
About Guruji Mantra Jaap Song Listen to Dr. Prakhar Dagar Guruji Mantra Jaap MP3 song. Guruji Mantra Jaap song from the album Guruji Mantra Jaap is released on Jul 2021. The duration of song is 20:35. This song is sung by Dr. Prakhar Dagar.

“Om Trayambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam, Urvarukmiv Bandhanat, Mrityurmokshaya Mamratat.”This mantra, called the maha mrityunjaya mantra is one of the oldest and most revered mantras that find mention in the Vedas. Maha Mritynjaya jaap which is actually a Rig vedic verse is dedicated to the most intense avatars of lord shiva, the rudra avatar. It […]

Rishis/Sages acclaim it as Veda's Heart. The name 'Mahamrityunjaya' is a combination of the words Maha (great), Mrityun (death) & Jaya (victory), entails a deeper meaning, which is Victory over Mrityun (Death). Thereby clearly denoting the primary purpose of the Mahamrityunjay Mantra. The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra comprises of 32 syllables.

The Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap addresses Lord Shiva. It is a blend of three Hindi language words i.e. ‘Maha’, which means great, ‘Mrityun’ means death and ‘Jaya’ means victory, which is translated.

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