
Testosterone is linked to your sex drive, known as your libido. This is true whether you’re male or female. It’s known to have a more direct effect on the male sex drive, however. T levels.

Testosterone is often cast as the manly hormone, the chemical bestower of virility and the reason for men's high sex drives. But new research turns this conventional wisdom on its head. In healthy.

testosterone is a male sexual hormone also present in female, this video is an ellobrate explanation of testosterone its features and harmful effects on low.

There’s also no evidence that masturbation can cause: kidney failure kidney disease kidney pain Some people mistakenly believe that a loss of protein and nutrients through semen can lead to.

1. You're going heavy on the alcohol Alcohol's effect on sperm is more widespread and less specific than some of the. 2. You dabble in drugs Recreational drugs and prescription medications aren't just messing with your head. Marijuana. 3. You smoke like a chimney If you needed yet another.