
  1. Temporarily
  2. Temporary vs. Temporarily – Ask Difference
  3. Causes of Temporary Blindness and Short

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/tɛmpəˈrɛrɪli/ Temporarily describes something that happens for a limited amount of time. If you agree to watch your friend's dog temporarily, you'll be surprised if it turns out that your friend will be in France for at least two years. Temporarily is the adverbial form of "temporary," which comes from the Latin word tempus, meaning time. Something done temporarily is supposed to be concluded in a finite amount of time. If your car is temporarily out of commission, you expect that you will be able to fix it and get it back on the road. If you drop the word temporarily from that sentence, your car may be a goner.

Temporary vs. Temporarily – Ask Difference

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Causes of Temporary Blindness and Short

You can temporarily lose your If you have sudden total, or near-total, vision loss , it’s an emergency. You need to call 911, because you have a short window of time to get it diagnosed and treated. Don’t wait to see if it goes away. If you have partial vision loss, a Sudden Total or Near-Total Vision Loss It can happen if a clot creates a blockage in your retinal Clots can cause temporary blindness in one Your doctor may prescribe a medicine to break up the clot. Some cases need Temporary, Partial Vision Loss As with a total vision loss, any temporary or partial vision loss needs to be checked out immediately in the emergency room. If you have partial vision loss, the causes could include: Migraines : These are, by far, the most common cause of short-term, partial vision loss. When you get a migraine, you may have “aura” that affects the A retinal migraine affects only one Retinal vasospasm: Like migraine, this condition can cause temporary vision loss. Treatment can fully restore your sight. When a blood vessel in your retina tightens, it causes a vasospasm. This cuts down on blood flow, which can bring on temporary vision loss in one eye. Various conditions can lead to a vasospasm. These include a retinal migraine, If you have a retinal vasospasm, your doctor may recommend Closed-angle glaucoma: When your eye’s iris bulges, it can prevent fluid from draining properly. This builds up pressure in your eye. You’d have a lot of discomfort, Medicine you take as an eyedrop or...