSD - 1VSD. How to Read Vernier Caliper in mm? By knowing the readings of Main Scale Divisons, Vernier Scale Divisons and Least Count, the reading of a specimen can be found and it can be theoretically calculated as follows. Calculation of Main Scale.

EN 3 Health & Safety guide SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT TO BE READ AND OBSERVED Before using the appliance, read these safety instructions . Keep them nearby for future reference .

A test case is a set of instructions on “HOW” to validate a particular test objective/target, which, when followed will tell us if the expected behavior of the system is satisfied or not. List of Tutorials Covered in this Test Case Writing Series: How to Write: Tutorial #1: What is a Test Case and How to Write Test Cases (this tutorial)

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