
Most prostitution charges are misdemeanors. However, that does not mean you should take a prostitution charge lightly. A conviction for prostitution or a related crime results in a criminal record, which could affect future sentences for other crimes. It could also impact your social life, family, and career.

Synonyms for HOOKER: prostitute, whore, streetwalker, courtesan, tart, bawd, madam, sex worker, call girl, drab

The notion of the high-class hooker is propagated by those who profit from it, because it is the simplest way to maximize the market. Women in escort prostitution buy into the notion that they are.

The notion of the high-class hooker is propagated by those who profit from it, because it is the simplest way to maximize the market. Women in escort prostitution buy into the notion that they are.

Hooker meaning in Hindi: वेश्या - veśyā meaning, Definition Synonyms at English to Hindi dictionary gives you the best and accurate Hindi translation and meanings of Hooker, veśyā Meaning.

Meaning of Hooker (Hooker) in English, What is the meaning of Hooker in English Dictionary. Pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, sentence usage and definition of Hooker .

hooker meaning in gujarati: હૂકર | Learn detailed meaning of hooker in gujarati dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage. This page also provides synonyms and grammar usage of hooker in gujarati

Escorting, exchanging something of value for a date or someone’s time, is not illegal. Understanding the differences between escorting and prostitution can prevent legal misunderstandings or even criminal charges. Escorting in California: What is an Escort? Under the law, an escort is very different than a prostitute.

Procuring or pandering is the facilitation or provision of a prostitute or other sex worker in the arrangement of a sex act with a customer. A procurer , colloquially called a pimp (if male) or a madam (if female, though the term pimp has still extensively been used for female procurers as well) or a brothel keeper , is an agent for prostitutes.

noun a person or thing that hooks. Slang. prostitute. Slang. a large drink of liquor. Slang. a concealed problem, flaw, or drawback; a catch. Rugby. a player who hooks the ball in the front line of scrummage. (initial capital letter)Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to an Amish Mennonite. QUIZ

The definition of Whore is a person who engages in sex acts for money; prostitute. See additional meanings and similar words.

The legend of General Hooker's "hookers" became a slang term for a prostitute, and is derived from his last name but also due to the lack of military discipline at his headquarters near Washington, D.C. He would throw parties like the world was going to end and kept the parties going with him wherever he went.