
name="description"> <meta name="keywords" content="Kanchipuram to Thiruvannamalai, Kanchipuram to Thiruvannamalai distance, Kanchipuram to Thiruvannamalai duration, Kanchipuram to Thiruvannamalai driving direction, Kanchipuram to Thiruvannamalai by road, Kanchipuram to Thiruvannamalai by car, Kanchipuram to Thiruv.

The complete circumference of the hill bottom was around 14 kms. We have started at 02:30 AM and completed the round by 06:30 AM. There are eight (Asta) lingas during this trip which were placed in all directions i.e. at cardinal and inter cardinal points. Below are the names of those lingas. Temple Gopurams Hill where pilgrims used to circumbate.

Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, also called the Sri Kanchi Matham or the Sri Kanchi Monastery or the Sarvagna Peetha, is a Hindu institution, located in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu. It is located near a temple dedicated to Goddess Sri Kamakshi (Durga, Kamakoti, Maha Tripurasundari) of the Shaktism tradition, along with a shrine for the Advaita Vedanta.

This temple is dedicated to Kamakshi, one of the forms of Goddess Parvati.It is located in Kanchipuram, near Chennai, India, Tamil Nadu State at a distance of 73 Kms from Chennai.This temple was built by Pallava Kings.The other Goddess Parvati temples in Tamil Nadu are Meenakshi Temple in Madurai and Akilandeswari Temple in Thiruvanaikaval.THe k.

Kanchi Kamakshi Temple Timings: The temple morning timings are 05:30 am to 12:30 pm, and the evening timings are 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm.

Distance between Chennai to Kanchipuram by Road is. 74 Kms. Distance between Chennai to Kanchipuram by Flight is. 67 Kms. Travel Time from Chennai to Kanchipuram by Road is. 1:28 hrs. Nearest Airport in Chennai. Chennai International Airport (13.08, 80.27) Nearest Airport in Kanchipuram.