
What is triumphing meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase triumphing refers to a successful ending of a struggle or contest, or the exultation of victory, or to express great joy, or dwell on with satisfaction, or prove superior, or be ecstatic with joy.

Cervantes took a stock Triumph Tiger 1200 GT Explorer around the circuit for 317 laps, at speeds consistently hitting more than 124 mph. Triumph Motorcycles. The final confirmed distance was.

To triumph is to win, succeed, or be victorious in an epic or spectacular way. Sometimes, it means to conquer. In this case, it’s often used with the word over. An army can triumph over enemy forces. In stories, good triumphs over evil. A person might be said to triumph over cancer.

NCERT Solutions Class 10 English - Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery Answer: 1. If I were a member of the staff in her household I would have not followed Mrs Pumphrey’s orders to feed Tricki blindly without thinking of its harmful effects. I would have in fact, fed him as per the vet’s

June 4, 2023. in 10th Class. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery has been published by Aglasem. You can now download the Class 10 English Ch 1 Questions and Answers PDF here. This NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English contains answers of all questions asked in Chapter 1 in textbook, Supplementary Reader.

Given below is a brief description of the prose included under NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery (Prose) This story is about Mrs Pumphery’s cute pet dog, Tricki, who had become very bulky and lazy due to overfeeding by his mistress and lack of physical exercise.

A Triumph of Surgery Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type. Question 1. Write the brief.

[CBSE 2015] Answer: James Herriot’s encounter with Mrs Pumphrey and Tricki made him expect a call for help. He was sure that the extra diet and no physical activity would soon put Tricki’s health in danger. And just as anticipated, Mrs Pumphrey called the vet a few days afterwards. Question 2.

A Triumph of Surgery is about a rich and emotional lady, Mrs. Pumprey, who had a dog, Tricky. She overfed him, and that made him gain a lot of weight. Eventually, he became lethargic, and the doctor was stunned because of it. The story revolves around the lady and her dog. A Triumph of Surgery Summary

Punphrey, the mistress, called it magical recovery: ‘A Triumph of Surgery’. This part shows students the outcome of unhealthy eating habits. It advises you to have a balanced diet, along with some physical exercise every day just like Tricki did. Tricki and Ms. Punphrey learned their lesson after the dog went through all that trouble.

A TRIUMPH OF SURGERY By James Herriot James Herriot stops his car and sees the poor health of Mrs Pumphrey’s dog, Tricki. He advises Mrs Pumphrey to put Tricki on a strict diet and make him exercise daily. Mrs Pumphrey continues to overfeed Tricki, which worsens his condition. She calls Herriot for help on noticing Tricki’s deteriorating.

A Triumph of Surgery Questions & Answers Question 1: Why was Dr Herriot really worried about Tricki? Answer: Dr Herriot was really worried about Tricki because due to overeating, he had become very fat.