
Summary Diarrhea, or “the runs,” is when you experience loose, watery stools and feel the urgent need to have a bowel movement multiple times a day. A few causes include infections, diseases, and.

Diarrhea. Dysentery. 1. Diarrhea is presented as watery stool with no blood and mucus..

It supports overall digestion, promotes healthy blood sugar, and helps your body resist yeast infections. It is also commonly paired with Bifidus regularis and Lactobacillus casei, two other.

Diarrhea — loose, watery and possibly more-frequent bowel movements — is a common problem. It may be present alone or be associated with other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or weight loss. Luckily, diarrhea is usually short-lived, lasting no more than a few days.