
What is high or low estrogen levels? When estrogen is too high or too low you may get menstrual cycle changes, dry skin, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, night sweats, vaginal thinning and dryness, low sex drive, mood swings, weight gain, PMS, breast lumps, fatigue, depression and anxiety.

Estrogen-Dependent Cancers. Estrogen-dependent cancers, like breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial (uterine) cancer, rely on estrogen to develop and grow. Treatments can stop your body from making estrogen or prevent hormone receptors from binding to estrogen. People who use estrogen hormone therapy for menopause symptoms may be more.

Androgenic alopecia: This type of hereditary baldness can affect anyone (male pattern baldness or hair loss in women). Alopecia areata: Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that results in hair loss from the head and body. Telogen effluvium: This type of hair loss involves rapid shedding of hair in a short amount of time. It typically.

Possible symptoms of tonsillitis include: a very sore throat difficulty or pain while swallowing

What Are the Symptoms of Tonsillitis? A very sore throat with red, swollen tonsils; there may be a white discharge or spots on the tonsils; Swollen and tender lymph nodes in the neck under the jaw

1. Drinking plenty of warm liquids Warm liquids, such as soup, can help sooth a sore throat. Drinking warm liquids, including soups, broths, and teas, can help soothe a sore throat.

Symptoms of a sore throat can vary depending on the cause. Signs and symptoms might include: Pain or a scratchy sensation in the throat; Pain that worsens with swallowing or talking; Difficulty swallowing; Sore, swollen glands in your neck or jaw; Swollen, red tonsils; White patches or pus on your tonsils; A hoarse or muffled voice

People with chronic tonsillitis might need surgery. Summary. Swollen tonsils are a common symptom of tonsillitis, which viruses or bacteria can cause. Other common symptoms of tonsillitis include sore throat and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Bacterial tonsillitis can sometimes lead to further complications but can be treated with antibiotics.

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Throat cancer symptoms June 20, 2017 DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Are there early signs of throat cancer, or is it typically not found until its late stages? How is it treated? ANSWER: The throat includes several important structures that are relied on every minute of the day and night to breathe, swallow and speak.

Signs and symptoms might include: Pain or a scratchy sensation in the throat; Pain that worsens with swallowing or talking; Difficulty swallowing; Sore, swollen glands in your neck or jaw; Swollen, red tonsils; White patches or pus on your tonsils; A hoarse or muffled voice; Infections causing a sore throat might result in other signs and.

Sinusitis. This is swelling of the sinuses. Long-term congestion in the nose due to nonallergic rhinitis can raise the risk of sinusitis. Trouble with daily life. Nonallergic rhinitis might affect your work or school grades. You also might need to take time off when your symptoms flare or when you need a checkup. Prevention

Overview A thrush infection in your mouth looks like cottage cheese — raised, white lesions that may bleed when you scrape them. What is thrush? Thrush is a fungal (yeast) infection that can grow in your mouth, throat and other parts of your body.