State which of the following situations are possible

  1. State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these : (a) A body with a constant acceleration but with zero vel
  2. State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these: (a) An object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity. (b) An object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in the perpendicular direction.
  3. Tutorials And Articles
  4. State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these: (a) an object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity
  5. State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these: (a) an object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity (b) an object moving with an acceleration but with uniform speed. (c) an object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in the perpendicular direction

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State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these : (a) A body with a constant acceleration but with zero vel

(a) An object with a constant acceleration but zero velocity is possible. For example, when an object is just released from a height, then it is being acted upon by a constant acceleration of `9.8 m//s^(2)` (called acceleration due to gravity) but its initial velocity is zero. (b) An object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in the perpendicular direction is possible. For example, when an object is moving with uniform motion in a circle, then the motion of the object at any instant of time is along tangent to the circle at that instant but the (centripetal) acceleration is along the radius of the circle (which is perpendicular to the direction of motion along the tangent).

State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these: (a) An object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity. (b) An object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in the perpendicular direction.

When a pebble is tied with an end of string and it is whirled in horizontal circular motion with the other end of the string at the centre of circular path, then it has a constant magnitude of centripetal acceleration towards the centre. Hence the acceleration is in perpendicular direction to the motion of pebble.

Tutorials And Articles

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State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these: (a) an object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity

(a) The given situation is possible. When an object is thrown upwards (under gravity only), it reaches to a maximum height where its velocity becomes zero. However, it still has an acceleration acting in the downward direction (acceleration due to gravity). Note: This is possible for a given point of time, however, it is not possible for a period of time.

State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these: (a) an object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity (b) an object moving with an acceleration but with uniform speed. (c) an object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in the perpendicular direction

State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these: (a) an object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity (b) an object moving with an acceleration but with uniform speed. (c) an object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in the perpendicular direction - Infinity Learn Physics State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these: (a) an object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity (b) an object moving with an acceleration but with uniform speed. (c) an object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in the perpendicular direction State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these: (a) an object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity (b) an object moving with an acceleration but with uniform speed. (c) an object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in the perpendicular direction Solution: (a) Possible. Let a ball be thrown in vertically up with some initial speed u. After some time its velocitydecreasesand at the maximum height, its velocity will be zero but it has a constant acceleration(9.8m/s 2) inthe downward direction due to gravity. (b) Possible. When a body is moving in a circular path with constant speed, it is accelerating due to change in direction of motion. (c) Possible. Let a stone is tied at its end with a string and is whirled in horizontal circular motion with theot...