Vulnerable meaning

  1. Examples of "Vulnerable" in a Sentence
  2. Vulnerability: An Important Trait of the Emotionally Mature
  3. If You Want to See Change, You Have to Be Vulnerable
  4. Vulnerability
  5. Vulnerability: An Important Trait of the Emotionally Mature
  6. Examples of "Vulnerable" in a Sentence
  7. Vulnerability
  8. If You Want to See Change, You Have to Be Vulnerable
  9. If You Want to See Change, You Have to Be Vulnerable
  10. Vulnerability: An Important Trait of the Emotionally Mature

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Examples of "Vulnerable" in a Sentence

As an advocate his sharpness and rapidity of insight gave him a formidable advantage in the detection of the weaknesses of a witness and the vulnerable points of his opponent's case, while he grouped his own arguments with an admirable eye to effect, especially excelling in eloquent closing appeals to a jury. Katie bit back the words she wanted to say. Toby was too small to protect anyone, and she couldn't help feeling panic stir again at the thought that now he – and Deidre – were now as vulnerable as she was to the demons. The thought of Rhyn being close made her body warm from the inside out. Maybe, if she could find him …the cry of a demon overhead drew her attention.

Vulnerability: An Important Trait of the Emotionally Mature

Share on Pinterest Tony Anderson/Getty Images Opening up to others can be difficult, but you might have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships if you remain closed off. Some level of vulnerability is required to have healthy relationships. Being vulnerable can be challenging, and you may face barriers, but it can be worth letting someone know your genuine thoughts and feelings. If you cope with life’s challenges by bottling it all up, you may be festering resentment or expressing emotions in unhealthy ways. Vulnerability can provide a sense of belonging and is essential to the human experience. If you learn your barriers to openness, you can take steps to overcome them and may even enjoy a better sense of connection with others. When you think about vulnerability, you may have a negative perception. But being vulnerable with others is a sign of honesty and When you’re vulnerable, you can build trust with others by being transparent and • readily admit mistakes • apologize when you’re wrong • Vulnerability could be defined as a willingness to take a risk to show emotions and provide honest expression despite fears. It can be challenging for some people to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is essential for various reasons: Increasing intimacy A Increasing trust Strengthening trust is another essential piece of showing vulnerability. A While you don’t know that every person you trust can respect your vulnerability, it may show you that your relationship is trustworthy if...

If You Want to See Change, You Have to Be Vulnerable

People are talking a lot about vulnerability these days due in no small part to the research of Brené Brown, her books and TED Talks. We both love vulnerability and fear it. We absolutely love to see raw truth displayed by others but are afraid to let others see it in us. Vulnerability is a two-edged sword that can cut both ways. It is only when we are most vulnerable that we can experience the connection with God and others that we were designed for, but it is also exactly when we are most vulnerable that we can get hurt the most. But vulnerability is not just being open. Think of people who say, “Ask me anything,” or “I’m an open book.” But these statements don’t really draw you to them, and they don’t make you want to take your clothes off and jump in the truth or dare pool with them either. These people are open about the facts of their lives (and the lives of others) but don’t really make themselves vulnerable. They don’t expose themselves to the possibility of getting hurt. The real truth is, they aren’t really being vulnerable if you can’t get hurt in the process. Openness used in this way is not about connecting with other people—it’s about getting attention. Vulnerability is taking the risk to expose yourself emotionally. It feels uncertain, but there is no other path to the most meaningful experiences you will ever have. We were created for the purpose of connection to God and others, and vulnerability is the requirement for achieving that purpose. Vulnerability ...


Poet David Whyte (2015) captures this existential truth compellingly: "VULNERABILITY is not a weakness, a passing indisposition, or something we can arrange to do without, vulnerability is not a choice , vulnerability is the underlying, ever present and abiding under-current of our natural state. To run from vulnerability is to run from the essence of our nature, the attempt to be invulnerable is the vain attempt to be something we are not and most especially, to close off our understanding of the "To have a temporary, isolated sense of power over all events and circumstances, is one of the privileges and the prime conceits of being human and especially of being youthfully human, but a privilege that must be surrendered with that same youth, with ill health, with accident, with the loss of loved ones who do not share our untouchable powers; powers eventually and most emphatically given up, as we approach our last breath. The only choice we have as we mature is how we inhabit our vulnerability, how we become larger and more courageous and more compassionate through our

Vulnerability: An Important Trait of the Emotionally Mature

Share on Pinterest Tony Anderson/Getty Images Opening up to others can be difficult, but you might have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships if you remain closed off. Some level of vulnerability is required to have healthy relationships. Being vulnerable can be challenging, and you may face barriers, but it can be worth letting someone know your genuine thoughts and feelings. If you cope with life’s challenges by bottling it all up, you may be festering resentment or expressing emotions in unhealthy ways. Vulnerability can provide a sense of belonging and is essential to the human experience. If you learn your barriers to openness, you can take steps to overcome them and may even enjoy a better sense of connection with others. When you think about vulnerability, you may have a negative perception. But being vulnerable with others is a sign of honesty and When you’re vulnerable, you can build trust with others by being transparent and • readily admit mistakes • apologize when you’re wrong • Vulnerability could be defined as a willingness to take a risk to show emotions and provide honest expression despite fears. It can be challenging for some people to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is essential for various reasons: Increasing intimacy A Increasing trust Strengthening trust is another essential piece of showing vulnerability. A While you don’t know that every person you trust can respect your vulnerability, it may show you that your relationship is trustworthy if...

Examples of "Vulnerable" in a Sentence

As an advocate his sharpness and rapidity of insight gave him a formidable advantage in the detection of the weaknesses of a witness and the vulnerable points of his opponent's case, while he grouped his own arguments with an admirable eye to effect, especially excelling in eloquent closing appeals to a jury. Katie bit back the words she wanted to say. Toby was too small to protect anyone, and she couldn't help feeling panic stir again at the thought that now he – and Deidre – were now as vulnerable as she was to the demons. The thought of Rhyn being close made her body warm from the inside out. Maybe, if she could find him …the cry of a demon overhead drew her attention.


Poet David Whyte (2015) captures this existential truth compellingly: "VULNERABILITY is not a weakness, a passing indisposition, or something we can arrange to do without, vulnerability is not a choice , vulnerability is the underlying, ever present and abiding under-current of our natural state. To run from vulnerability is to run from the essence of our nature, the attempt to be invulnerable is the vain attempt to be something we are not and most especially, to close off our understanding of the "To have a temporary, isolated sense of power over all events and circumstances, is one of the privileges and the prime conceits of being human and especially of being youthfully human, but a privilege that must be surrendered with that same youth, with ill health, with accident, with the loss of loved ones who do not share our untouchable powers; powers eventually and most emphatically given up, as we approach our last breath. The only choice we have as we mature is how we inhabit our vulnerability, how we become larger and more courageous and more compassionate through our

If You Want to See Change, You Have to Be Vulnerable

People are talking a lot about vulnerability these days due in no small part to the research of Brené Brown, her books and TED Talks. We both love vulnerability and fear it. We absolutely love to see raw truth displayed by others but are afraid to let others see it in us. Vulnerability is a two-edged sword that can cut both ways. It is only when we are most vulnerable that we can experience the connection with God and others that we were designed for, but it is also exactly when we are most vulnerable that we can get hurt the most. But vulnerability is not just being open. Think of people who say, “Ask me anything,” or “I’m an open book.” But these statements don’t really draw you to them, and they don’t make you want to take your clothes off and jump in the truth or dare pool with them either. These people are open about the facts of their lives (and the lives of others) but don’t really make themselves vulnerable. They don’t expose themselves to the possibility of getting hurt. The real truth is, they aren’t really being vulnerable if you can’t get hurt in the process. Openness used in this way is not about connecting with other people—it’s about getting attention. Vulnerability is taking the risk to expose yourself emotionally. It feels uncertain, but there is no other path to the most meaningful experiences you will ever have. We were created for the purpose of connection to God and others, and vulnerability is the requirement for achieving that purpose. Vulnerability ...

If You Want to See Change, You Have to Be Vulnerable

People are talking a lot about vulnerability these days due in no small part to the research of Brené Brown, her books and TED Talks. We both love vulnerability and fear it. We absolutely love to see raw truth displayed by others but are afraid to let others see it in us. Vulnerability is a two-edged sword that can cut both ways. It is only when we are most vulnerable that we can experience the connection with God and others that we were designed for, but it is also exactly when we are most vulnerable that we can get hurt the most. But vulnerability is not just being open. Think of people who say, “Ask me anything,” or “I’m an open book.” But these statements don’t really draw you to them, and they don’t make you want to take your clothes off and jump in the truth or dare pool with them either. These people are open about the facts of their lives (and the lives of others) but don’t really make themselves vulnerable. They don’t expose themselves to the possibility of getting hurt. The real truth is, they aren’t really being vulnerable if you can’t get hurt in the process. Openness used in this way is not about connecting with other people—it’s about getting attention. Vulnerability is taking the risk to expose yourself emotionally. It feels uncertain, but there is no other path to the most meaningful experiences you will ever have. We were created for the purpose of connection to God and others, and vulnerability is the requirement for achieving that purpose. Vulnerability ...

Vulnerability: An Important Trait of the Emotionally Mature

Share on Pinterest Tony Anderson/Getty Images Opening up to others can be difficult, but you might have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships if you remain closed off. Some level of vulnerability is required to have healthy relationships. Being vulnerable can be challenging, and you may face barriers, but it can be worth letting someone know your genuine thoughts and feelings. If you cope with life’s challenges by bottling it all up, you may be festering resentment or expressing emotions in unhealthy ways. Vulnerability can provide a sense of belonging and is essential to the human experience. If you learn your barriers to openness, you can take steps to overcome them and may even enjoy a better sense of connection with others. When you think about vulnerability, you may have a negative perception. But being vulnerable with others is a sign of honesty and When you’re vulnerable, you can build trust with others by being transparent and • readily admit mistakes • apologize when you’re wrong • Vulnerability could be defined as a willingness to take a risk to show emotions and provide honest expression despite fears. It can be challenging for some people to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is essential for various reasons: Increasing intimacy A Increasing trust Strengthening trust is another essential piece of showing vulnerability. A While you don’t know that every person you trust can respect your vulnerability, it may show you that your relationship is trustworthy if...