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tic tac toe

The first move can be made anywhere without sacrificing the game. If the opponent plays perfectly, any first move leads to a draw. However, if the opponent does not play perfectly, then the optimal place to go is the corner, since that leaves only one spot (the center) for the opponent to go to get a draw, increasing their chance of making a mistake. There is a nice article analyzing the Tic Tac Toe first move strategy at To address the reviewers comments, here is the conclusion of the article. There is no way of winning against a "perfect player". Choosing a corner as the first move gives you the best chance of winning against a less experienced opponent. Even if your opponent is a "perfect player" you can still tie the game. From experience of playing against kids that don't have the game solved (daughters, ages 5 and 7 at the time of play), starting in the corner gave about 1/3 chance to win and starting in the center gave about 5/6 for first few games and then 2/3. Starting in the corner: everyone put o in the center. Nearly always. It just looks so inviting. Then I put it in the opposite corner. Then, chance of their draw was about 2/3 theoretically - chance they put o somewhere on the side, forcing me to block and then we rapidly fill the whole board by eliminating the obvious 3 in a line options. (well, it was about 1/2 as they sometimes didn't see upcoming 3 in a line) Starting in the center: in the first few games (more with younger daughter), win chances are pret...


Play Tic-Tac-Toe • Choose to play against the computer or against a friend • Press a square to place your mark • Make three in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally to win! • Is the computer player too easy? Step up the challenge by choosing a harder mode! • The expert artificial intelligence (AI) will play a perfect game. Try your best to tie for as long as you can! • You can turn off sound effects by using the top-right in-game settings menu (the gear icon) • If you'd like to reset your scores for an opponent, click the rop left menu while playing About Tic Tac Toe Tic-tac-toe is a game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game. Noughts and Crosses Tic Tac Toe is known by a few other names around the world. The most common of these is "Noughts and Crosses" or simply the "XO game." Tic Tac Toe History Did you know that variations of Tic Tac Toe have been played since the Roman Empire and 3 in a row games can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt!

How to Win Tic

Tic tac toe is a classic game. It can be played virtually anywhere and on anything, from a bar napkin to a computer screen to a However, while the game may appear simple, that is deceptive. How to win tic tac toe requires strategic thinking and planning to win the game or force a draw. To do this, however, there are certain strategies you need to master. Another deceptive game? ⓘ How to win tic tac toe when you go first When you’re the first one up, there is a simple strategy on how to win tic tac toe: put your ‘X’ in any corner. This move will pretty much send you to the winner’s circle every time, so long as your opponent doesn’t put their first ‘O’ in the center box. This can make it harder to win, but it can happen. How to win tic tac toe when you go second If you’re the second to go, it may be harder to win the game. If your opponent takes the center space, counteract that by placing your letter in a corner. If your opponent takes a corner space, take the middle space. This will force a draw in both cases. Winning is almost impossible unless a major mistake is made by your opponent. But, if your opponent starts on an edge that is not a corner, you can win. There is an exact science on how to win tic tac toe if this is the case: Put your first letter in the center. You can only claim victory if your opponent puts their letter on the other edge. If not, you will have to settle for a draw. How to win tic tac toe every time It’s actually difficult to w...