What is cytoplasm

  1. Cytoplasm Lesson for Kids: Definition & Function
  2. What is Cytoplasm?
  3. Cytoplasm Function & Role

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Cytoplasm Lesson for Kids: Definition & Function

Think about a bathtub full of toys. When the bathtub does not have any water in it, all the toys are all laying at the bottom of the tub. When you add water, the toys can float or move around in the water. Cytoplasm provides a structure for the cell like the water does for the toys in the tub. You can also think of cytoplasm like water in a water balloon. Without the water, the balloon would not have a shape - it would just be flat. This is just like your cells without cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is mostly made of salt and water. Although it is not quite as salty as seawater, the cell has to be careful to keep the right balance of salt in the cytoplasm in order to provide a good environment for the other parts of the cell. This is why you drink water and eat salt in your food. Your cells need this salt and water to regulate the cell. Next time you eat a salty snack, and then reach for something to drink, you can remember that you are helping your body's cells stay healthy. • • 4:55 • • 3:04 • • • 2:28 • 3:56 • 3:15 • 3:45 • 2:45 • 3:17 • • 2:29 • Next Lesson Cytoskeleton Lesson for Kids • • 3:09 • 3:19 • 3:09 • 2:53 • 2:21 • 3:18 • 2:33 • 3:30 • • 3:09 • • • 2:54 • 2:52 • • • • • • 3:52 • 3:10 • • 3:28 • • 2:56 • • 3:34 • • 4:06 • • 3:29 • 4:49 • • 3:12 • 3:13 • 2:30 • • • • • 2:51 • 3:02 • 3:03 • • Go to

What is Cytoplasm?

In a cell, the Cytoplasm is the most essential part as it performs various functions and offers multiple benefits to all the components located inside. If you want to learn more about this component of the cell, then you are in the right place. As here in the article below, we are going to provide a comprehensive description of the Cytoplasm structure, Cytoplasm function, and many more. What is a Cytoplasm? The cytoplasm is generally defined as the liquid that fills the cell, as it contains various cell components such as Ions, Macro Molecular Structures, Proteins, Organelles, Filaments, etc while encompassing the cytosol. However, unlike the other liquids in the cells, the Cytoplasm is a glass-forming liquid. Moreover, the functions of cytoplasm vary for both Eukaryotic as well as Prokaryotic cells. For instance, in eukaryotic cells, the cytoplasm contains all the components except the nucleus, while in prokaryotic cells, the cytoplasm contains the genetic material of the cell. Structure of Cytoplasm Now that we understood what a Cytoplasm is? Let us now discuss in detail the Structure of Cytoplasm. Firstly, as you already know, from the diagram of cytoplasm above you can find out that the cell generally consists of three main structures, such as the Cytoplasm, Nucleus, and Plasma Membrane. The Cytoplasm being an essential part of the cell contains all the important components of the cell in its jelly-like structure adjoining the cell or plasma membrane as well as the nuc...

Cytoplasm Function & Role

What is Cytoplasm? Cell theory states that all organisms are made of cells. Cells are the smallest unit of life. An organism can be single-celled or multicellular. Cells can have differing "jobs" but cells have similar structures within them. Cells contain organelles which are the structures that do specific jobs within the cell (much like organs within the human body). The cytoplasm is everything that is within the cell itself except for the nucleus. Organelles The cell contains the following organelles: nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, mitochondria, lysosome, and peroxisomes. • The nucleus contains the genetic information (DNA and RNA), as well as being the site of DNA replication and transcription. • The endoplasmic reticulum is often broken into two sections, the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is the site of translation in the cell due to the presence of ribosomes. The • The • Mitochondria the site of energy conversion into a usable form. The rest of the organelles listed are used for the breakdown of macromolecules. • Lysosomes the site of breakdown for old cell structures and endocytosed material. • Peroxisomes-break down toxic materials produced inside the cell. Cellular Structures Cells not only contain organelles, but they also contain structures that are not considered organelles but still have functions within the cell. These structures are as follows: ribosomes, vesicles, cytosk...