Throat pain medicine

  1. List of 26 Sore Throat Medications Compared
  2. Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia: Treatment, Definition & Causes
  3. 13 ways to help sore throats: Home remedies and more
  4. Persistent Sore Throat (Chronic Pharyngitis): Treatment & Symptoms
  5. Sore Throat: Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms & More

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List of 26 Sore Throat Medications Compared

Rx/OTC N N Generic name:phenol topical Brand names: Chloraseptic Sore Throat Spray, Phenaseptic Cherry, Assure Sore Throat, Cepastat Extra Strength, Cheracol Sore Throat, Mycinette Sore Throat Spray, Ora Relief Throat, Pain-A-Lay Gargle Drug class: For consumers: Expand current row for information about Chloraseptic Sore Throat Lozenges review Rx N N Generic name:benzocaine / butamben / tetracaine topical Drug class: For consumers: • 1 • • Next • results on one page Frequently asked questions • • • Alternative treatments for Sore Throat The following products are considered to be alternative treatments or natural remedies for Sore Throat. Their efficacy may not have been scientifically tested to the same degree as the drugs listed in the table above. However there may be historical, cultural or anecdotal evidence linking their use to the treatment of Sore Throat. •

Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia: Treatment, Definition & Causes

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia (GPN) is a rare condition that can cause sharp, stabbing, or shooting pain in the throat area near the tonsils, the back of the tongue or the middle ear. The pain occurs along the pathway of the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is located deep in the neck. It serves the back of the tongue, throat and the parotid gland (one of the salivary glands) the middle ear and eustachian tube. Overview What is glossopharyngeal neuralgia (GPN)? Glossopharyngeal neuralgia (GPN) is a rare condition that can cause sharp, stabbing, or shooting pain in the throat area near the tonsils, the back of the tongue or the middle ear. The pain occurs along the pathway of the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is located deep in the neck. It serves the back of the tongue, throat and the parotid gland (one of the salivary glands), the middle ear and eustachian tube. Painful episodes are usually intermittent, lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes. The pain might recur several times in a day. In other cases it might not come back for several weeks or months. Certain activities may trigger painful episodes, including: • Drinking cold liquids • Chewing • Swallowing • Sneezing or coughing • Clearing the throat • Touching the gums Sometimes people with this condition may avoid eating, drinking or chewing because they fear that these activities may trigger a painful attack. Over time, this can result in weight loss. Generally, only one side of the head is affected by GPN. The glosso...

13 ways to help sore throats: Home remedies and more

A sore throat can stem from an infection, allergies, acid reflux, and other causes. Depending on the cause, home remedies may help soothe a sore throat. Some examples are lozenges, honey, and marshmallow root. A sore throat might feel scratchy or make it painful to swallow. This article explains some common causes of a sore throat, what people can do to ease it, and when to speak with a doctor. Lozenges are available over the counter (OTC) and can help to ease the symptoms of a sore throat. They dissolve in the mouth, releasing ingredients that soothe a dry, irritated throat. They may be medicated or nonmedicated. A Lozenges may also contain: • • Different types of lozenges are available from drugstores. Sometimes, acid reflux can cause a sore throat. Acid reflux, or As well as heartburn and chest pain, this • • difficulty swallowing • • OTC However, if a person has to take antacids frequently to ease acid reflux, they should speak with a doctor about alternative treatments. Modifications to a person’s lifestyle and diet can alleviate chronic acid reflux. A doctor may also prescribe medication. Sometimes, allergies can cause a sore throat. Allergies occur when the body’s immune system recognizes a harmless substance as a threat and mounts a response. This can happen • • • • mold OTC However, many other remedies detailed here, such as honey and lozenges, can also relieve allergy-related sore throats by reducing pain and inflammation. The body needs A • • • • They found that...

Persistent Sore Throat (Chronic Pharyngitis): Treatment & Symptoms

Overview What is chronic pharyngitis? Pharyngitis ( What is the difference between acute pharyngitis and chronic pharyngitis? Acute pharyngitis is more common than chronic pharyngitis. Treatment involves treating the symptoms, and it usually goes away within 10 days. In comparison, chronic pharyngitis lingers for much longer — often for several weeks. There are many different causes, and treatment involves addressing the underlying problem. How common is chronic pharyngitis? While a chronic sore throat isn’t as common as acute pharyngitis, the condition still affects millions of people in the United States each year. Symptoms and Causes What are the signs and symptoms of chronic pharyngitis? Chronic pharyngitis symptoms are similar to acute pharyngitis symptoms. Generally, the condition is chronic if symptoms linger for longer than 10 days. Common warning signs include: • Pain or scratchiness in your throat. • Swollen glands in your neck. • • • A tickling sensation in your throat. • A tired voice. • A sensation that something is stuck in your throat. If you have an infection as well as a sore throat, you may also develop: • • • • • Sneezing. What’s the most common cause of a sore throat? Infections are the most common cause of both acute and chronic pharyngitis. However, a number of other factors can result in chronic pharyngitis, including: • Persistent tonsillitis, a condition in which your tonsils become inflamed and infected. • Environmental pollutants, such as smoke a...

Sore Throat: Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms & More

A sore throat is a painful, dry, or scratchy feeling in the throat. Pain in the throat is one of the most common symptoms, which accounts for Most sore throats are caused by infections, or by environmental factors like dry air. Although a sore throat can be uncomfortable, it will usually go away on its own. Sore throats are divided into types, based on the part of the throat they affect: • • • The symptoms of a sore throat can vary depending on what caused it. A sore throat can feel: • scratchy • burning • raw • dry • tender • irritated It may hurt more when you swallow or talk. Your throat or tonsils might also look red. Sometimes, white patches or areas of pus will form on the tonsils. These white patches are more common in strep throat than in a sore throat caused by a virus. Along with the sore throat, you may also have symptoms like: • • runny nose • • cough • fever • • swollen glands in the neck • hoarse voice • body aches • • trouble swallowing • Strep throat vs. sore throat Sore throat may be a symptom of Streptococcus pyogenes, a type of bacteria. In addition to a sore throat, strep throat can also cause other symptoms, • • fever • • headache • stomach pain • red or • small red spots on the roof of the mouth • Unlike other conditions that can cause a sore throat, strep throat is not associated with coughing, runny nose, pink eye, or hoarseness. Additionally, while a sore throat usually improves on its own over time, strep throat requires treatment with an antibiot...