
01 of 13 Saddleback Caterpillar Saddleback caterpillar. Getty Images/Danita Delimont Though the bright green "saddle" makes you want to take a closer look at the saddleback caterpillar, don't be tempted to pick it up. The saddleback's spines protrude in nearly every direction.

Stinging Slug Caterpillar Dear any way, This is a Stinging Slug Caterpillar in the family Limacodidae, and they do not bite. The puffy spikes are stinging spines. We have heard reports that the stings from many members of the family are quite painful. We do not dispense medical advice. If you sister is in pain, she should visit the doctor.

Spiny Oak Slug (Euclea delphinii) The pale yellow green caterpillar has four dark patches of spines toward the rear and numerous spiny, yellow or red fleshy lobes. Grown caterpillars have a brown area on back. It feeds on oak, beech, chestnut, willow, pear, bayberry, sour wood, wild cherry and other trees.

They are called slug caterpillars because the abdominal legs lack tiny hooks that most other caterpillars have, and because the six jointed legs are so short. Saddleback caterpillars are one of the stinging caterpillars that bear urticating hairs on four prominent knobs at the front and rear as well as smaller knobs along the sides.

The adults are called the Carolina Sphinx Moth — they are large and somewhat attractive flower feeders, less commonly seen than the caterpillars. There is another moth caterpillar that goes by the name of Tomato Hornworm (Manduca quinquemaculata), but this is less commonly seen on tomatoes than Manduca sexta.

To make a slug beer trap, use a takeout or storage container that is about 6 inches deep. Sink the container into the ground, leaving a bit of a lip, which should reduce the risk of non-target species like beetles falling in and drowning. Then, simply fill the container about 3/4 with beer.

Discover the truth behind the slug plague corrupting the world and save the land from ultimate ruin. Get creative with your guns, grenades, and unique snail shells to outsmart your enemies. Use the environment to your advantage and learn to position yourself to emerge victorious.