
They are buttons that can be added to a worksheet and associated with a cell to allow you to quickly change the value in the cell by clicking on the button rather than having to type a new value.

_____ contains buttons, boxes, and menus that allow tasks to be performed more quickly than using the menu bar. A. format bar B. status bar C. command bar D. toolbar Loved by our community 23 people found it helpful profile Brainly User Answer: Hola.. Here is your answer mate_______☺️ Explanation: option D. Toolbar Hope it helps you

Calculating Unit Price. Sometimes we buy common household items ‘in bulk’, where several items are packaged together and sold for one price. To compare the prices of different sized packages, we need to find the unit price. To find the unit price, divide the total price by the number of items. A unit price is a unit rate for one item.