Uk country name

  1. List of Countries of the world in alphabetical order (A to Z)
  2. Country Generator
  3. Commonwealth

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List of Countries of the world in alphabetical order (A to Z)

# Country Population (2020) Land Area (Km²) Density (P/Km²) 1 Afghanistan 652,860 60 2 Albania 27,400 105 3 Algeria 2,381,740 18 4 Andorra 470 164 5 Angola 1,246,700 26 6 Antigua and Barbuda 440 223 7 Argentina 2,736,690 17 8 Armenia 28,470 104 9 Australia 7,682,300 3 10 Austria 82,409 109 11 Azerbaijan 82,658 123 12 Bahamas 10,010 39 13 Bahrain 760 2,239 14 Bangladesh 130,170 1,265 15 Barbados 430 668 16 Belarus 202,910 47 17 Belgium 30,280 383 18 Belize 22,810 17 19 Benin 112,760 108 20 Bhutan 38,117 20 21 Bolivia 1,083,300 11 22 Bosnia and Herzegovina 51,000 64 23 Botswana 566,730 4 24 Brazil 8,358,140 25 25 Brunei 5,270 83 26 Bulgaria 108,560 64 27 Burkina Faso 273,600 76 28 Burundi 25,680 463 29 Côte d'Ivoire 318,000 83 30 Cabo Verde 4,030 138 31 Cambodia 176,520 95 32 Cameroon 472,710 56 33 Canada 9,093,510 4 34 Central African Republic 622,980 8 35 Chad 1,259,200 13 36 Chile 743,532 26 37 China 9,388,211 153 38 Colombia 1,109,500 46 39 Comoros 1,861 467 40 Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) 341,500 16 41 Costa Rica 51,060 100 42 Croatia 55,960 73 43 Cuba 106,440 106 44 Cyprus 9,240 131 45 Czechia (Czech Republic) 77,240 139 46 Democratic Republic of the Congo 2,267,050 40 47 Denmark 42,430 137 48 Djibouti 23,180 43 49 Dominica 750 96 50 Dominican Republic 48,320 225 51 Ecuador 248,360 71 52 Egypt 995,450 103 53 El Salvador 20,720 313 54 Equatorial Guinea 28,050 50 55 Eritrea 101,000 35 56 Estonia 42,390 31 57 Eswatini (fmr. "Swaziland") 17,200 67 58 Ethiopia 1,000,000 115 59...

Country Generator

You can either use our country name generator to output a random list of real countries or you can use it to create your own fictional kingdoms for use in fantasy writing, gaming and map-work. When we invent countries, we use sounds, prefixes and endings from real places to make them sound realistic.


The smallest Commonwealth countries are Commonwealth, also called Commonwealth of Nations, formerly (1931–49) British Commonwealth of Nations, a free association of Establishment The Commonwealth was an evolutionary outgrowth of the Membership and criteria For a period after the promulgation of the Statute of Westminster, membership in the Commonwealth came on condition of allegiance to the British monarch. But the rapid growth of Members of the Commonwealth country date of Commonwealth membership United Kingdom 1931 Canada 1931 Australia 1931 New Zealand 1931 South Africa 1931 (left in 1961; rejoined 1994) India 1947 Pakistan 1947 (left in 1972; rejoined 1989) Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) 1948 Ghana 1957 Malaysia (formerly Malaya) 1957 Nigeria 1960 Cyprus 1961 Sierra Leone 1961 Tanzania 1961 (Tanganyika in 1961; Tanzania in 1964 upon union with Zanzibar [member 1963]) Jamaica 1962 Trinidad and Tobago 1962 Uganda 1962 Kenya 1963 Malawi 1964 Malta 1964 Zambia 1964 The Gambia 1965 (left in 2013; rejoined 2018) Singapore 1965 Guyana 1966 Botswana 1966 Lesotho 1966 Barbados 1966 Mauritius 1968 Nauru 1968 (joined as special member; full member since 1999) Swaziland 1968 Tonga 1970 Samoa (formerly Western Samoa) 1970 Fiji 1971 (left in 1987; rejoined 1997) Bangladesh 1972 The Bahamas 1973 Grenada 1974 Papua New Guinea 1975 Seychelles 1976 Solomon Islands 1978 Tuvalu 1978 (joined as special member; full member since 2000) Dominica 1978 Kiribati 1979 Saint Lucia 1979 Saint Vincent ...